Is Caffeine a new strain or just a re-branding of Green Crack?

Jim Haddar

Well-Known Member
Dispensaries in my part of SoCal have been selling clones of a strain called Caffeine. I found some information online that makes me wonder if it’s not just a new name for Green Crack. The clones are listed on Weedmaps and usually the dispensaries are supplied by Clone Guy but I went to his website and it doesn’t seem to be listing Caffeine.
Dispensaries in my part of SoCal have been selling clones of a strain called Caffeine. I found some information online that makes me wonder if it’s not just a new name for Green Crack. The clones are listed on Weedmaps and usually the dispensaries are supplied by Clone Guy but I went to his website and it doesn’t seem to be listing Caffeine.
Most all "new" strains with SuPeR cOoL names are all renamed strains that true breeders broke their backs making and someone just wanted to piggyback off of them. Search for true BREEDERS, not seed makers.