When to top dress


Well-Known Member
Is there such a thing as top dressing organic fertilizer into organic soil too soon?

I've heard that in organics the plant only starts using it when it needs it.

Is that true?


Well-Known Member
I mix Dr Earth in at planting at 2 tbls per gallon of soil and leave them like that until flip(50-65days). Then I start top dressing every 2 weeks. I use the veg formula for the first and usually a 50/50 mix of flower girl and the veg formula next. At 4 weeks I judge if it's time for 100% flower girl by how they look and if they are looking Nitrogen starved from the stretch I'll keep the 50/50 . After that it's just flower girl and epsom salt for magnesium. I grow in 4-5 gallon pots so there's not a lot media for organic growing, they love the bigger pots. I also use Recharge every week until week 5 or 6 of flower. Hope that helps some.


Well-Known Member
No. Not true, lol.
You can overdo it with organics but I've found it hard to do with Dr Earth only. I messed up the math one time because I was a tiny bit too medicated for my own good. I gave one plant double what I normally use and didn't see any tip burn or lockouts. I did wait 3 weeks before I fed it again and don't recommend that you try it as some strains would not take it in stride I bet.
Once you start adding stuff to the Dr Earth in your soil it gets easier to burn them I think. Guano and crab meal and other organic additives can for sure end up being too hot just like salt nutes.


Well-Known Member
You can overdo it with organics but I've found it hard to do with Dr Earth only. I messed up the math one time because I was a tiny bit too medicated for my own good. I gave one plant double what I normally use and didn't see any tip burn or lockouts. I did wait 3 weeks before I fed it again and don't recommend that you try it as some strains would not take it in stride I bet.
Once you start adding stuff to the Dr Earth in your soil it gets easier to burn them I think. Guano and crab meal and other organic additives can for sure end up being too hot just like salt nutes.
Thanks FCA. Last time I waited till flip to top dress, had deficiencies right after stretch. This time I top dressed 2 weeks before I plan to flip, trying to avoid that. If it's going to burn my plants, will it show up immediately or will it take 2 weeks?

Next time I'll follow your schedule!