Kevin's House?


Well-Known Member

'Clowns': GOP implosion stokes Fox freakout as McCarthy learns Boehner’s tough lesson

82,661 views Jan 5, 2023 #msnbc #gop #foxnews
The GOP is in chaos as Rep. Kevin McCarthy suffers more bruising losses in speaker votes. MAGA hardliners refusing to budge as a humiliation plays out on live TV. In this special report, MSNBC’s Ari Melber shows how this “hijacking” of the party started over a decade ago with Speaker Boehner and emergence of the Tea Party.


Well-Known Member
9 Elections, 0 results, Lots of Humiliation. Tomorrow they will try #10, probably same result unless 6 Repubs will vote for Jefferies?

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
While this is clearly awful for the GOP in the short-term, it could potentially serve to regroup and strengthen the party in the future, IF the GOP can effectively ostracize the extremist MAGA-Republicans from the party. Unfortunately they haven't been able to do it yet, and opening the door to Trump in the first place, was certainly their biggest folly.


Ursus marijanus
While this is clearly awful for the GOP in the short-term, it could potentially serve to regroup and strengthen the party in the future, IF the GOP can effectively ostracize the extremist MAGA-Republicans from the party. Unfortunately they haven't been able to do it yet, and opening the door to Trump in the first place, was certainly their biggest folly.
Nope. That Man was not a cause but an effect. The GOP has been on a decades-long binge of fiscal madness, gutting the schools and other infrastructure, xenophobia, abetting the toxic evangelical recipe for an authoritarian state, such as the ongoing assault on sex and gender. That Man merely brought the pus to a head.

There are no moderate Republicans. The party censured the last ones for being moderate, and they’re gone.

The diagnostic is the number of Republican votes for Jeffries, who unlike any Repug option is a moderate.

The Republicans are showing us that they are beyond hope of redemption. Like any other vectors of an incurable pathogen, the thing to do is remove them from harmful engagement, quarantine them for the rest of their natural lives and build an actually republican party from scratch.


Well-Known Member
I heard on the news tonight that they've voted for SOTH eleven times now.
Maybe the GOP thinks by voting a lot, but accomplishing nothing is legislating?
I know the following goes back a few years, but it's the same repuglican party:
GOP Aims To Kill Obamacare Yet Again After Failing 70 Times
By Chris Riotta On 7/29/17 at 6:53 PM EDT
...After last week's latest attempt to remove provisions of Obamacare ended with Sen. John McCain's dramatic "no" vote effectively keeping it alive along with two other senators, Newsweek has found at least 70 Republican-led attempts to repeal, modify or otherwise curb the Affordable Care Act since its inception as law on March 23, 2010.
So, could it be that the redumblicans just think of voting a lot as being good lawmakers?
Or, more likely, they just insist on having their way. "No compromises"
they said for years. That stupid Taxpayer Protection Pledge one of their right wing operatives,
Grover Norquist made all members of Congress sign, or else they'd lose campaign funding.


Well-Known Member
I doesn’t look like it’s Kevin’s house anymore, he sold his soul for nothing.

Ummm, wait a sec..if you sell your soul but don't get what you it because he looks buffoonish now?

Where's all the Righties?

I feel like RIU Political is the stoner table at school.


Well-Known Member
i sincerely, deeply, truly hope they can't come to any deal, period.
indictments are about to start coming, some of those people in the house are deeply involved, and at least a few of them will be facing some charges...
hopefully more than a few.
the composition of the house will change, and i don't think it will help mccarthy or the fact, they'll probably lose their slim majority, and mccarthy's humiliation can be utterly complete.
i wonder if the house janitorial staff has his shit moved out of the speakers office yet? and into his new cell?
Jacks moving on Trump like a bitch.


Carry on to Kevin's House:lol:
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Well-Known Member
If there is no way for Jeffries to actually gain the seat(can't see the Reps. accepting that),I see the next best solution as the Dems giving up some votes to put someone in the seat. In exchange for the elimination of the deal brokered w/the burn it all down faction,those wierdo's can't be given a snifff of the power McCarthy surrendered and the house will be paralized to actually conduct business under that scenario.The removal of the Santos seat and Jim Jordan doesn't get appointed to head any committees.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know, anyone could be elected. Jeffries could get it if some republicans would vote for him, he's closer to winning than Kev. Chances of crossing over are slim though and there would be all sorts of challenges.

Given past behavior, I think it would be a mistake to expect the Republicans to honor any commitments they make.


Well-Known Member
If there is no way for Jeffries to actually gain the seat(can't see the Reps. accepting that),I see the next best solution as the Dems giving up some votes to put someone in the seat. In exchange for the elimination of the deal brokered w/the burn it all down faction,those wierdo's can't be given a snifff of the power McCarthy surrendered and the house will be paralized to actually conduct business under that scenario.The removal of the Santos seat and Jim Jordan doesn't get appointed to head any committees.
You have it backwards. Jeffries is the favorite and no Dems are giving up seats or changing the selection.


Well-Known Member
If there is no way for Jeffries to actually gain the seat(can't see the Reps. accepting that),I see the next best solution as the Dems giving up some votes to put someone in the seat. In exchange for the elimination of the deal brokered w/the burn it all down faction,those wierdo's can't be given a snifff of the power McCarthy surrendered and the house will be paralized to actually conduct business under that scenario.The removal of the Santos seat and Jim Jordan doesn't get appointed to head any committees.
Just a thought,something must be done,it's vital to our nation to have a functioning house,I'd love to see Jeffries by default but the Reps will never allow it.