2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

Schumer just pointed out something I hadn't thought of (MSNBC). With 51 in the senate, they will finally be able to get Biden's ambassadors passed through congress, which is something that the Republicans have been blocking.

So while the house Republicans will try to harm our military with their 'owning of the libs' bullshit, in the senate Biden will be able to have a lot more outreach in key nations.
Schumer just pointed out something I hadn't thought of (MSNBC). With 51 in the senate, they will finally be able to get Biden's ambassadors passed through congress, which is something that the Republicans have been blocking.

So while the house Republicans will try to harm our military with their 'owning of the libs' bullshit, in the senate Biden will be able to have a lot more outreach in key nations.
gotta take it where you can find it. they are not going to go out easy, they're going to try to retain control until the bitter end, and we're going to have to pry it out of their bloody, bony fingers. they got themselves a huge advantage with the scotus and a lot of federal judges. i'm not sure what we can do about that, but i'm a lot more worried about the scotus than i am about the house.
gotta take it where you can find it. they are not going to go out easy, they're going to try to retain control until the bitter end, and we're going to have to pry it out of their bloody, bony fingers. they got themselves a huge advantage with the scotus and a lot of federal judges. i'm not sure what we can do about that, but i'm a lot more worried about the scotus than i am about the house.
That is what sucks, the SCOTUS and the trolls appointed by Trump are a sunk cost. There is nothing to do unless they slip up or get railroaded like Trump's puppet down in Florida.

The Democrats need to win big in 2024 and pick up one or two more senate seats and they can then easily change the number of SCOTUS. It might be time to make a new thread for it. I am not sure what the split of senate seats will be, but with Biden's stability and competence highlighted by the propagandist Republicans in the house who will try to use their power in the house to attack them.

Because Biden's administration is far better prepared that anyone that the Republicans can produce. And when they try to shut down the government, or defund the military, Americans will know that the billions they are costing our economy and citizens they are hurting is because of their love affair with Putin and other foreign dictators.
Democrats get to 51 and win the senate. And poof, Kysten Sinema leaves the Democratic Party.

Drama ensues.

Next the question is will she tank the Democrats ability to appoint judges/ambassadors, or will she still caucus with the Democrats like Sanders/Angus King?
Democrats get to 51 and win the senate. And poof, Kysten Sinema leaves the Democratic Party.

Drama ensues.

Next the question is will she tank the Democrats ability to appoint judges/ambassadors, or will she still caucus with the Democrats like Sanders/Angus King?
I hope the dems run someone against her who can rub her face in the dirt while stepping over her, she needs to be taught that loyalty has value, and disloyalty has consequences...She used the democratic party to get to a position of her choosing, and now that she can't use them to advance her personal agenda, she abandons them. i hope she becomes a has been pariah.
I hope the dems run someone against her who can rub her face in the dirt while stepping over her, she needs to be taught that loyalty has value, and disloyalty has consequences...She used the democratic party to get to a position of her choosing, and now that she can't use them to advance her personal agenda, she abandons them. i hope she becomes a has been pariah.
She knew that she has only one term left given her leanings. Have to squeeze as much out of her position as she can.

i'm surprised at the numbers, and doubt they are very valid, i think they had way too small of a sample, from too localized an area...but i would be very interested to see these numbers from an actual nationwide poll.
i'm pretty sure they would have been in very close to the same order, but that abortion and political extremism would have had a little larger share of the top 50%.
pretty interesting that climate change, economic equality, racism, and education all were under 2%, even with what seems like an obviously skewed polling pool.
Looking for somewhere to post this interesting analysis. Their ads are entertaining, but these folks suggest that they are worse than ineffective.

Looking for somewhere to post this interesting analysis. Their ads are entertaining, but these folks suggest that they are worse than ineffective.

