I can't remember if that switch is light-up or not on the heater, but either way, I have mine taped over with black gaffer's tape in the on position. I like that lil' heater...doesn't get so hot that I worry about anything melting or burning and has kept my tent at a good temperature with lights off. Doesn't use enough power to be noticeable on my bill.
I think most 1L humidifiers that don't have an electronic control (think switch to turn it on and knob for how much vapor) will work for you.
This is the humidifier I have:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084NWS196 I picked the pink one because it's about 5$ cheaper than the blue or grey one and IDGAF what color it is. The knob, right of center turns off any lights it has (left of center turns them on).
I was using the Inkbird IHC-200
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01J1E5LWM/ for the controller, but would probably opt for the WIFI version if I needed another. I've moved to the AC-Infinity smart outlet
https://acinfinity.com/hydroponics-...is-control-plug-for-outlet-powered-equipment/ to control the humidifier when I upgraded to the AC-I Controller 69Pro. One less controller, one less sensor in the tent and the Controller 69Pro lets you trigger the humidifier by VPD if you want (which I like).