Rsawr's Plant Place

Lilly (strain) from Delicatessen (Spanish seed co) is an old favorite of mine, it was popular in some Colorado dispensaries about 7-8 years ago, they called it "Pina Colada." Hopefully the Nurse Lilly retains that awesome flavor!
Oooh, I hope so! I usually wait a few more weeks into flower before I try a stem rub. The description from the seller does mention Lilly as a parent.
Alright, I probably didn't need the last spraying I did on Friday. I've got balls on the reversee with very few pistils, the plant on the left is still being female.
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It's gonna be fun popping these every now and then and seeing if the mutation is dominant. I'm still not really sure how often or even IF the mutant growth will be present in each seed. I'm looking forward to watching how the female one flowers.

Good beep to you.
Lil mutant Black apple update.
I mixed my STS and sprayed the plant on the right. I am likely going to remove one of the two main stems before flower to reduce how much pollen is going to be flying.
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I also wanted the most upright plant to remain the female, because I don't think the right one would stay standing with buds on it. Best to use it to collect pollen and toss it.
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I took a few clones from the one on the left as a fallback if my flipping the reversee, and the female at the same time is a bit out of whack. Worked out last time, but I would rather take cuttings during veg this time o_O
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Mutant master out!
Loving the journal.

Where did you get your sts kit?
Oops, I forgot it was Tuesday >.<
Good afternoon!

Rotten rozay x black apple is starting to stink out the room. Luckily the sweet fruity smells are a lot stronger than that stanky foot smell.

White widow and nurse lilly are just doing their thing.

Now I am waiting for pollen. Should be good to toss out the backup clones, I think the reversed plant will start dropping pollen in a week or 2, and the female will be in week 4ish. Perfect timing.

Have a nice day!
Hokay, meeples.

Rotten rozay x Black apples is getting a bit floppy. I FINALLY bought stakes to use in my next run, so I am looking forward to that! She smells super sweet. 20230117_060617.jpg20230117_061000.jpg20230117_060727.jpg

The plant with the round foxtailing nugs is the one that smells like foot. If I had to compare it to a plant, it'd be the way a tree of heaven (also called stinking sumac) smells, with a berry undertone. I am going to cut these down next week some time. I'll try to leave the slightly less done one alive, if it can be easily untangled. I think next run in this tent I will turn the lights down another 10 percent after the plants have reached max height. Few burnt leaves, not as many as last grow.

White widow and Nurse lilly got their nutes cut in half. I was using the same nutes for both tents, but it seems that rr x ba is a heavier feeder (or maybe it has to do with light intensity. The rr x ba tent is over lit, and the white widow tent is a bit under lit.) They're still chilling.

The mutant black apple looks just about ready to pollinate itself. Even the male is doing the weird stringy flower clusters, it is amusing.
Byeeeee! :]
So the big tent is dead and drying. They're gonna be replaced with:
Schromba by Katsu
Slymer by Bob
Socks by Cannarado

White widow and CBD are approaching the twilight weeks. White widow got some yoyos, she was starting to lean into CBDs space.

The black apple mutant looks thoroughly pollinated. All pistils are turning brown after this past week where the 'male' started dusting everywhere. I killed the 'male' and now am waiting 5 to 6 weeks for these seeds to be done.
You can see the spindly goofy vine growth happening even on a small version of the plant.

One thing I'll say is she roots like a dream. I am contemplating keeping this cut alive indefinitely, so I can keep reintroducing the mutation without hunting the seeds for it. We'll see.

Good day!
Alright, let's see.
These are done drying.
White widow and Nurse lilly are done with week 8ish, gonna see what they look like in 2 or 3 more. Lilly is starting to look angry, I keep forgetting to cut the nutes in half for her until right after I water...

The mutant is happily making seeds now. Such a funny looking little thing.
Shromba sprouted, slymer came up with its shell still attached so I peeled it off, and nothing from socks. Planted the last 2 yesterday, hope one pops, I haven't grown socks yet.

That's about it.
Gleepzorp, humanoid.

White widow and nurse lilly are still just hanging out. Gonna probably cut this weekend, at least for the white widow. I'll see how I'm feeling.

The socks never sprouted, started a gelato, hope it pops up. Slymer and schromba are being cute lil sproots

Mutant black apple in veg is hanging out in a blurple box with some clones of herself. Not sure what I'm doing with them, just trying to keep the cut alive til I get seeds from the one in flower. Maybe cross it like that. Accidentally turned the exhaust fan off and the mother grew hella roots out of the stem. She is creepy with how fast she roots.

The one in flower is doing what this mutation loves. Continuing to slowly get longer no matter how long it's been in flower. Like a lil weeping willow.
The guest next to her is my rotten rozay x lemon bubble solo cup grow.

Good beep to you, fellow humans.
Good beep!
I killed white widow, I forgot to take harvest pictures, but here she is dried

Nurse Lilly is still limping along. She is super burnt because of my laziness. I just never felt like mixing a second batch of nutrients. I'll cut it down by next tuesday. Doesn't look too bad considering I've been abusing it the past 10 weeks knowingly...

Babies for the next generation! Slymer and schromba are the two larger seedlings. The one in front is a mystery. I had given up on socks and gelato, cleaned the marker off the cups and set them on a shelf to reuse later. Of course one sprouted. So it's one of the two! Fun. The others are Alien rock candy, and blue mystic.

And in the mutant saga, mom is doing perfectly. But I think I am gonna toss it and start fresh with one of her clones. She's getting too tall, even though I keep chopping cuts off left and right.
The one in flower is almost done making seeds. 2 more weeks, and I'll cut it down and dry them. Anyone wanna swap goofy mutants for funsies? Lol

Enjoy your very human day.