Fascism and the Republican Party

Democrats are communist and Republicans are fascist. Biden is the dumbest piece of shit to ever run this country, just look at how much more everything costs , food, gas, heating oil has all doubled since we lost trump....hmmm
Inflation and gas prices are high internationally and beyond the governments control, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is causing a world food crisis and that is a global commodity, like oil. Nice try though, it's hard to believe someone can be so ignorant in the information age. You must watch Foxnews! :lol:
omg smh......this is fucking un-real.....

if ya get a chance, let me see that twitter vid so i can have a good laugh of the day...ok
It is in the body of that story.

Democrats are communist and Republicans are fascist. Biden is the dumbest piece of shit to ever run this country, just look at how much more everything costs , food, gas, heating oil has all doubled since we lost trump....hmmm
Why look at just that?

Is it because when you look at things like the record job gains since Biden took office and him and the Democrats once again bailed out a devastated economy that the Republicans left behind? Because looking at anything other than inflation blows the Republican narrative that somehow it is not their fault for blowing up our deficit un Trump, hammering our economy multiple times (China trade war, crappy covid response leading to the most jobs lost in American history, Trump 'negotiating' with MBS and Putin to cut oil production to help the oil companies/dictators make a killing, Massive tax cuts for the rich, grift plentiful covid package, etc), so I can understand why the spam is highlighting that one thing.
Democrats are communist and Republicans are fascist. Biden is the dumbest piece of shit to ever run this country, just look at how much more everything costs , food, gas, heating oil has all doubled since we lost trump....hmmm

Can DeSantis commute his sentence and turn him into a he-ro for the right?
When does propaganda become stochastic terrorism, as evidenced by this incident and Pelosi, not to mention the death threats and acts of violence against thousands of elections officials and poll workers? Now it's judges and jurors too who are and will be threatened.

Perhaps locking up the terrorist and putting them on a watch list might be a better idea than locking up the politicans and public officials brave enough to serve? Islam lets the perverts run loose and locks up the women, look how its working out for them. Likewise, America lets the gun nuts roam free and locks up the school kids. It allows voters to be intimidated with guns and makes it illegal to give them water while waiting in line, aid and comfort to the ENEMY, I guess. Who passes laws like this that are really only used in war, aid and comfort to the enemy?

"homeland security" sounds like another name for the FSB, the Checka, The KGB, the THOUGHT POLICE....this is just more proof that the whole "department" needs to go, it's done not a god damn thing but eat funding since it was conceived.


ain't it kinda funny that they're the only ones talking about their "accomplishments"...
that no outside independent source corroborates any of it?
Breaking laws to destroy election integrity and they don't see any irony in that at all. Clueless people should be nowhere near the election system.

An election commission deputy illegally requested and mailed fake ballots to the state House election commission chair, an election denier, who files a suit to do what was already in the protocol. Stupidity and fascism on steroids.
just another reason ALL elections should be under the same FEDERAL rules, and administered by the same FEDERAL committee.
States can't seem to cooperate on a fucking thing, and can't provide the security necessary. make all election workers temporary federal employs, and any threat or assault against them would be a federal crime, with real penalties, investigated by the FBI...
Inflation and gas prices are high internationally and beyond the governments control, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is causing a world food crisis and that is a global commodity, like oil. Nice try though, it's hard to believe someone can be so ignorant in the information age. You must watch Foxnews! :lol:
don't waste time on an obvious troll, just let him get tired of being ignored and fuck off
Can DeSantis commute his sentence and turn him into a he-ro for the right?
When does propaganda become stochastic terrorism, as evidenced by this incident and Pelosi, not to mention the death threats and acts of violence against thousands of elections officials and poll workers? Now it's judges and jurors too who are and will be threatened.

Perhaps locking up the terrorist and putting them on a watch list might be a better idea than locking up the politicans and public officials brave enough to serve? Islam lets the perverts run loose and locks up the women, look how its working out for them. Likewise, America lets the gun nuts roam free and locks up the school kids. It allows voters to be intimidated with guns and makes it illegal to give them water while waiting in line, aid and comfort to the ENEMY, I guess. Who passes laws like this that are really only used in war, aid and comfort to the enemy?

teach the fucker's kids that daddy fucked up.
let them visit him in prison for a few years.
and even more importantly, teach the other fucking assholes out there that being a douchebag has a price.
Why are all the mentally unstable people republicans? Is it a spectrum that goes from crazy, to anti-social, to bigoty and other character flaws? Half the population being emotionally fucked up one way or another sounds about right and it increases along with the stress they are perceiving. Being stressed out can turn nice people into assholes, but it has a bigger effect on the mentally unstable and weak minded. Does having a poor education or poor grasp on the true nature of reality make them vulnerable to this simple-minded transparent bullshit that most children can see through?

WTF was this lunatic doing with a gun? Did he threaten others and the cops ignored it because he was a good ole boy on the right side of politics? Something tells me this lunatic has a history and previous contact with the law.

