

Well-Known Member
I hate introductions but whatever.
Been here a few weeks, mostly keeping quiet and feeling out this place.

I don't grow but have been a weed enthusiast most of my life and have helped friends grow. In 2010 i hitch hiked to Humboldt to trim for a crazy old farmer somewhere in the deep corners of the Emerald triangle. That was an....experience to say the least.
One day i'll be able to grow but until then i will soak up.what info i can from all the pros that frequent this place. I stay out of trouble. I'm no fin shaggy ( yeah been reading some old old threads)

I'm 38 and my name is ben and my dogs cooler than yours.

Welcome to RIU. My dog was top of his class, got a full doggyship to Barkford University, and can balance a milkbone on his nose for over ten minutes then catch it as it falls on command. He can’t get me a beer out of the fridge, so unless yours can do that my dogs cooler.
Yeah - same here! Our little guy always grabs one of Mrs. S's vodka coolers instead! I am sure that one day he will learn the different between Smirnoff and Smithwick's.
Yea it’s tough. If my dog gets the fridge door open he just starts to help himself, forgets the original plan all together. We do have good left overs though, can’t really blame him. He weighs in at 175 lbs and fully standing is taller than me, he’s a big boy but just a puppy in his own mind. He still thinks he can fit in my lap.
i guess y'al are right. Other than opening my beer and wine snd being my sober driver every weekend, my dog hasn't been that cool since he graduated Yale
Let me guess, your dogs name is Eli. My dog can actually pull a cart and rescue swimmers, but not drive so that is kinda cool.