Pandemic 2020

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Talked to a couple more friends who had covid for the second time and suddenly their health has declined dramatically, I think a couple people in my group won't see the new year. We are all in our 60's and 70's but most of us were pretty healthy before covid, it's as tho after covid they aged 10+ years.
34 years ago I was trying hard not to get serious about the lady who would become my wife. At the time I had convinced myself she was too old. As my friend James said, "she is 35 fucking years old." (I was 28 at the time. Now James is dead and my lady is almost 70 and rocking on) Anyway Glenn had dated her on and off during the same time as I was. But one day I saw them together and decided at that very moment that I did indeed want her for myself.

We didn't really see much of him for the next 20 years, but for the last 15 we have got to be really good friends. The wife has a (mostly classmates) social club that meets once a month, and even though he wasn't a classmate, he often went.

Glenn lost use of one of his arms during high school. But he did anything an able bodied person could do. He had RV's, boats, tractors, etc, etc.

Sadly he was also a MAGA redhat, and bought the covid misinformation hook, line and sinker. The wife saw on FB last night that he is in ICU with a tube down his throat. Fuck Covid. Fuck trumpf.

Also my friend Smoke is dying. His liver has gave out. He had covid a year or two back. Not sure if it is playing a part in his death or not.
Something else to whine and bitch about kids lives mean fuck all, compared to the bother of wearing a mask There is a triple epidemic of children's respiratory illness moving south with the cold weather, hospitals are overloaded up here and have been for a while. Now this shit, because so many bought bullshit and put their kids lives and health at risk. Those who did their "research" on the phone while taking a shit.

R rate increased to 1.03, BQ.1 taking over, but things are still looking better than expected in NL. 0-5 deaths per day.

Marked a year ago in images for comparison
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On a similar note, children hospitals in neighboring countries are full with RVS patients. No unusual amount here yet.

Models predict massive wave of disease and death if China lifts ‘zero COVID’ policy
Country’s severe approach to pandemic is inflaming the populace, but lifting it carries huge risks
At this point the battle to eradicate covid has been lost.In my state,MA,masking % has been way down and it used to be one of the more compliant states,I can imagine getting alien like looks when masking down south. Covax,the agency that was to vaccinate poor african countries has been a bust and China is also a clusterFK. Covid will either weaken over time or hit the lottery and spawn a variant that takes us back to lockdowns.
At this point the battle to eradicate covid has been lost.In my state,MA,masking % has been way down and it used to be one of the more compliant states,I can imagine getting alien like looks when masking down south. Covax,the agency that was to vaccinate poor african countries has been a bust and China is also a clusterFK. Covid will either weaken over time or hit the lottery and spawn a variant that takes us back to lockdowns.
I also don't know anyone who has been shot more than me 1st and 2nd Phizer,2 boosters,and finally the Bivalent(BA4-5) shot,I ooze MNRA when I sweat LOL.
I’m assuming this study haa more to do with demographic intelligence, or lack of :o!
Some asshole went through a stop sign and plowed into me last night and took off, fortunately the cops were right there and off they went on a chase. I drove home and called the cops, he didn't have insurance and they damaged a cop car trying to get him, I'll bet he wasn't vaxxed either!
Some asshole went through a stop sign and plowed into me last night and took off, fortunately the cops were right there and off they went on a chase. I drove home and called the cops, he didn't have insurance and they damaged a cop car trying to get him, I'll bet he wasn't vaxxed either!
Wait! You didn’t chase him/her down and pull out your glock? Right, your Canadian, never mind. Fuck we’re so boring :(
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