Brittney Griner Free

my first impulse was heartbreak. Here are a coupla what could have been solid OK guys, and they are lost because they were successfully sold on the maga delusion complex. In the long term, it will make their lives worse. I aim the disgust (and stronger negative sentiment) at the sellers of the poison.
i have less compassion than you, apparently. i know my mental limitations, i've always tried to be brutally honest with myself, and examine my own answers for bias.
i'm smarter than the average bear, but not by much. i can see that he is a con man, i knew it before he ever even thought about running for anything.
i can see that he used his position to profit himself, that he ignored laws, that he did damage it will take decades to repair, and will never be entirely forgotten.
if my barely average self can see all of this clearly, what is preventing them from seeing it, as well? i hear the same stupid shit they do, but i choose to call it stupid shit, and hold it in disdain, while they embrace it, because it gives them license to indulge in depravity.
i have trouble finding any sympathy for those who actively seek to engage in socially destructive depravity.

There was never a good justification for the USA to invade Afghanistan and imprison "Taliban" in Gitmo torture facility or for Russia to make Griner a prisoner. In both cases, the situations should never have happened.

Sure, Trump's a dipshit, but don't you find it just a little hypocritical that Biden and Harris, both "drug warriors" of epic proportion are trying to gain votes over freeing Griner?

I don't like Trump or Biden/Harris, but I'm glad human beings were released in both circumstances. Rather than just pissing on Trump, save some piss for Biden / Harris. If you're like me, you probably piss 3 times a night anyway! Lol.
Mike Huckabee released a guy when governor in Arkansas that went on to murder 4 Officers at their table at a restaurant. Nothing about that either.

Mike Huckabee has the intellect of an earthworm and is just as slimy, but I doubt he's clairvoyant and knew the guy released would murder. Anyhow the best political beatdown of Huckabee was from Ron Paul during a 2008 Presidential debate.

Another good political beatdown was when Harris called out the racist Biden. Then of course, Tulsi Gabbard beat down Harris on her hypocrisy.
Now Harris and Biden are aligned.

Hard to keep up with the soap opera puppet show eh?

Obviously you haven’t heard the rights rhetoric
We only say Happy Holidays :lol:
Fair enough, for all I know it could be some Yaldā Night shopping that they are in need of doing.

Happy Holidays all, I for one am very happy that another American is able to be home celebrating them with her family. Hopefully the rest will be one day too.
Fair enough, for all I know it could be some Yaldā Night shopping that they are in need of doing.

Happy Holidays all, I for one am very happy that another American is able to be home celebrating them with her family. Hopefully the rest will be one day too.

That's a nice sentiment.

I will be happy when all those people that had and continue to have their lives destroyed by Biden and Harris for "drug crimes" are restituted by Biden and Harris and other thugs like Biden and Harris who flip flop for personal and political gain.

Social justice requires the perpetrator of the crime to confess their sins and make their victims whole again, right?
That's a nice sentiment.

I will be happy when all those people that had and continue to have their lives destroyed by Biden and Harris for "drug crimes" are restituted by Biden and Harris and other thugs like Biden and Harris who flip flop for personal and political gain.

Social justice requires the perpetrator of the crime to confess their sins and make their victims whole again, right?
Still selling your lies about Harris huh.

Still sticking your head in the sand about the drastic drop-off in charges being brought after her first year (when she actually was actually in control over the AG office in Cali. But I guess that is nothing new.

Oh well, can't bring reality to those who refuse to do anything but push the right wing lying narratives I guess.

But it is pretty obvious when people actually look at it.
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Still selling your lies about Harris huh.

Still sticking your head in the sand about the drastic drop-off in charges being brought after her first year (when she actually was actually in control over the AG office in Cali. But I guess that is nothing new.

Oh well, can't bring reality to those who refuse to do anything but push the right wing lying narratives I guess.

But it is pretty obvious when people actually look at it.
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The part you are avoiding...had marijuana become less enforced and more commonly accepted in general during Harris reign as head cop? Was marijuana legalized in California, did more people have "medical marijuana permission" during the time your silly graph shows?

It's okay if you want to pretend Biden and Harris weren't drug warriors and aren't now pandering for votes. I won't be voting for any clown on either side of the false political spectrum.

If it makes you feel better, you should say something bad about Trump and try to make it sound like I like him.

The part you are avoiding...had marijuana become less enforced and more commonly accepted in general during Harris reign as head cop? Was marijuana legalized in California, did more people have "medical marijuana permission" during the time your silly graph shows?

It's okay if you want to pretend Biden and Harris weren't drug warriors and aren't now pandering for votes. I won't be voting for any clown on either side of the false political spectrum.

If it makes you feel better, you should say something bad about Trump and try to make it sound like I like him.

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So what you are saying is that you have nothing to support your earlier lie, and are now pretending like it didn't fall apart as soon as you actually look at what happened when she took over the office.


Nice right wing propaganda meme though, totally in character of what you post.
I seriously can't believe someone who got popped traveling with half a gm of oil in a vape cart, doesn't have OVERWHELMING support from growers on a grow site.

Fuck all the dumb details. . .. it was a person traveling with a vape cart. NOBODY should do 10 months in jail ANYWHERE for that. Cmon.

An American gets brought home and you're yelling hey, what abou----" maaaan FUCK ALL THAT. Quit focusing on the "what ifs" in Life and celebrate what few wins we actually get, when we get them. This is still a win; that poor girl could've fucking died over there. Being gay (and probably Black) is a fucking death sentence in Russia.