Vent help needed pls???


Active Member
So I've converted a cabinet that I was going to get rid of into a little grow chamber because where I was doing it before had 'height' and space issues.
I'm 95% done but when I connected the extractor fan, it was way too noisy for my liking (this is in my room), the question I need to know is, would I get away with a decent, quiet, bathroom or even pc fan or 2, at the top of this cabinet, instead of what I currently have? attached. Thanks


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So I've converted a cabinet that I was going to get rid of into a little grow chamber because where I was doing it before had 'height' and space issues.
I'm 95% done but when I connected the extractor fan, it was way too noisy for my liking (this is in my room), the question I need to know is, would I get away with a decent, quiet, bathroom or even pc fan or 2, at the top of this cabinet, instead of what I currently have? attached. Thanks
Usually the strategy to reduce fan noise is to get oversized fans to run at low speeds.
Get a good dc operated fan like a 4” AC infinity and you could run it on very low setting and would be very quiet or for that space just get a 4” online booster fan and put a speed controller on it to dial it down. The AC infinity fans are very well built but there is some other brands that are copying them so you can get them cheaper now but the AC units are worth the money
Pc fan ain't going g to pull through that filter and it's highly unlikely a bathroom fan would either.

Depending on where you are you might be able to get what I use , which is a silent box fan, probably the quietest fan on the market .
A 4" is about £90 and ran with a variac you can't hear it.

Other than that an AC infinity or and SnP fan would work.

I'd spend some time researching the second hand market , as I still pick up bargains for fans I love that you just can't source any more
Get a good dc operated fan like a 4” AC infinity and you could run it on very low setting and would be very quiet or for that space just get a 4” online booster fan and put a speed controller on it to dial it down. The AC infinity fans are very well built but there is some other brands that are copying them so you can get them cheaper now but the AC units are worth the money
I can vouch the 4 and 6" ac infinity fans are pretty much silent until you get to the 6+ setting on them.
So I've converted a cabinet that I was going to get rid of into a little grow chamber because where I was doing it before had 'height' and space issues.
I'm 95% done but when I connected the extractor fan, it was way too noisy for my liking (this is in my room), the question I need to know is, would I get away with a decent, quiet, bathroom or even pc fan or 2, at the top of this cabinet, instead of what I currently have? attached. Thanks
I bought the cheapest 4 inch fan l could get. My 4*4s walls suck in so it's found its job! Read the box, measure your area and grow mold from the humidity that's going to get trapped. Unless I was looking wrong! Mind when using a 1k hps it got hot!
PC fan won't have enough power to draw through the carbon filter. You need to use an Inline fan as others said find an adjustable fan and adjust accordingly. :bigjoint:
So I've converted a cabinet that I was going to get rid of into a little grow chamber because where I was doing it before had 'height' and space issues.
I'm 95% done but when I connected the extractor fan, it was way too noisy for my liking (this is in my room), the question I need to know is, would I get away with a decent, quiet, bathroom or even pc fan or 2, at the top of this cabinet, instead of what I currently have? attached. Thanks
A PC fan can work. Don't know why others say it won't, I've done it and currently have a PC fan running on a 4" carbon filter as a scrubber. BTW, a speed control for a dc/pc fan is only a few dollars.

A PC fan can work. Don't know why others say it won't, I've done it and currently have a PC fan running on a 4" carbon filter as a scrubber. BTW, a speed control for a dc/pc fan is only a few dollars.

Foothill filters sells em with pc fans.. Ive considered one for while but wasnt sure if it would do the job
Edit: For my lung room. Smell builds up in there
I wasn't aware anyone sold something like this. I've just used ordinary 4" carbon filters.
I bought my main regular filter from them 4 or so years ago. Still works great.
6x18" Probably about time i buy a refill kit from them
If you spent a little bit money and time packing that top shelf with mineral wool insulation, underneath above and either side of the fan, the noise will be greatly reduced. Or as others have said buy a bigger fan and slow it down. But I personally would try and pack the free space around the fan with insulation before I bought another fan and controller.

hope this helps
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I will vouch for the AC infinity fans, they can be very quiet. I use to use the old school hydrofarm green inline fans, and they were loud. I went to harbor freight and bought their router speed control, you can really quiet them down with them, and its cheap and effective. You could also use insulated ducting if you aren't already

I have their 8 inch speed adjustable fan and its pretty loud, loud enough I Had to purchase their muffler to stick on the end of it. Its a phenomenal fan though, very efficient and powerful for the value. I have used hurricane inline fans for a long time with pretty good success but they aren't anywhere close to as efficient as the AC Infinity fans.