Fan leaves turning yellow/brown during flower

It's likely holding too much water and not draining properly then. Meaning, salt build-up is a high chance. It's likely an aeration problem. Then you have those cold temps making any current issue worse off.
Overwatering and overfeeding is so common in newer growers and it's most often caused by inadequate aeration at the rootzone.
Newer growers have to fluff their potting mixes out with perlite. It is so much more forgiving, and allows for a lot more user error before things take a really bad turn.

Are you amending your potting mix with some perlite? If no, I promise you'll have a much easier time if you do.

Yep, you nailed it. Aeration and fox farm soil has been a problem for me. In fact, I'm growing a plant now and stuck a chopstick into the soil last night. It was like concrete deep in the pot, not good !

When I transplant to my final pot I plan to add more perlite, rice hulls, or maybe a mix of light warrior soil to hopefully get better aeration.

I dont want to hijack this thread though, but thanks for the advice. I'll figure out a way to fix the soil compaction/ aeration issue.
Ok I flushed with 6 gallons of water. My tap water is a ph of 7.4 and the runoff was 6.8. I’m going to let them drain into the self watering base and let the soil dry out a little. Should I wait a week before feeding with half the recommended dose?

Your call here, I'd let her dry out and give a mild dose of nutrients next feeding to see how she does. It sounds like your PH is in an exceptable range for flower. Good luck ! I hope those buds fatten up nicely in the next few weeks. Go easy on the Tiger Bloom ! You can go full dose on the Big Bloom, that stuff is great and is very hard to over do....
I was thinking about trying build a soil version 3 for my next grow. Anyone have any experience with it?

Yep, I have a few recipes I'm considering if you intersted I'll share the links.

I'm currently mixing up a hopefully new and improved Happy Frog mix now. After reading many recipes, I'll be adding Perlite, Worm castings, Rice Hulls (or anything that will lighten up the soil), and possibly dolomite lime. We'll see how it turns out. My plants been in a half gallon container for too long ! Time to transplant as soon as I get the soil improved.
Yep, I have a few recipes I'm considering if you intersted I'll share the links.

I'm currently mixing up a hopefully new and improved Happy Frog mix now. After reading many recipes, I'll be adding Perlite, Worm castings, Rice Hulls (or anything that will lighten up the soil), and possibly dolomite lime. We'll see how it turns out. My plants been in a half gallon container for too long ! Time to transplant as soon as I get the soil improved.
Yep. And add more aeration the bigger pot you go!
Only limitation should be how often you need to water...there is almost no such thing as too much aeration.
All those tiny pockets of space are so beneficial for your roots and microbe herds.

Environment is so important. Dope loves a good drink and often. But it hates sitting in water
Yep, I have a few recipes I'm considering if you intersted I'll share the links.

I'm currently mixing up a hopefully new and improved Happy Frog mix now. After reading many recipes, I'll be adding Perlite, Worm castings, Rice Hulls (or anything that will lighten up the soil), and possibly dolomite lime. We'll see how it turns out. My plants been in a half gallon container for too long ! Time to transplant as soon as I get the soil improved.
Yes please I’m new to all of this so any extra information is always appreciated
Yep. And add more aeration the bigger pot you go!
Only limitation should be how often you need to water...there is almost no such thing as too much aeration.
All those tiny pockets of space are so beneficial for your roots and microbe herds.

Environment is so important. Dope loves a good drink and often. But it hates sitting in water

Thanks, yep aeration has been my biggest problem and I know my plants aren't getting the oxygen they need. My latest chopstick test really showed me how bad the soil can get, half way down my chopstick felt like it was hitting concrete. I'll get this fixed or move to another soil before I repot.

