Your latest seed purchase?

Grapefruit Magoo V2 and Lime Berry Mega from Dynasty. Blueberry F5s and the Breeder Mix #4 from DJ. Ordered from JBC. They’re just getting above ground now. I’ll flower out twelve in about two months or so. Have the five FLO F5 freebies going too. Interested to check out what DJ’s blueberry is like these days, because when I see a bunch of lames online parroting the same shit they’re usually wrong. DJs old beans looked much better and popped quicker than Dynasty. Hoping these Grapefruit Magoos have some late showers and don’t give me 50% germ.
I decided to jump on some Salmon River O.G. from Dynasty late last night. I had been wanting to add a nice Bubba Kush variety to my collection, and all the S1’s were sold out everywhere I looked. This cross was recommended on RIU as a heavy hitting pain relieving strain, so let’s see what happens!
Salmon River OG is great. I almost grabbed that myself, but I’m all stocked up on that type of flower these days and I wanted to try some different stuff. Best of luck with it!
Grapefruit Magoo V2 and Lime Berry Mega from Dynasty. Blueberry F5s and the Breeder Mix #4 from DJ. Ordered from JBC. They’re just getting above ground now. I’ll flower out twelve in about two months or so. Have the five FLO F5 freebies going too. Interested to check out what DJ’s blueberry is like these days, because when I see a bunch of lames online parroting the same shit they’re usually wrong. DJs old beans looked much better and popped quicker than Dynasty. Hoping these Grapefruit Magoos have some late showers and don’t give me 50% germ.
i got the dj short blueberry from kwik seeds on the way ..if they make it through chicago customs lol i bet its fire
I just snagged a little nostalgia from Authentic Genetics after reading another thread last night. They dropped prices to $50 a pack, so I took the opportunity to add Northern Light #2 IBL (claims to be from original seed stock) and OG Kush x Purest Indica (the strain that was the precursor to the northern lights line). The NL should be neat to chuck around with too.

I grew the NL2 last summer, and it was killer. You wont be disappointed.
14 Puck S1s from El Jefe
2 packs each of the Crickets and Cicada Shoreline x Puck BC2, and Skunk x Puck BC2


2 Packs of the Puck BC3 Katsu Freebies.

2 Packs of Katsu Sour Diesel IBL
2 Packs of 90s Blues

Katsu Freebies

Left over purchase of Crickets and Cicada drop from last spring.
Pacific Northwest Hashplant x Puck BC1. PNWHP is mother of Puck.
Nepalese x Puck BC1
Sensi Star x Puck BC1

Authentic Genetics.
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I just snagged a little nostalgia from Authentic Genetics after reading another thread last night. They dropped prices to $50 a pack, so I took the opportunity to add Northern Light #2 IBL (claims to be from original seed stock) and OG Kush x Purest Indica (the strain that was the precursor to the northern lights line). The NL should be neat to chuck around with too.
So its either steve Murphy's afghan thats either a from Kandahar or Kabul those are the two often put forward for that so probably just that cos i doubt its gonna be nevils mazari and thats what makes nl#1 its Murphy's afghan x nevils mazar so one would have to think what they selling as purest indica must just be a pure ghani from murphy one would guess but who knows i dont really trust that todd guy myself and the nl crew changes stories like they change socks sadly regardless whatever it is i hope it turns out decent for you anyway mate on another note let me know how that salmon river og turns out for you pain wise if u could its not for me but i know a number of friends and family etc who do use it fir pain so be good to know i just picked up some the future fems and kc brains cristal paradise regs myself
Dankberry was throw with everything else, so I grabbed these before Christmas for another go.
I wasn’t sure until it arrived and hot dam it was buy one get one (pack) not just a seed with the 8 ufo’s.
