legal with rollitup


Active Member
so, whats the deal regarding legal issues and privacy of this site?
(i.e. posting text, pictures, etc.)
i see some users post "waivers" as sigs... should all of us?


this is a good time to point out that if any of your posts were ever admitted into a court of law, just because at the bottom you wrote something like "this is all a lit" or "this is not real" doesnt mean shit

your disclaimers serve you no purpose


New Member
can we get a serious answer here?
I think Keenly gave one. I'm no lawyer, but I don't think a disclaimer is going to help you one bit in court.

However, I don't think leo is going to put in the time to search internet forums looking for small time growers. It would just take too much manpower.


Well-Known Member
I think Keenly gave one. I'm no lawyer, but I don't think a disclaimer is going to help you one bit in court.

However, I don't think leo is going to put in the time to search internet forums looking for small time growers. It would just take too much manpower.
BINGO. you got your answer.


Well-Known Member
this is a good time to point out that if any of your posts were ever admitted into a court of law, just because at the bottom you wrote something like "this is all a lit" or "this is not real" doesnt mean shit

your disclaimers serve you no purpose
I think Keenly gave one. I'm no lawyer, but I don't think a disclaimer is going to help you one bit in court.

However, I don't think leo is going to put in the time to search internet forums looking for small time growers. It would just take too much manpower.

I third the motion. your sig disclaimer prolly wont help a bit. the fact that your small time and not really worh thier trouble will. if your not small time, i suggest you keep that info to yourself.

real enough answers??


Well-Known Member
I think Keenly gave one. I'm no lawyer, but I don't think a disclaimer is going to help you one bit in court.

However, I don't think leo is going to put in the time to search internet forums looking for small time growers. It would just take too much manpower.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the govt and it can be very profitable for them to bust even small growers if there is property involved.

Is it probably? Likely not. Impossible? No.


Well-Known Member
So much for some small time growers. What about those threads 'get a pound every 2 weeks?' Who in the hell needs that much weed. They definately sell. If I was those guys I'd be worried for having 100+ plants.


Well-Known Member
So much for some small time growers. What about those threads 'get a pound every 2 weeks?' Who in the hell needs that much weed. They definately sell. If I was those guys I'd be worried for having 100+ plants.
I'll start this way. First of illegal is illegal, small or big. Big will get you more charges/harsher charges, but illegal is illegal. And I'm pretty sure most of the people on here do worry about them selves. But if it were not for some of those people (harvest a pound every 3 weeks) the small feller's may not have the info they needed to correctly go about growing.
But 100+ plants can be hidden better than another person could hide 1 plant. Both can get in trouble, while the 100+ could get you caught quicker, some people have to do what they gotta do... I mean the cost of living is outrageous, so why not.... And some people smoke more than others. Some; Alot more.

And to end: What if some of those posts' were from countries were it is legal? Then they have nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
So much for some small time growers. What about those threads 'get a pound every 2 weeks?' Who in the hell needs that much weed. They definately sell. If I was those guys I'd be worried for having 100+ plants.
thats just a little haterish man... dont be a hater, its bad for your complexion.


Well-Known Member
maybe this site is not
you got more of a chance of being busted by a snoopy neighbor or a loudmouth buddy than here.


Well-Known Member
If a cop want to bust you, they can... easily. why do you think we all have IP addresse's? a cop can easily trace it. its not worth there time, they have bigger shit to worry about than (mostly ) small time marijuana growers. .. now if we were all talking about manufacturing lbs/kilos of cocain or meth,it would be a different story. its a plant!

OPZ :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Law enforcement would be only be able to track you down through this site if they got a court order and raided the server. At that point they would have logs of IP addresses and then they would have to get another court order to find out who you are through your ISP. I don't think posting on here would be enough probable cause in itself but nothing surprises me anymore.

They could also get a warrant to monitor everything you do online, but if its reached that point you're already fucked.


Well-Known Member
The feds dont have unlimited budgets to go chasing individual growers but what they do have are two things. 1. an unlimited budget to go after networks and 'drug rings', and 2. a desire every now and then to make an example of groups like Norml or RIU who they see as flagrantly flouting the law.

To the first point you say 'I am not a network, I grow alone', unfortunately many of the network or drug ring busts in the past have been full of growers that didnt know the next person from a bar of soap. The feds get to determine what is a network or a drug ring, and while that may not stack up in court, it will stack up in front of a judge issuing them with search and arrest warrants, even interception warrants.