What can be added to happy frog other than perlite to improve aeration? Rice hulls , Coco? Or should I give up on fox farm and go with something else? Pro mix, Roots organics, coast of Maine?
Yes please I’m new to all of this so any extra information is always appreciated

I'm having problems finding the soil recipe links I thought I had saved. In any case, there are many here that can help you that have much more experience than me. I'm sure a quick search here will bring up plenty of recipes

Can't wait to see your harvest!
How to Create The Perfect Super Soil Mix For Unbeatable Buds
An in-depth guide on how to create the perfect super soil mix for a massive cannabis harvest.
Growing 10 commentsGuy Sherman
How to Create The Perfect Super Soil Mix For Unbeatable Buds Cover PhotoWhen it comes to growing weed — it’s all about the soil.

Nearly all of a cannabis cultivator’s problems stem from soil issues. Since we know the root of the problem — it’s high time to teach you how to create the perfect super soil mix.

However, we’re going to show you an approach that encompasses both soil and soilless-based media. Read along to learn how to create a simple, super soil mix that bridges the gap between soil and hydroponics for stunning results.

Ready to amp up your cannabis garden in a few steps? Let’s go!
Table of Contents
Bridging The Gap Between Soil and Hydroponics
How to Create The Best Super Soil Mix For Cannabis Plants in Five Easy Steps
The Benefits of Growing Marijuana in Our Super Soil Mix
Optimized Root Zone Aeration
Enhanced Microbial Life
Natural pH Buffer
Enough Nutrient For the Grow Cycle
Lightweight and Readily Available
Perfectly Balanced For Those Who Over or Underwater Cannabis Plants
Experience Cruise Control Cannabis Cultivation With Our Super Soil Recipe
Bridging The Gap Between Soil and Hydroponics
First, let’s briefly discuss why you want to combine soil and hydro-based media to create the perfect soil mixture for weed plants.

When it comes to soil, the benefits are staggering:

Organic weed
Natural pH buffer
Beneficial microbial life enhances nutrient uptake
Retains moisture
However, soil-based media isn’t known to grow marijuana plants as fast as soilless or hydroponic-based media.

Therefore, the benefits of hydroponic-based media are:

Rapid plant growth
scale-bending yields
Optimized root aeration
However, hydroponic-oriented media isn’t as plug-and-play as soil-based media. In other words, hydroponics requires a great deal of effort, attention, and technical know-how.

Therefore, wouldn’t it be ideal to bring the best of both worlds into a hybrid super soil mix that’s optimized for cannabis?

Absolutely — which is why we’ve created this tutorial in the first place!
Coco Coir or Soil Cannabis
By combining hydro and soil into a super mix you can grow cannabis with ease.

How to Create The Best Super Soil Mix For Cannabis Plants in Five Easy Steps
Ready to grow healthy cannabis plants that unleash a torrent of buds in 7-10-weeks?

First, you’ll need to add these materials to your shopping list:

Coco coir
Bagged soil (preferably organic compost)
Bat guano
Kelp meal
Alfalfa meal
Dolomite Lime
Mycorrhizae supplement
The specific amount to purchase is dependent on the number of cannabis plants you intend to grow.

However, we’ll provide a basic recipe that will produce up to 16-gallons of super soil for your weed plants. Remember — you can always scale this recipe to suit your marijuana garden’s needs.

Super Soil Mix Amount
Step One
Cannabis Super Soil Mixing
The first step is to mix the media.


3.5-gallons of coco coir
3.5-gallons of perlite
3.5-gallons of vermiculite
5.5-gallons of bagged soil (or organic compost)
If you are wondering how to mix soil — believe us when we say it’s downright simple.

Make sure you have a large container that will fit all of the materials mentioned above. If you don’t want to get your hands dirty — you may use a shovel.

Ensure that all of the media is adequately mixed. Remember — you want to spread all of the materials evenly for maximum effectiveness.

Step Two
The next step is to mix the natural amendments into the base medium. Remember — the base medium is the mixture you just completed in step one.

In this step, you will add 1-cup of each amendment, such as:

Bat Guano
Kelp meal
Alfalfa meal
Dolomite Lime
Immediately after — add 1/4-cup of mycorrhizae powder to jumpstart the microbial life within the super soil mixture.

Once again — get your hands dirty and make sure the super soil mixture is adequately mixed.

Step Three
Next, it’s time to transplant your green beauties into their supercharged new home.

