Co2 gas type

Am I the only person running a co2 generator intermittently throughout the day I'm just a rookie here first grow but I spent 100 bucks on Ammy and I love it, I read don't keep inside the tent with the ladies but can keep across the room.

That's an ozone generator so your air will smell better and you can fry the stomata on your plants leaves but no CO2 there.

Will rot your lungs if you spend a lot of time in there with it running. I have a couple like that.

Am I the only person running a co2 generator intermittently throughout the day I'm just a rookie here first grow but I spent 100 bucks on Ammy and I love it, I read don't keep inside the tent with the ladies but can keep across the room.

I ran a propane burner a while back during a cold winter, I still had good airflow so it wasn't a closed room, it was a good grow not sure if it helped gas-wise or not as I needed the extra heat, when plants are going good they go good when everything is in range, the trick is getting top results all year round one after the other.
C02 refills are only $12 here for a #20’r.
Everyone should be using some sort of c02 sensor in a basement or enclosed environments.

I don’t think I would be able to fall asleep with an open flame in my grow. Definitely wouldn’t feel okay if I went off to work and left the wife n kids alone with it. Maybe if I had an automatic sprinkler system ready to go I would be comfortable.
Well I'm still learning.... thanks for the education, guess when I pull my foot out my mouth I'll use sugar yeast water in 2 bottles method
Don’t waste your time. C02 addition isn’t needed and should be the last thing to dial in for your grow. Yeast set ups are a waste of money and time. Those mushroom bags are just as bad.

if your grow space is in the same room as a person or if it’s in a basement you probably will be pleasantly surprised that your c02 levels are already higher than normal.
I'm always babying and breathing on my ladies, frequently I like to open the patio door let in fresh air (screened door) I thought the qdded co2 would allow me to have more DLI aka more watering and nutes absorbed I appreciate you helping me to understand to focus my efforts elsewhere, have a good day - The Rook
I'm always babying and breathing on my ladies, frequently I like to open the patio door let in fresh air (screened door) I thought the qdded co2 would allow me to have more DLI aka more watering and nutes absorbed I appreciate you helping me to understand to focus my efforts elsewhere, have a good day - The Rook
Chase that VPD. It’ll help you understand the more important variables and how they interact.

Chase that VPD. It’ll help you understand the more important variables and how they interact.

And when that is dialled in then look at Co2 enrichment, growing is just the same as a machine, there are good running lawnmowers, and there is F1 race cars, it all depends on how precise you want to go and how much performance you want which has a diminishing point, its easy to make a small adjustment on a lawnmower and make a good gain, when looking at the F1 end a lot of adjustment gives a fractional gain to a supercharged yield.
I'm going to try using a portable tankless on demand propane water heater soon. If it goes according to plan, it will be like having a water cooled co2 burner, keeping the heat out of the room. Not only that, but I can store the hot water produced, and radiate it back into the floors during the winter, or out to greenhouse, etc.

Not even sure It will cycle long enough to make a lot of heat. Probably just end up being the best water cooled burner you can buy, lol.
My light intensity is 100 percent however my Par is at 400 - 500 max using photone I've tried dialing that in everything seems to finally be on track bit even with NPS I'm still finding flys landing on my leaves ...???? Just bought 2 more for other areas of my house and fly sticky traps, pretty sure the bugs attacking my leaves are gone but I'm still disappointed to see whatever type fly this is, hopefully it's just a house fly I don't know my flys but just had 10 autos pop and I want to switch to flower finally but I refuse till I can eliminate 100 percent bugs and then wash off my girls.

I've kept exhaust off for 2 days and control house hold temp so plants still stay cool and at bedtime I dim lights 75 percent they have had 24 hrs their entire life cycle

The fly is swooping in like a hawk, to feed on all the dead bugs from the no pest strip. Little buzzer probably holds its breath, like you should be doing around those chemicals. lol
Pahpah you sure know your stuff .... that's actually the ONLY bug I'd ever found under my leaves was 4 mini super small catipillers I'd only found on 1 of 7 and boy have I spent hours laying under each plant looking even using my phones camera zoomed in since a good phone quality camera but I was still finding new leave damage it had me BEWILDERED thank you for your time,


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Just an update.

Got it all setup and working, the problem Ive had is my small aircon struggles with all the lights on when its really hot outside, we are in summer now, anyway what Ive done is have the aircon, humidifier and gas on with 1/2 the lights on for 6 hrs during the heat of the day, and then all that switches of at night and I full vent the room through the 12 hr night so I can run all the lights, working great and keeping the room at a constant 27celcius lights on and 23 lights off. This is with outside temps hitting 36 to 40-celsius day and night 23 Celsius.

Its a bit of muck around and I only get to gas for 6hrs but it will do through summer, during the rest of the year I feel I can gas throughout lights on, cant increase aircon size because Im right on power limits.
Just an update.

Got it all setup and working, the problem Ive had is my small aircon struggles with all the lights on when its really hot outside, we are in summer now, anyway what Ive done is have the aircon, humidifier and gas on with 1/2 the lights on for 6 hrs during the heat of the day, and then all that switches of at night and I full vent the room through the 12 hr night so I can run all the lights, working great and keeping the room at a constant 27celcius lights on and 23 lights off. This is with outside temps hitting 36 to 40-celsius day and night 23 Celsius.

Its a bit of muck around and I only get to gas for 6hrs but it will do through summer, during the rest of the year I feel I can gas throughout lights on, cant increase aircon size because Im right on power limits.
Why not run the lights at night?