Why are all the mentally unstable people republicans? Is it a spectrum that goes from crazy, to anti-social, to bigoty and other character flaws? Half the population being emotionally fucked up one way or another sounds about right and it increases along with the stress they are perceiving. Being stressed out can turn nice people into assholes, but it has a bigger effect on the mentally unstable and weak minded. Does having a poor education or poor grasp on the true nature of reality make them vulnerable to this simple-minded transparent bullshit that most children can see through?

WTF was this lunatic doing with a gun? Did he threaten others and the cops ignored it because he was a good ole boy on the right side of politics? Something tells me this lunatic has a history and previous contact with the law.

again, VERY publicly nail this motherfucker to the wall, give him the maximum sentence, and publicly shame him while you're doing it...do NOTHING to encourage other fucking idiotic nutballs to emulate this asshole.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/08/justice-department-monitors-florida-desantis/Screen Shot 2022-11-08 at 12.49.37 PM.png
The DeSantis administration is attempting to block Department of Justice election monitors from gaining access to polling places in South Florida, saying in a letter that the federal government’s involvement would be “counterproductive” and in violation of state law.

On Monday, the Justice Department announced that it would send federal monitors to 64 jurisdictions nationwide to monitor how elections are being conducted. Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties were all slated to receive federal monitors from the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.

But Brad McVay, the chief counsel for the Florida Department of State, said in a letter issued late Monday that those monitors would not be allowed inside polling places under Florida law.

McVay said the Florida secretary of state’s office — which Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis oversees — would instead send its own monitors to those three counties, which are among the most Democratic-leaning counties in Florida.

“Florida statutes list the people who ‘may enter any polling room or polling place,’” McVay wrote. “Department of Justice personnel are not included on the list.”

Justice Dept. dispatching Election Day monitors to 64 jurisdictions

The Justice Department said Tuesday that it had received the DeSantis administration’s letter and still has election monitors stationed outside polling locations in Florida.

Although Florida law has an exception allowing law enforcement to enter polling sites, McVay said Justice Department monitors do not qualify.

“Absent some evidence concerning the need for federal intrusion, or some federal statute that preempts Florida law, the presence of federal law enforcement inside polling places would be counterproductive and could potentially undermine confidence in the election,” McVay wrote.

“None of the counties are currently subject to any election-related federal consent decrees,” McVay added. “None of the counties have been accused of violating the rights of language or racial minorities or of the elderly or disabled.”

The Justice Department said in a news release announcing the monitoring locations that it has observed local election procedures nationwide since 1965.

Republicans have waged a sustained campaign against alleged voter fraud over the past two years, despite scant
of fraud in the 2020 election, and as threats against politicians, their families and election workers have spiked around the country.

Election officials in battleground states are anticipating delayed results and protracted fights once the polls close Tuesday night.

Separately, Missouri officials on Friday denied the Justice Department’s request to conduct routine inspections under the Americans With Disabilities Act and Voting Rights Act at polling places on Election Day. Secretary of State John Ashcroft (R) reiterated that stance in a meeting Monday.

He told The Washington Post that the Justice Department’s presence amounted to a bid to “bully a local election authority” and could “intimidate and suppress the vote.”

Ashcroft and Cole County Clerk Steve Korsmeyer (R) told federal officials that they would not be permitted to observe polling places Tuesday.

“This is not the Voting Rights Act. This is the Americans With Disabilities Act. What’s next? They’re going to want to be at elections because they want to check that insulation in the building was purchased from China in the 1970s? Give me a break,” Ashcroft said in a phone interview.

He compared Justice Department officials from the U.S. attorney’s office of the Western District of Missouri to “jackbooted thugs” and to armed individuals in Arizona who have been seen patrolling ballot drop boxes.

“I think we’ve already had lawsuits around the country about individuals around polling places,” Ashcroft said. “And they were told that they had to stay away from them because they could intimidate voters.” Justice Department officials last observed Missouri elections in 2016 at polling places in St. Louis.

FBI special agents serving as election crime coordinators will also be on duty in the bureau’s 56 field offices to receive voting-related complaints from the public, according to the Justice Department. Employees in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division will also operate a hotline all day on Election Day, answering calls from people who spot possible violations of federal voting rights laws.
it's time to piss in this cocksucker's cheerios...when we win the senate and probably the house as well, it's time for some federal election reforms to state elections. there has to be consistency across the board, there has to be federally enforced rules every state has to follow, and there has to be complete transparency...they've had their chance to run shit right, and fucked up big time, now it's time for them to shut the fuck up and get out of the way.
totally agree, DOJ over here is watching our election very closely as well....Abbutt is prolly shitting bricks now and the rest of the gang......
the DOJ should just walk into those polling places in Fl with armed backup, let depantis take em to court. they have to learn that they're part of a union of states, and that sometimes mean you have to all play by the same rules...or at the very least, that you aren't allowed to change the rules on a daily basis to suit yourself