Remember, this super soil recipe is not intended for seedlings. Instead, transplant juvenile cannabis plants that exhibit a minimum of 3-4-nodes.

New to transplanting? Don’t worry! You can read our guide — How to Transplant Cannabis Seedlings for an easy step-by-step tutorial.

Step Four
Once transplanted — everything will be on cruise control.

You may now water your plants sans pH or nutrient meter. However, if you are the controlling type — you may still use a pH meter to ensure the runoff is within the 6.2-6.5 range.

Remember — the dolomite lime in the super soil recipe will buffer the pH. In other words, mother nature will naturally set the pH to a usable range for your marijuana crop.
using ph meter to detect ph of nutrient solution
You may still want to use your pH meter but this super soil mix should take care of any pH issues.

Step Five
Last but not least — monitor your cannabis plants.

Remember — not all feminized and autoflowering strains are created equal. In other words, you must monitor each weed strain to ensure they are enjoying their new home.

Here are a few positive signs to look out for:

Are the leaves raised up and healthy-looking?
Is the cannabis plant growing quickly?
Here are a few negative signs to look out for:

Are the leaf tips burned or curling inwards or outwards?
Is the cannabis plant stunted?
As long as your weed plants grow quickly and look happy — there’s nothing much for you to do until harvest time!

The Benefits of Growing Marijuana in Our Super Soil Mix
You must be wondering — why should I opt for your super soil mixture and not use a store-bought soil mix?

Well, the answer lies in the super soil mix’s versatility — especially for new cannabis cultivators. Let’s look at the many benefits of swapping your store-bought soil for our cannabis-specific super soil mix.

Optimized Root Zone Aeration
Cannabis plants grow astoundingly well when the root system can breathe.

Our super soil recipe optimizes aeration by incorporating perlite and coco coir into the mix. Coco coir and perlite’s larger structure doesn’t compress when moisturized, which allows the roots nearby to find patches of air.

Overall, our super soil mixture is ideal for cannabis cultivators aiming to boost root zone activity that translates into healthy plants and stacked buds.
Cannabis Root Aeration
This super soil mix will boost root zone activity.

Enhanced Microbial Life
Another benefit of our super soil recipe is its explosive microbial potential.

Mycorrhizae is a symbiotic fungus that interacts with plant roots to extend the root’s uptake capability. Therefore, cannabis plants grown in this super soil mix benefit from mycorrhizae’s synergistic effects.

Natural pH Buffer
Whether a pH meter is outside of your budget or you don’t have the time to pH water continuously, dolomite lime doubles as a reliable pH buffer.

Aside from the steady flow of calcium and magnesium, dolomite lime maintains a pH of 6.0-6.5. Therefore, you don’t have to pH your water supply anymore.

In other words, the dolomite lime found in the super soil recipe is a natural way to buffer the pH. By buffering the pH between 6.0-6.5 — your marijuana crop will avoid nutrient lockouts.

Enough Nutrient For the Grow Cycle
Furthermore, the super soil mix is loaded with enough nutrients to get through an entire indoor growing cycle or outdoor season.

In general, most cannabis strains, especially autoflowering varieties, will benefit from the nutrients provided by alfalfa, bat guano, and kelp meal. However, some sativa-dominant strains may require additional nutrient supplements midway through flowering.

If your cannabis crop has an estimated flowering time that exceeds 9-weeks — you may choose to add additional bat guano or natural bloom booster by week 4 of flowering.

Lightweight and Readily Available
Another benefit, albeit underappreciated, is the lightweight of the soilless components found in the super soil mix.

No one enjoys lugging around 3-gallon pots filled to the brim with heavy soil. Your back will thank you for lightening up the load — especially when it’s time for you to perform the weight test.

Furthermore, all of the ingredients for the super soil mix are readily available. Therefore, nothing will hold you back from creating the best super soil mix for your weed plants.

Perfectly Balanced For Those Who Over or Underwater Cannabis Plants
One of the best aspects of our super soil recipe is that it strikes the ideal balance for those over and underwater their weed plants.

