I was going to get an RV water storage tank and just leave it under my down spout. The 50 gallon drums they make specifically for collecting rain water are cool but I've got too many down spouts, and there's not any one that carries anymore water than any other. These rv storage tanks have pre-made npt inlets. Then if I have to filter it I'll just make a hose with a filter in the middle then I can just go to whichever one I want and drain the water out into a 5 gallon bucket. Here's the storage container if you're interested. Class A Customs | RV Fresh and Gray Water Tank | Combo Pack (20 Gallon & 25 Gallon) | RV Water Holding Tanks
Thanks for all the replies. I never thought about rain water being close to RO water. I assumed it had stuff in it it picked up on the way down. Not necessarily bad stuff. I'll have to look more into what is in it. I know what's in the water I've been using bc I got a water analysis. I don't have a very good understanding of how to read this report but on kis organics website they have a comparison sample report and from what I can tell, it looks alright. But I'm absolutely convinced it's fucking up my plants. If you know anything about water and can help with this please lemme know. I still haven't found what's wrong with this water.
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