would a 300watt cfl be sufficient in a 3x3 3week veg sog tent??


Well-Known Member
im setting up a perpetual sog grow 16 clones in a 3x3. i have a 300watt CFL . i would prefer to use an led as there more cost efficient but i have it. i will only be vegging for 3 weeks at a time so would 300watts CFL be enough in the size of tent. or should i pickup a 250 watt led. trying to think about cost effectiveness
Watts are watts photons are photons aren't they? Metal halide, mercury vapour or hps even leds I could answer. I've used 32w tubes. Everything else as a light source works so why not.
If you want to do a perpetual you'll need a separate veg tent.
Use the 300 there and get the LED for bloom.
Plan on 4 plants in the bloom, anymore they will get crowded.
Veg for 4 weeks at least, I do 5
Good luck
I like to veg until the space of flower/grow areas is filled 2/3s or more then flip.
Watts are watts photons are photons aren't they? Metal halide, mercury vapour or hps even leds I could answer. I've used 32w tubes. Everything else as a light source works so why not.
There are so many things that go into the term “lighting” when we talk about indoor. The sun is the almighty and you can never replicate it indoors however you can have different quality lightening that can make all the difference on how your plants perform or don’t perform.
I suggest you dive into lighting a little and read up. Here’s a quick just.

Watt is the measurement used for the amount of energy consumed.
300w HPS draws the same amount as a 300w LED, but lumens & spectrum & heat produced are where they differ, big time.
Florescent lights or cfls can veg weed. My 5Ks do fine! It will work! I used to use 4x4 foot tubes in 2x4 area! 128w. But they do need to be closer. And use 5k to 6500k for veg. And yes leds rule, no shit!