In other words, our super soil mix retains a generous amount of water due to the vermiculite, coco coir, and compost. On the other hand, the super soil mix exhibits an adequate amount of porosity, thanks to perlite chunks.

Ultimately, you’ll find the super soil mix retains enough moisture and provides adequate drainage simultaneously.
Under watered cannabis plants
Never let your plants get underwatered or overwatered again with our super soil mix.

Experience Cruise Control Cannabis Cultivation With Our Super Soil Recipe
If you’re ready to leave behind all of the technical aspects of growing weed, our super soil mix will help you along.

Ultimately, the super soil recipe allows you to experience the benefits of soilless and soil-based media simultaneously. From optimized water retention to a near-perfect nutrient composition, this super soil mix is perfect for beginners that want to grow marijuana on cruise control.

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Thanks, yep aeration has been my biggest problem and I know my plants aren't getting the oxygen they need. My latest chopstick test really showed me how bad the soil can get, half way down my chopstick felt like it was hitting concrete.
Rice hulls are a great addition for soil like this. Soil this way actually needs more organic material. So it can start breaking up into smaller, looser clumps. But it will take a while.
You'll need a small amount of rich matter as well. Seems you already have that with the worm castings.
Then put it in your composting bin, or whatever you're cooking it in and turn it once in a while, until it's ready.
What can be added to happy frog other than perlite to improve aeration? Rice hulls , Coco? Or should I give up on fox farm and go with something else? Pro mix, Roots organics, coast of Maine?
You're still going to need something for drainage. That's why perlite's so good, because it accomplishes both and is lightweight.
A lot of choices. Choose something porous that's fairly inert and doesn't hold onto water. Lots of volcanic materials out there for example.
Lighter the better, so you're not breaking your back moving heavy pots around.
Rice hulls are a great addition for soil like this. Soil this way actually needs more organic material. So it can start breaking up into smaller, looser clumps. But it will take a while.
You'll need a small amount of rich matter as well. Seems you already have that with the worm castings.
Then put it in your composting bin, or whatever you're cooking it in and turn it once in a while, until it's ready.

You're still going to need something for drainage. That's why perlite's so good, because it accomplishes both and is lightweight.
A lot of choices. Choose something porous that's fairly inert and doesn't hold onto water. Lots of volcanic materials out there for example.
Lighter the better, so you're not breaking your back moving heavy pots around.

Thanks for the advice, I'll be hitting the gardening store tommorow to see what I can find. (Ive looked before, they never have anything I need).. Maybe I'll just order rice hulls on ebay...

HEY OP, sorry to worm in on your thread, but it looks like we are both learning here ! Hope its cool.
Sigh, yes Coco or going hydroponic has my interest. Soil is getting to be a real hassle....
For sake of argument, it's just as easy using any decent potting mix and a lot of perlite. More forgiving than coco coir.
Too many nightmare beginner coco grows out there to name.
For sake of argument, it's just as easy using any decent potting mix and a lot of perlite. More forgiving than coco coir.
Too many nightmare beginner coco grows out there to name.

Well I just watered with BTI just in case the fungus gnats come back. Thats were soil can be a hassle, pests.
I'm in ocean forest too and it seems like Happy Frog is a little lighter. (maybe a lot more lighter) and have the same thing going on, might try to mix this with Coco or just dump a gang of perlite.
How to Create The Perfect Super Soil Mix For Unbeatable Buds
An in-depth guide on how to create the perfect super soil mix for a massive cannabis harvest.
Growing 10 commentsGuy Sherman
How to Create The Perfect Super Soil Mix For Unbeatable Buds Cover PhotoWhen it comes to growing weed — it’s all about the soil.

Nearly all of a cannabis cultivator’s problems stem from soil issues. Since we know the root of the problem — it’s high time to teach you how to create the perfect super soil mix.

However, we’re going to show you an approach that encompasses both soil and soilless-based media. Read along to learn how to create a simple, super soil mix that bridges the gap between soil and hydroponics for stunning results.