I'll be honest with you, I never thought their videos were that effective. The content was always accurate as far as i saw, and well presented, but the only people watching them were already left aligned. it does seem like they spent 67 mill preaching to the choir.
I'd say Beau is more effective at what they were trying to do, and at a minuscule fraction of their expenditures.
I'll be honest with you, I never thought their videos were that effective. The content was always accurate as far as i saw, and well presented, but the only people watching them were already left aligned. it does seem like they spent 67 mill preaching to the choir.
I'd say Beau is more effective at what they were trying to do, and at a minuscule fraction of their expenditures.
Beau in his shed "mancave" sucks em in and talks sense to them, he has many enemies on the right! I really think some local TV station should broadcast his segments or he can make them for TV more. However the death threats in Florida where he lives in real red country might be overwhelming! He could do counter point for the local foxnews station. :lol:
An addendum to the 2022 election.

The previously heavy red state of Wisconsin flipped majority on the state Supreme Court from GOP to Democrat. Its still a red state, which makes it stand out from states that border it. That said, it seems that Wisconsin is starting to respond to the same voter pressures felt in its neighboring states.

Janet Protasiewicz defeats Dan Kelly in Wisconsin Supreme Court race, flipping control of the court

A Democratic-backed Milwaukee judge won the high stakes Wisconsin Supreme Court race Tuesday, ensuring liberals will take over majority control of the court for the first time in 15 years with the fate of the state's abortion ban pending.

Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Janet Protasiewicz defeated former Justice Dan Kelly, who previously worked for Republicans and had support from the state's leading anti-abortion groups. It's his second loss in a race for Supreme Court in three years.

The new court controlled 4-3 by liberals is expected to decide a pending lawsuit challenging the state's 1849 law banning abortion. Protasiewicz made the issue a focus of her campaign and won the support of Planned Parenthood and other abortion rights groups.

The court is also expected to hear a new challenge to Republican-drawn legislative maps. Protasiewicz ran as a critic of the current maps, calling them "rigged."

The court came within one vote of overturning President Biden's win in the state in 2020, and both major parties are preparing for another close race in 2024.
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An addendum to the 2022 election.

The previously heavy red state of Wisconsin flipped majority on the state Supreme Court from GOP to Democrat. Its still a red state, which makes it stand out from states that border it. That said, it seems that Wisconsin starting to respond to the same pressures felt in its neighboring states.

Janet Protasiewicz defeats Dan Kelly in Wisconsin Supreme Court race, flipping control of the court

A Democratic-backed Milwaukee judge won the high stakes Wisconsin Supreme Court race Tuesday, ensuring liberals will take over majority control of the court for the first time in 15 years with the fate of the state's abortion ban pending.

Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Janet Protasiewicz defeated former Justice Dan Kelly, who previously worked for Republicans and had support from the state's leading anti-abortion groups. It's his second loss in a race for Supreme Court in three years.

The new court controlled 4-3 by liberals is expected to decide a pending lawsuit challenging the state's 1849 law banning abortion. Protasiewicz made the issue a focus of her campaign and won the support of Planned Parenthood and other abortion rights groups.

The court is also expected to hear a new challenge to Republican-drawn legislative maps. Protasiewicz ran as a critic of the current maps, calling them "rigged."

The court came within one vote of overturning President Biden's win in the state in 2020, and both major parties are preparing for another close race in 2024.
I wonder how they would pick a replacement for Ron Johnson, if Jack should take him down over J6. Ron tried to deliver fake electors from his state to Pence on J6, an act in furtherance of a conspiracy and making Ron part of one. Jack's mandate covers J6 and the higher ups involved in the conspiracies, including those in congress. J6 would not have been possible without inside help from congress and at least some GOP members conspiring with Trump, there have been damning press reports about a few and they were largely given a pass by the J6 committee and refused to appear when subpoenaed. Ron was reelected in 2022 so he has a spell left in his term and Jack might get to him before it expires.
The March now is to ‘24 and beyond

RICO! What a WONDERFUL acronym, my heart’s all aflutter

Next to winning the lottery, it’s my fondest hope and dearest wish; not entirely inaccurate to say I’ve prayed (worked, researched, argued, presented, petitioned…) for this for decades.

