Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

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What you are posting doesn't differentiate between age groups in the way that I specified. I was speaking specifically to a young age group, which is the least affected group by covid.
You can't think that institutions need to take accountability for coercing young people into making choices that they would not otherwise make, because if they did not, then they would not be allowed to be educated?
Perhaps they had good reason to mandate what they did/do.
B0E28649-9DA5-437B-A75F-953D55D81973.pngEA38BAD7-F777-4844-88BD-2147A766C484.pngDECF1F6F-25A1-45D5-A03A-81BD58E0D462.pngThese are Canada wide graphs
And if the covid-jab prevented infection the way that Joe Biden promised, then that pretense might have some merit, but since it doesn't, young people are effectively doubling their risk by getting jabbed, plus the risk of myocarditis when they subsequently get infected with covid anyway.
Oh, I see. You didn't even attempt to find information about myocarditis, because it's clear they are not doubling their risk. And it's pretty clearly explained, and if you want more details they show all their studies, broken down by age and the different incident rates across the different vaccine types.
Oh, I see. You didn't even attempt to find information about myocarditis, because it's clear they are not doubling their risk. And it's pretty clearly explained, and if you want more details they show all their studies, broken down by age and the different incident rates across the different vaccine types.
Actually it's been shown that the risk increases with each dose, which is why it's more common with the 2nd jab than the 1st.
For those that are struggling with seeing the bigger picture and why you cannot just look at covid deaths:
According to CDC:

Impact of Hospital Strain on Excess Deaths During the COVID-19 Pandemic

"if intensive care unit (ICU) bed use nationwide reached 75% capacity an estimated 12,000 additional excess deaths would occur nationally over the next 2 weeks. As hospitals exceed 100% ICU bed capacity, 80,000 excess deaths would be expected in the following 2 weeks. This analysis indicates the importance of controlling case growth and subsequent hospitalizations before severe strain."
So, you can't quantify "very few" on your own? There are multiple stats in the link, based on age group and specific negative adverse effect. But ok, let's look at just one age group (12-24 year olds, so only a 12-year range, just a slice of life, a total population of around 50million), and specifically look at mypcarditis and pericarditis (from the CDC website). It appears that the cases

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So doing some quick napkin math, we're looking at around 225/million times 50 = 11,250 cases of mypcarditis and pericarditis in that age group related to the vaccine. Meanwhile, we've only seen seen a few thousand total covid deaths in that same age group.

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But they can't go to college unless they are willing to take the risk.
you’re comparing deaths from Covid to cases of myocarditis? How many deaths in that myocarditis group?
But see it isn't always that simple. Many people young people have had opportunities removed as part of policy.
Ya, like the US Military. :neutral: My son was actually gonna join even though I wasn't super excited about it. But a big part of why he changed his mind was the mandatory COVID shots.

I'm not an anti vaxer, but I think everyone should make their own decisions.
For those that are struggling with seeing the bigger picture and why you cannot just look at covid deaths:
According to CDC:

Impact of Hospital Strain on Excess Deaths During the COVID-19 Pandemic

"if intensive care unit (ICU) bed use nationwide reached 75% capacity an estimated 12,000 additional excess deaths would occur nationally over the next 2 weeks. As hospitals exceed 100% ICU bed capacity, 80,000 excess deaths would be expected in the following 2 weeks. This analysis indicates the importance of controlling case growth and subsequent hospitalizations before severe strain."
I notice that you didn't post the date range for that info (July 2020–July 2021) which was only relevant during the now extinct Delta wave.
Actually it's been shown that the risk increases with each dose, which is why it's more common with the 2nd jab than the 1st.

You may not believe this, but they actually recommend different vaccine types to different age groups and other factors based on risk. They don't use napkin math, but actually really study this shit.


I notice that you didn't post the date range for that info (July 2020–July 2021) which was only relevant during the now extinct Delta wave.
I notice you are having trouble understanding that is studying what happens when ICU's bed start becoming unavailable, doesn't matter if from covid or some other infectious disease.
I notice you are having trouble understanding that is studying what happens when ICU's bed start becoming unavailable, doesn't matter if from covid or some other infectious disease.
Right, so should we start mandating that everyone avoid fast food, since that's a primary cause of heart disease? I personally don't partake in fast food, but I'm not here to control what others choose to eat.
Right, so should we start mandating that everyone avoid fast food, since that's a primary cause of heart disease? I personally don't partake in fast food, but I'm not here to control what others choose to eat.
Well, I eat fast food and I don't have heart disease, and no one I know that eats fast food has heart disease, therefore fast food does not cause heart disease.

Did I do that right?

Budley's right, this is not going anywhere.
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