I heard from him today actually. He mentioned it’s been tough battling the MS lately but seems to be getting better and is trying to get caught up.
I mentioned the germ rates in older stuff and he offered these tips:
“I would say use 50/50 h2o2 3% and tap water soaking for 30 mins you can use a air stone or not. After 30 mins Pat dry and use paper towel method. Using heating pad for 24 hours then turn off or it invites mold and fungi. after 3 days help remove shells and sow in sterilized soil. Use turkey bag or oven bags. Sterilize soil in microwave 3 times 3 minutes with the last 3 minutes with twist tie applied. The idea is enough moisture in soil to steam and sterilize the harmful pathogens. Avoid rooters or cubes, place soil on particle board soil starter trays which you fill with sterilized soil. Slightly moisten after sowing seeds. Place in well lit window or under T5 fluorescent lights with small fan blowing over trays so mold and pests don’t get established and you avoid damn off.”