Hail, Columbia, goddess of Liberty, Patroness of these United States! A little flexing of our old-time civic religion would be right on cue:
E pluribus unum, motherfuckers!
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She knew that she has only one term left given her leanings.
Is her seat up for this next midterm, and what about Manchin?
RICO! What a WONDERFUL acronym, my heart’s all aflutter
... Hail, Columbia, goddess of Liberty, Patroness of these United States!
And her name's Fanni.

Trumper Senator Lindsey Graham should lawyer up and be very “incredibly worried about his legal exposure” because Attorney General Willis is “building a RICO case” “brick-by-brick” against him. She added, “That is the whole point with RICO. If you are just kind of one of the bricks, one of the cogs, one of the people who did something to move the conspiracy along, you are going to get caught up in it.”
The March now is to ‘24 and beyond

RICO! What a WONDERFUL acronym, my heart’s all aflutter

Next to winning the lottery, it’s my fondest hope and dearest wish; not entirely inaccurate to say I’ve prayed (worked, researched, argued, presented, petitioned…) for this for decades.

Hail, Columbia, goddess of Liberty, Patroness of these United States! A little flexing of our old-time civic religion would be right on cue: e pluribus unum, motherfuckers!
That would be worth letting 8 fake electors off the hook! Of course, SC would just vomit up another traitor! Besides he could squeal his head off and sell a few other GOP senators down the river over J6 to get some time off, I'm sure Jack could arrange something with Georgia for him.

"BREAKING: A witness in Attorney General Fani Willis’ investigation into Trump’s attempt to steal Biden’s win in Georgia drops bombshell, declares that Trumper Senator Lindsey Graham should lawyer up and be very “incredibly worried about his legal exposure” because Attorney General Willis is “building a RICO case” “brick-by-brick” against him. She added, “That is the whole point with RICO. If you are just kind of one of the bricks, one of the cogs, one of the people who did something to move the conspiracy along, you are going to get caught up in it.” This is fantastic news for every American, who gives a damn about our struggling democracy. Please RT and if you think that a Lindsey Graham MUST be held accountable for trying to help Trump steal the election — and consider joining http://Tribel.com, a new pro-democracy Twitter alternative that I created that Elon Musk is trying bury. He banned Tribel’s Twitter account last week, but he hasn’t banned this link to download the new Tribel app yet: http://tribel.app.link/okwPIHYCIqb "
The March now is to ‘24 and beyond

RICO! What a WONDERFUL acronym, my heart’s all aflutter

Next to winning the lottery, it’s my fondest hope and dearest wish; not entirely inaccurate to say I’ve prayed (worked, researched, argued, presented, petitioned…) for this for decades.

Hail, Columbia, goddess of Liberty, Patroness of these United States! A little flexing of our old-time civic religion would be right on cue: e pluribus unum, motherfuckers!

the investigations are picking up the pace


Seriously, though. I've been wondering when/if RICO charges would be invoked. A RICO verdict opens up the books for investigators to trace who were the benefactors that funded the attempted coup. The people who bankrolled the coup attempt are the rot in our tree of liberty. Trump was the rotten fruit. Proud Boys were just the fruit flies.

I could find no news outside of Twitter about the witness's leak on Graham but if it's true we should be seeing it on other channels once reporters have had time to corroborate it.
The March now is to ‘24 and beyond

RICO! What a WONDERFUL acronym, my heart’s all aflutter

Next to winning the lottery, it’s my fondest hope and dearest wish; not entirely inaccurate to say I’ve prayed (worked, researched, argued, presented, petitioned…) for this for decades.

Hail, Columbia, goddess of Liberty, Patroness of these United States! A little flexing of our old-time civic religion would be right on cue: e pluribus unum, motherfuckers!
I was just looking at the Wiki entry on RICO. In ‘85 and ‘86, a Rudy Giuliani used it to imprison the heads of 11 New York crime families.

Wonder if the boot will now be on the other foot.