Kevin's House?


Well-Known Member
I am not sure, but the feeling in here is that the teabagger party is weak.
I see them as highly powerful. I just am too negative, too pessimistic to think otherwise.
Is hegemony the right word for when the political leaders to get the voters to vote for them,
even tho it is against the voters' own best interests, and think that they're doing the right thing?


Ursus marijanus
I am not sure, but the feeling in here is that the teabagger party is weak.
I see them as highly powerful. I just am too negative, too pessimistic to think otherwise.
Is hegemony the right word for when the political leaders to get the voters to vote for them,
even tho it is against the voters' own best interests, and think that they're doing the right thing?
no; that’s not it.

Populism comes closer I think. Grievance politics rely on manipulating the voter’s perception of the issues … away from the real issues.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the good news is that That Man has lost his power. Honey BoeBoe basically told him to pound sand.

The bad news is that this puts that little bit much in a position of power.
say it...she's a bitch...she's more than a bitch, she's a stinking cunt.
some language is offensive, because the things it describes are offensive...don't cripple the language you taught...she's at the very least a BITCH.


Well-Known Member
Populism? Okay, TY.
I thought populism was more akin to what put that last orange monster in office.
But I remember Reagan's campaign, the AFL-CIO supported him. He ran on a trickle-down
economics campaign. He kept wages low. Why would labor support him? That was my
big question back then, among others.


Well-Known Member
Wanna bet? :D
There's only 20 teabaggers who won't vote for him. They'll come around.
Gotta do it for The Donald, donchya know.
Any amount of money you can afford friend.
If you would have listened today, Boebert got up and told trump he needs to tell McCarthy to withdraw........they're not in trump's camp anymore.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Wanna bet? :D
There's only 20 teabaggers who won't vote for him. They'll come around.
Gotta do it for The Donald, donchya know.
it won't make any difference...the same fucks he might cave to will turn the house into a fucking bigger joke than mccarthy himself makes of it.
they'll call for idiotic committees to investigate everyone who has ever pissed any of them off, they'll go after personal enemies, they'll every single one have pet projects they'll want, and plumb committee appointments they'll demand...they'll waste every fucking second of their two years, and then wonder how they lost it in only two years. then it will take the democrats 1 day to pick the new speaker, and kick every one of them the fuck off of every committee they're on, and save the country from the shithole the republicans put it in. AGAIN.
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Ursus marijanus
Populism? Okay, TY.
I thought populism was more akin to what put that last orange monster in office.
But I remember Reagan's campaign, the AFL-CIO supported him. He ran on a trickle-down
economics campaign. He kept wages low. Why would labor support him? That was my
big question back then, among others.
I don’t think populism is a perfect fit. But it is dishonesty in the service of redirecting the voters’ attention from their interests to a manufactured threat.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Roger, you're either a very angry man, or you have tourrette's syndrome of the keypad, or both.
I like angry, I am angry, depressed, disappointed, discouraged, dismayed at USA these last 40 yrs.
i am an angry man. i don't see how anyone can watch the republicans continually try to destroy democracy and not be angry about it.
i'm depressed at the state of our educational system.
i'm disappointed that there are enough stupid people to keep these fascist fucks in office.
i get discouraged when i see trump and all his asslicking lackeys still walking around free, still in office...
dismay? nah...dismay is way too mild of an adjective...dismay is for a disobedient child, we're not talking about children here...except mentally, perhaps.


Well-Known Member
TY, Roger, you put to words just what I have been thinking, lo these many decades. :(
I got neighbors, friends, relatives, who love that orange demon. WHY!!!!!!!!?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I find a certain elegance in just the right euphemism. Done right, it’s more offensive than the usual shitcunt cockbuggerfuck.
I try to start out with a little eloquence, but i obviously don't stick to it for very long.
While i realize the world isn't black and white, some things are obviously right, and wrong. That shouldn't have to be explained to any adult who is responsible enough to hold a job, provide their own home, and feed themselves. Anyone competent enough to do those things should understand the basic difference between right and wrong. If you can't, that means you're either mentally or morally deficient, or both. If you're mentally deficient, you need supervision. If you're morally deficient, you need observation...
And all of this is a constant irritant, like a grain of sand in an oyster's shell, slowly causing a pearl to grow...Except this pearl is probably a brain tumor that will kill me one day.


Ursus marijanus
I try to start out with a little eloquence, but i obviously don't stick to it for very long.
While i realize the world isn't black and white, some things are obviously right, and wrong. That shouldn't have to be explained to any adult who is responsible enough to hold a job, provide their own home, and feed themselves. Anyone competent enough to do those things should understand the basic difference between right and wrong. If you can't, that means you're either mentally or morally deficient, or both. If you're mentally deficient, you need supervision. If you're morally deficient, you need observation...
And all of this is a constant irritant, like a grain of sand in an oyster's shell, slowly causing a pearl to grow...Except this pearl is probably a brain tumor that will kill me one day.
It’s not a pearl but a cyst. I’ve decided that half of America being too dumb to breathe without a flash card is not my problem.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Do ppl tell him anything? Who else could he find, Boebert herself, to run for SOH?
oh my fucking god...that would deserve an immediate animated series on comedy central..."Hoebert of the House"...maggaty trailer queen could act like her friend while stabbing her in the back every time she turned around, and mccarthy could be the mentor who resents the fuck out of his student...shit writes itself.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
TY, Roger, you put to words just what I have been thinking, lo these many decades. :(
I got neighbors, friends, relatives, who love that orange demon. WHY!!!!!!!!?
i'm sorry, but the diagnoses is that you have stupid people in your life, who stuck their heads in a rabbit hole, and decided they like it....
the prognosis is poor, the only treatment is a very large, very swift boot in the ass, and that is usually where they store their brains, after exposure to the republican rabbit.