Ready to amp up your cannabis garden in a few steps? Let’s go!
Table of Contents
Bridging The Gap Between Soil and Hydroponics
How to Create The Best Super Soil Mix For Cannabis Plants in Five Easy Steps
The Benefits of Growing Marijuana in Our Super Soil Mix
Optimized Root Zone Aeration
Enhanced Microbial Life
Natural pH Buffer
Enough Nutrient For the Grow Cycle
Lightweight and Readily Available
Perfectly Balanced For Those Who Over or Underwater Cannabis Plants
Experience Cruise Control Cannabis Cultivation With Our Super Soil Recipe
Bridging The Gap Between Soil and Hydroponics
First, let’s briefly discuss why you want to combine soil and hydro-based media to create the perfect soil mixture for weed plants.

When it comes to soil, the benefits are staggering:

Organic weed
Natural pH buffer
Beneficial microbial life enhances nutrient uptake
Retains moisture
However, soil-based media isn’t known to grow marijuana plants as fast as soilless or hydroponic-based media.

Therefore, the benefits of hydroponic-based media are:

Rapid plant growth
scale-bending yields
Optimized root aeration
However, hydroponic-oriented media isn’t as plug-and-play as soil-based media. In other words, hydroponics requires a great deal of effort, attention, and technical know-how.

Therefore, wouldn’t it be ideal to bring the best of both worlds into a hybrid super soil mix that’s optimized for cannabis?

Absolutely — which is why we’ve created this tutorial in the first place!
Coco Coir or Soil Cannabis
By combining hydro and soil into a super mix you can grow cannabis with ease.

How to Create The Best Super Soil Mix For Cannabis Plants in Five Easy Steps
Ready to grow healthy cannabis plants that unleash a torrent of buds in 7-10-weeks?

First, you’ll need to add these materials to your shopping list:

Coco coir
Bagged soil (preferably organic compost)
Bat guano
Kelp meal
Alfalfa meal
Dolomite Lime
Mycorrhizae supplement
The specific amount to purchase is dependent on the number of cannabis plants you intend to grow.

However, we’ll provide a basic recipe that will produce up to 16-gallons of super soil for your weed plants. Remember — you can always scale this recipe to suit your marijuana garden’s needs.

Super Soil Mix Amount
Step One
Cannabis Super Soil Mixing
The first step is to mix the media.


3.5-gallons of coco coir
3.5-gallons of perlite
3.5-gallons of vermiculite
5.5-gallons of bagged soil (or organic compost)
If you are wondering how to mix soil — believe us when we say it’s downright simple.

Make sure you have a large container that will fit all of the materials mentioned above. If you don’t want to get your hands dirty — you may use a shovel.

Ensure that all of the media is adequately mixed. Remember — you want to spread all of the materials evenly for maximum effectiveness.

Step Two
The next step is to mix the natural amendments into the base medium. Remember — the base medium is the mixture you just completed in step one.

In this step, you will add 1-cup of each amendment, such as:

Bat Guano
Kelp meal
Alfalfa meal
Dolomite Lime
Immediately after — add 1/4-cup of mycorrhizae powder to jumpstart the microbial life within the super soil mixture.

Once again — get your hands dirty and make sure the super soil mixture is adequately mixed.

Step Three
Next, it’s time to transplant your green beauties into their supercharged new home.

Remember, this super soil recipe is not intended for seedlings. Instead, transplant juvenile cannabis plants that exhibit a minimum of 3-4-nodes.

New to transplanting? Don’t worry! You can read our guide — How to Transplant Cannabis Seedlings for an easy step-by-step tutorial.

Step Four
Once transplanted — everything will be on cruise control.

You may now water your plants sans pH or nutrient meter. However, if you are the controlling type — you may still use a pH meter to ensure the runoff is within the 6.2-6.5 range.

Remember — the dolomite lime in the super soil recipe will buffer the pH. In other words, mother nature will naturally set the pH to a usable range for your marijuana crop.
using ph meter to detect ph of nutrient solution
You may still want to use your pH meter but this super soil mix should take care of any pH issues.

