Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
Orange you certain?
Kevin's mouth will be doing a lot of working when the Orange one goes down over the documents. He can show his thanks to Trump for his speakership by leading the charge up the courthouse steps and taking a bullet for Donald! :lol: Mark will not have an easy time, for as long as he lasts. If he doesn't do Donald's bidding just one magat can call for his job and Donald will be going down, screaming and freaking out all the way.


Well-Known Member
Can you elaborate a bit? I’d have agreed if it hadn’t been for that man’s involvement last night.
He still has some influence, with a few, unfortunately.

I thought it was interesting that trump only received one vote when his name was entered. No one considered him a serious candidate and his entry was essentially rebuffed.

Politically speaking, trump is a dead man walking and most Republicans realize this.


Ursus marijanus
He still has some influence, with a few, unfortunately.

I thought it was interesting that trump only received one vote when his name was entered. No one considered him a serious candidate and his entry was essentially rebuffed.

Politically speaking, trump is a dead man walking and most Republicans realize this.
The one vote thing is a good datum, but the fact that he influenced the endgame was weird.

The silver lining of that is that the ultra menace wing of the GQP hasn’t tackled the issue of rebranding.

That might be affected when and if indictments come down. But extrapolating that curve with a current dataset of zero is not a game I wanna play.


Well-Known Member
The one vote thing is a good datum, but the fact that he influenced the endgame was weird.

The silver lining of that is that the ultra menace wing of the GQP hasn’t tackled the issue of rebranding.

That might be affected when and if indictments come down. But extrapolating that curve with a current dataset of zero is not a game I wanna play.
Putting the latest display of dysfunction aside, the future is looking brighter than it looked 4 years ago. maga is in decline.


Ursus marijanus
Putting the latest display of dysfunction aside, the future is looking brighter than it looked 4 years ago. maga is in decline.
That’s a start. But I worry greatly that the three primary sins of the GOP

- not raising taxes and gutting social programs to take up the slack
- the war on women, gender etc. camouflaged as “family values” in cahoots with Klan-friendly pastors
- voter suppression and the perpetuation of systemic racism, plus a hateful immigration policy - more Klan stuff

will stay strong and simply get rebranded. Maga was Tea Party with new Michelins.

We won’t get a test of the premise for another 20 months. I’m betting that the GOP presidential candidate will pander to the above policies, and that the voters will cheer him on.

The party has efficiently stripped out the last pocket of moderate resistance. My only hope for really changing things relies on something very uncertain: indictment and conviction of a large enough number of maga mandarins.

I believe I predicted last May that That Man would be in orange within a year. I got four months left on that clock, and my confidence has eroded proportionally. We really really need an aggressive campaign of prosecution from Smith and co. to grab the news cycle, and soon.
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Well-Known Member
That’s a start. But I worry greatly that the three primary sins of the GOP

- not raising taxes and gutting social programs to take up the slack
- the war on women, gender etc. camouflaged as “family values” in cahoots with Klan-friendly pastors
- voter suppression and the perpetuation of systemic racism, plus a hateful immigration policy - more Klan stuff

will stay strong and simply get rebranded. Maga was Tea Party with new Michelins.

We won’t get a test of the premise for another 20 months. I’m betting that the GOP presidential candidate will pander to the above policies, and that the voters will cheer him on.

The party has efficiently stripped out the last pocket of moderate resistance. My only hope for really changing things relies on something very uncertain: indictment and conviction of a large enough number of maga mandarins.

I believe I predicted last May that That Man would be in orange within a year. I got four months left on that clock, and my confidence has eroded proportionally. We really really need an aggressive campaign of prosecution from Smith and co. to grab the news cycle, and soon.
The indictments and prosecutions must happen. Hopefully they do and the group is rebranded as fascists. It is what they are, after all.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
The thing that might break the republican house is if word gets out that Mark is ratting them all out
that word isn't out?...they don't even need him to rat, they have his cell phone, with literally thousands of damning texts, whole incriminating conversations. any cooperation on meadows' part is just icing on the rotten cake


Well-Known Member
that word isn't out?...they don't even need him to rat, they have his cell phone, with literally thousands of damning texts, whole incriminating conversations. any cooperation on meadows' part is just icing on the rotten cake
Oh Mark has receipts alright! However, getting him to plead guilty to insurrection and conspiracy would pretty well fuck the others, very efficiently too, since Mark was conspiracy central for state schemes, Trump's cronies and all the congress people involved. Mark alone with his trusty phone and computers can put a lot of assholes away on conspiracy charges, and there will be other rats, witnesses and evidence too. Mark will need to cut a deal in Georgia too and his testimony there would be on TV. Mark was also involved in the documents case on some level, he helped Trump steal the documents FFS! We will know what Mark will do during the Trump documents case I think and that will be long before the J6 trials or indictments.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Montana lawmaker wants to revisit idea of reservations>:(
All but one of Montana’s seven reservations were established prior to statehood.
well, why not continue to fuck them over? manifest destiny and all that...they aren't using the land, so why don't we seize it and confirm to the rest of the world that we're the heartless pieces of motherfucking shit garbage they think we are already? fucking republican cocksuckers...