Stuck between a burn and PK deficiencies


New Member
Happy growing guys.
Currently in day 46 of this wilson x GMO
Started seeing this pop up around the plant couldn't pin point if it started with new growth and migrated to older fan leaf or vice versa.
Currently in Soil PH 6.2 to 6.5
2.5 to 2.8 ec Of the athena line.
Did a flush to reset the medium back to a 2.5ec in runoff & a few more brown spots popped up since.



Well-Known Member
Any deficiency you might have is likely due to overfeeding.

Interaction among plant nutrients can yield antagonistic or synergistic outcomes that influence nutrient use efficiency. To provide insight on this phenomenon, peer-reviewed articles were selected that quantified the interaction effects of nutrients on crop yield levels. In total 94 articles were selected that described 117 interactions between all macro- and micronutrients for different agricultural crops. In 43 cases the interaction was synergistic, in 17 cases the interaction was antagonistic, and in 35 cases the interaction was zero-interaction

Interactions between nutrients occur when the supply of one nutrient affects the uptake, distribution, or function of another nutrient.

Interactions among nutrients on nutrient uptake and accumulation and crop yield, including zero-interaction, synergism, or antagonism,
reinforce balancing the composition, amount, timing, and mode of delivery of fertilizers to plants and soil, thereby aiming to overcome antagonism and stimulate synergism.

Effects of Nutrient Antagonism and Synergism on Yield and Fertilizer Use Efficiency

The overfeeding of any plant food can cause nutrient deficiencies


New Member
Any deficiency you might have is likely due to overfeeding.

Interaction among plant nutrients can yield antagonistic or synergistic outcomes that influence nutrient use efficiency. To provide insight on this phenomenon, peer-reviewed articles were selected that quantified the interaction effects of nutrients on crop yield levels. In total 94 articles were selected that described 117 interactions between all macro- and micronutrients for different agricultural crops. In 43 cases the interaction was synergistic, in 17 cases the interaction was antagonistic, and in 35 cases the interaction was zero-interaction

Interactions between nutrients occur when the supply of one nutrient affects the uptake, distribution, or function of another nutrient.

Interactions among nutrients on nutrient uptake and accumulation and crop yield, including zero-interaction, synergism, or antagonism,
reinforce balancing the composition, amount, timing, and mode of delivery of fertilizers to plants and soil, thereby aiming to overcome antagonism and stimulate synergism.

Effects of Nutrient Antagonism and Synergism on Yield and Fertilizer Use Efficiency

The overfeeding of any plant food can cause nutrient deficiencies
That was my original thought wanted more feedback so i truly appreciate it. I stacked the ec so in theory it would be beneficial to a certain extent. Up until bow week 6 everything was perfect just now noticed what seemed like burn but also deficiency in some areas so that's spot on with my feed schedule.