Step Five
Last but not least — monitor your cannabis plants.

Remember — not all feminized and autoflowering strains are created equal. In other words, you must monitor each weed strain to ensure they are enjoying their new home.

Here are a few positive signs to look out for:

Are the leaves raised up and healthy-looking?
Is the cannabis plant growing quickly?
Here are a few negative signs to look out for:

Are the leaf tips burned or curling inwards or outwards?
Is the cannabis plant stunted?
As long as your weed plants grow quickly and look happy — there’s nothing much for you to do until harvest time!

The Benefits of Growing Marijuana in Our Super Soil Mix
You must be wondering — why should I opt for your super soil mixture and not use a store-bought soil mix?

Well, the answer lies in the super soil mix’s versatility — especially for new cannabis cultivators. Let’s look at the many benefits of swapping your store-bought soil for our cannabis-specific super soil mix.

Optimized Root Zone Aeration
Cannabis plants grow astoundingly well when the root system can breathe.

Our super soil recipe optimizes aeration by incorporating perlite and coco coir into the mix. Coco coir and perlite’s larger structure doesn’t compress when moisturized, which allows the roots nearby to find patches of air.

Overall, our super soil mixture is ideal for cannabis cultivators aiming to boost root zone activity that translates into healthy plants and stacked buds.
Cannabis Root Aeration
This super soil mix will boost root zone activity.

Enhanced Microbial Life
Another benefit of our super soil recipe is its explosive microbial potential.

Mycorrhizae is a symbiotic fungus that interacts with plant roots to extend the root’s uptake capability. Therefore, cannabis plants grown in this super soil mix benefit from mycorrhizae’s synergistic effects.

Natural pH Buffer
Whether a pH meter is outside of your budget or you don’t have the time to pH water continuously, dolomite lime doubles as a reliable pH buffer.

Aside from the steady flow of calcium and magnesium, dolomite lime maintains a pH of 6.0-6.5. Therefore, you don’t have to pH your water supply anymore.

In other words, the dolomite lime found in the super soil recipe is a natural way to buffer the pH. By buffering the pH between 6.0-6.5 — your marijuana crop will avoid nutrient lockouts.

Enough Nutrient For the Grow Cycle
Furthermore, the super soil mix is loaded with enough nutrients to get through an entire indoor growing cycle or outdoor season.

In general, most cannabis strains, especially autoflowering varieties, will benefit from the nutrients provided by alfalfa, bat guano, and kelp meal. However, some sativa-dominant strains may require additional nutrient supplements midway through flowering.

If your cannabis crop has an estimated flowering time that exceeds 9-weeks — you may choose to add additional bat guano or natural bloom booster by week 4 of flowering.

Lightweight and Readily Available
Another benefit, albeit underappreciated, is the lightweight of the soilless components found in the super soil mix.

No one enjoys lugging around 3-gallon pots filled to the brim with heavy soil. Your back will thank you for lightening up the load — especially when it’s time for you to perform the weight test.

Furthermore, all of the ingredients for the super soil mix are readily available. Therefore, nothing will hold you back from creating the best super soil mix for your weed plants.

Perfectly Balanced For Those Who Over or Underwater Cannabis Plants
One of the best aspects of our super soil recipe is that it strikes the ideal balance for those over and underwater their weed plants.

In other words, our super soil mix retains a generous amount of water due to the vermiculite, coco coir, and compost. On the other hand, the super soil mix exhibits an adequate amount of porosity, thanks to perlite chunks.

Ultimately, you’ll find the super soil mix retains enough moisture and provides adequate drainage simultaneously.
Under watered cannabis plants
Never let your plants get underwatered or overwatered again with our super soil mix.

Experience Cruise Control Cannabis Cultivation With Our Super Soil Recipe
If you’re ready to leave behind all of the technical aspects of growing weed, our super soil mix will help you along.

Ultimately, the super soil recipe allows you to experience the benefits of soilless and soil-based media simultaneously. From optimized water retention to a near-perfect nutrient composition, this super soil mix is perfect for beginners that want to grow marijuana on cruise control.

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