2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

Yes- clickbait.
Hardware is easily replaced
America (and other countries) has been bringing in nuclear equipped ships and probably planes for ages- its nothing new. NZ ( New Zealand) still doesn't allow them i think?

Anyway as i said has nothing to do with the post i made.

Whenever i think NZ and nuclear i always have a chuckle at the fkn French sinking the Rainbow warrior..fkn idiots.
“Hardware is easily replaced” to what effect?
By the way:
The terms of our Joint Communiqué dictate the fundamental basis of Australia's one China policy – the Australian Government does not recognise the ROC as a sovereign state and does not regard the authorities in Taiwan as having the status of a national government.
That is very much along official position of almost every country. Officially, cause we’re all China’s bitch, it’s their requirement for diplomatic relations. Really nothing to be proud of or emphasize in bold nor does it separate Australia from the nation you hate and might have to save you from China some day. In fact:

”Formerly classified Australian documents—reproduced in an official documents volume of 2002 commemorating the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations [Joint Communiqué]—show clearly that Australia refused to sign a document endorsing China’s claim to Taiwan, and that it did so quite deliberately. Indeed, the sentence about Taiwan was the subject of considerable haggling and disagreement between the two sides during what was an otherwise amiable negotiating process.

The documents volume is available online, as it has been for many years yet few who talk at length about the bilateral relationship appear to have read it.”

As for Taiwan being itsy bitsy tiny, population size is nearly the same as Australia.
“Hardware is easily replaced” to what effect?

Look if the one thing you got out of that post of mine was about what can and cannot carry a nuclear weapon then I'm out. Is not the first B52 to fly in Australia.
Its clickbait.

It also had nothing to do with the post i made.
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That is very much along official position of almost every country. Officially, cause we’re all China’s bitch, it’s their requirement for diplomatic relations. Really nothing to be proud of or emphasize in bold nor does it separate Australia from the nation you hate and might have to save you from China some day. In fact:

”Formerly classified Australian documents—reproduced in an official documents volume of 2002 commemorating the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations [Joint Communiqué]—show clearly that Australia refused to sign a document endorsing China’s claim to Taiwan, and that it did so quite deliberately. Indeed, the sentence about Taiwan was the subject of considerable haggling and disagreement between the two sides during what was an otherwise amiable negotiating process.

The documents volume is available online, as it has been for many years yet few who talk at length about the bilateral relationship appear to have read it.”

As for Taiwan being itsy bitsy tiny, population size is nearly the same as Australia.
Australian will do what's best for its national interests at the time. Like any county will always do. Taiwan's a speck in the ocean off Chinas coast. I understand why America likes its position.

Size of Australia compared to Taiwan - MyLifeElsewhere.com
https://www.mylifeelsewhere.com › australia › taiwan

Taiwan is approximately 35,980 sq km, while Australia is approximately 7,741,220 sq km, making Australia 21,415% larger than Taiwan.

New York is about 3.4 times bigger than Taiwan.
Taiwan is approximately 35,980 sq km, while New York is approximately 122,283 sq km, making New York 240% larger than Taiwan. Meanwhile, the population of Taiwan is ~23.6 million people (4.2 million fewer people live in New York).
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Size of Australia compared to Taiwan - MyLifeElsewhere.com
https://www.mylifeelsewhere.com › australia › taiwan

Taiwan is approximately 35,980 sq km, while Australia is approximately 7,741,220 sq km, making Australia 21,415% larger than Taiwan.

New York is about 3.4 times bigger than Taiwan.
Taiwan is approximately 35,980 sq km, while New York is approximately 122,283 sq km, making New York 240% larger than Taiwan. Meanwhile, the population of Taiwan is ~23.6 million people (4.2 million fewer people live in New York).

I couldn't imagine living in a crowded city or country for that matter like Taiwan must be. Those hordes of people all packed together like sardines would have me run screaming for the hills. Give me the wide open spaces or the mountains somewhere with lots of fishable streams.

Always wanted to go to NZ and even inquired about emigrating there or Aus 30 years ago once I graduated chemistry. If I had of been single or even with a wife that had some skills that wanted to go maybe but we had 2 little ones so wouldn't fly.

Fly fishing brown trout in NZ would be a good way to finish my days. :)

I couldn't imagine living in a crowded city or country for that matter like Taiwan must be. Those hordes of people all packed together like sardines would have me run screaming for the hills. Give me the wide open spaces or the mountains somewhere with lots of fishable streams.

Always wanted to go to NZ and even inquired about emigrating there or Aus 30 years ago once I graduated chemistry. If I had of been single or even with a wife that had some skills that wanted to go maybe but we had 2 little ones so wouldn't fly.

Fly fishing brown trout in NZ would be a good way to finish my days. :)

I couldn't do it either. Just the smell would be unpleasant and constant.

They talk funny in NZ...
Floating around the Bay of Islands in NZ in summer is on my bucket list.

Look if the one thing you got out of that post of mine was about what can and cannot carry a nuclear weapon then I'm out. Is not the first B52 to fly in Australia.
Its clickbait.

It also had nothing to do with the post i made.
You made a hyperbolic claim that a biplane could drop a nuke, in reference to B-52s showing up in Aus.

That is nonsense. First, no air force is operating a biplane.
Second, you can’t just hang a US nuke off a random airframe. It has to be suitably equipped. I’m not considering pipedreams like nuclear IEDs.
Elect democrats and you will get a solution to this bullshit and a domestic terrorist watch list, elect republicans and it will get worse. If the "right people" are counting the votes and running the elections, they will be just fine. If the "wrong people" are counting the votes and running the elections, then the death threats will never stop. The government will be helpless to do anything about it and the FBI will get tired of appearing before congress every time they bust one of them.

It is already legal to intimidate votes with guns in some states, while giving them water is illegal when they stand in hours long lines because there are regularly too few voting machines and other "problems" in their districts. Meanwhile in other whiter or richer, or red areas, it's just walk in and vote with no lines and no hassles. State's Rights, to be fascist states inside the USA and in violation of its founding ethos and constitution in many cases.

Russian oligarch linked to Putin says he interfered in US elections
A Russian oligarch with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday he interfered in U.S. elections, despite past denials, and vowed to do so again.
Yevgeny Prigozhin, called “Putin’s chef” due to his catering contracts with the Russian government, went back on repeated claims that he had not interfered with U.S. elections, saying he interfered “surgically.”

“We have interfered, are interfering and will continue to interfere,” Prigozhin said in comments posted to social media on the eve of the elections, The Associated Press reported. “Carefully, precisely, surgically and in our own way.”

The businessman said that “During our pinpoint operations, we will remove both kidneys and the liver at once,” adding that he would “allow a certain ambiguity” in his comments and choosing not to elaborate on the surgical metaphor.

Prigozhin is the Russian financier behind the St. Petersburg-based “troll farm” previously known as the Internet Research Agency. The Treasury Department sanctioned Prigozhin, along with the three companies he owns, in March for his attempts to interfere with elections.

“Prigozhin directs the generation of content to denigrate the U.S. electoral process and funds Russian interference efforts while also attempting to evade sanctions by standing up front and shell companies both in and outside of Russia,” the department said at the time, with assets and property owned by the businessman in the U.S. frozen or cut off from use.