Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

Prince Rogers Nelson. I was fortunate to have seen him perform live. I don't think there was an instrument he couldn't play and if it was something he never played before it would be mastered in short time. One of the greatest musicians ever.

I concur. I love how he took over the session from these giants, then just strutted off stage. Later...

Mark Knopfler

A couple of years ago I randomly came across one of Knopfler's interviews discussing his playing. He talked about swelling the volume up by rolling the knob with his pinky after he played the note / chord. I thought it was cool and wondered who he was, so I googled his name. I was surprised to find out that he was the Dire Straits guy, because I had no idea that they were British until that moment.
Have to shout out my guitar teacher, Jason Vieaux. Grammy winner and the youngest ever winner of the GSA (guitar society of america, one of the most prestigious competitions), he is an amazing scholar, arranger, and performer.

This one kills me each time -

Love this Prince memorial medley arrangement -
