Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
That's what always got me. Idk how/why he had that support, but "the troops" always seem to love the republican guy regardless of any fact/reason.

The military is not my area of expertise, but I seem to recall they put out their own news. My guess is that it is rather slanted and biased. Several friends enlisted pre-911 and I seem to recall them getting vastly different information than the rest of us.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
The part about Orange not wanting to honor buried vets. on a rainy day,because his hair would get messed and they were "losers" anyway is absolutely infuriating, how the hell to ANY vets. back this man???????
i'd be curious how many of the vets that support him actually saw any combat?
and how many tried to get out of military service and didn't have a rich dad to buy a doctors note...i can't see actual combat veterans following someone who lied their way out of service 5 times for transparently false reasons...but i suppose even some of them might be stupid enough :(

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I don't understand these Dixie states, many of these people are needy as hell, yet they loyally cast their votes for pols who want to take and not give.
i live here, and i don't understand it either...i hear reasons occasionally, but they're fucking stupid reasons...a lot of them around here liked trump because he gave them money during the pandemic..but when i point out that Biden gave them as much or more, they have some kind of rationalization ready...you can't argue with stupid people, they WON'T recognize the truth, unless it supports their personal prejudices.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3809355-house-passes-bill-requiring-medical-care-for-infants-born-after-attempted-abortions/?email=b5a92ed00df249fc9b7b18139c59bceda57b15d8&emaila=18a16693de60d345289fadbf0a5faca0&emailb=378aad2d50804dd588da1e93c7196c5ea6a7ac562c77cde26ffb42a2a7d0e7ad&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=01.11.23 JB Health
the bill requires that infants who survive an abortion be given medical care...well, first off, healthcare workers are usually people who have some compassion and empathy, they would do that without your stupid grandstanding law.
second, only 1%....1% of abortions occur when the baby is old enough to live outside the mother.
so who exactly who is this law for? it's for the sad ass bigots who passed it, and their deplorable constituents.
it's to assure the radical right, that a lot of republicans rely on to get elected, that they are indeed listening to their complaints, even though their complaints are ignorant and stupid.
they seem to think that just because they would throw the lives of mothers and children away if they weren't republicans, that democrats would do the same thing...


Well-Known Member
McCarthy says he will look at expunging Trump impeachment
Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said on Thursday that he would consider expunging one or both of former President Trump’s impeachments.
“I would understand why members would want to bring that forward,” McCarthy said in response to a question at a press conference on Thursday, before listing off several other key priorities for House Republicans.

“But I understand why individuals want to do it, and we’d look at it,” he added.

In the last Congress, a group of more than 30 House Republicans led by Rep. Markwayne Mullin (Okla.) put forward a resolution to expunge Trump’s impeachment in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. The resolution was supported by the fourth-ranking Republican in the House, Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (N.Y.).

A smaller group, again led by Mullin, also introduced a resolution to expunge Trump’s December 2019 impeachment for allegedly attempting to withhold military aid from Ukraine in an effort to pressure the country to investigate the business dealings of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

The Senate ultimately acquitted Trump in both impeachments, after failing to reach the two-thirds majority required to convict him.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
McCarthy says he will look at expunging Trump impeachment
Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said on Thursday that he would consider expunging one or both of former President Trump’s impeachments.
“I would understand why members would want to bring that forward,” McCarthy said in response to a question at a press conference on Thursday, before listing off several other key priorities for House Republicans.

“But I understand why individuals want to do it, and we’d look at it,” he added.

In the last Congress, a group of more than 30 House Republicans led by Rep. Markwayne Mullin (Okla.) put forward a resolution to expunge Trump’s impeachment in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. The resolution was supported by the fourth-ranking Republican in the House, Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (N.Y.).

A smaller group, again led by Mullin, also introduced a resolution to expunge Trump’s December 2019 impeachment for allegedly attempting to withhold military aid from Ukraine in an effort to pressure the country to investigate the business dealings of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

The Senate ultimately acquitted Trump in both impeachments, after failing to reach the two-thirds majority required to convict him.
if they can do that in the house, then w/e...if that has to pass the senate, it'll never happen...just like all the other stupid bullshit they're going to waste time on, only to have the senate shit on it and then flush it down the drain.
it doesn't matter though, it's all been recorded in many different books and articles, even documentaries they were stupid enough to allow to record their crimes, live... if they succeed in "expunging it" it will still exist, and everyone will still know that they're criminals, enabling a bigger criminal...and will be until they make things right.


Well-Known Member
I never hear about democratic voter fraud, I guess it has to do with character generally, republicans tend to not have any.

Accuse your enemies of what you are guilty of yourself, projection, Trump shared that trait with his base.



Well-Known Member
I don't understand these Dixie states, many of these people are needy as hell, yet they loyally cast their votes for pols who want to take and not give.
I asked that very question to Righties in my travels..7-11 Coffee Clutch which I started when Sanders was running and now Lyft or whoever drives me for the day. Must be a Rightie. The answer is as confounding as the question.

'Because someday I might be in that tax bracket and want the law to reflect lower taxes' (not quite those words but that's what they meant). I swear someone said that.


Well-Known Member
if they can do that in the house, then w/e...if that has to pass the senate, it'll never happen...just like all the other stupid bullshit they're going to waste time on, only to have the senate shit on it and then flush it down the drain.
it doesn't matter though, it's all been recorded in many different books and articles, even documentaries they were stupid enough to allow to record their crimes, live... if they succeed in "expunging it" it will still exist, and everyone will still know that they're criminals, enabling a bigger criminal...and will be until they make things right.
The democrats will just put it back in, they have copies, it is a gesture to Trump and thanks for his support in unifying his caucus, means nothing. Soon Kevin will have to really put it on the line for Donald, all the magats in congress will have to take a bullet for him.

The Biden special counsel investigation will fuck up any efforts to impeach Biden about it by delaying it with an ongoing DOJ investigation and a report to Garland absolving Biden will be the most likely result. Mitch probably will tell them the senate will acquit Biden with a lot of GOP senators making fools of them. The senate will end up investigating the house too, along with the DOJ, trashing their own ethics watchdog was noticed by Garland and what was once their business is now his business.


Well-Known Member
if they can do that in the house, then w/e...if that has to pass the senate, it'll never happen...just like all the other stupid bullshit they're going to waste time on, only to have the senate shit on it and then flush it down the drain.
it doesn't matter though, it's all been recorded in many different books and articles, even documentaries they were stupid enough to allow to record their crimes, live... if they succeed in "expunging it" it will still exist, and everyone will still know that they're criminals, enabling a bigger criminal...and will be until they make things right.
I don't understand what the House thinks it's going to be doing. No Senate. No President. Other than creating waves for 2024.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I don't understand what the House thinks it's going to be doing. No Senate. No President. Other than creating waves for 2024.
they're demonstrating to their base that they remember them, that they're doing stuff....even though they aren't actually doing a fucking thing...that's what republicans have always done, unify their base, and suck the balls of rich contributors. that and thwarting democracy seem to be their only purpose in existing.


Well-Known Member
what was from the 40s? the show ran from 69-93...24 years of suck...
They didn't air it near me, or at least if they did whatever network did not come in on the giant antenna stuck to the house. I would watch it when out in Ohio in Amish country visiting relatives so it was extra country bumpkin feeling. It was a funny ass juxtaposition as the sketch comedy show I watched normally was In Living Color, so that was the comparison.


Well-Known Member
The democrats should call this guy Santos Claus for all the gifts he is giving them, he could be the end of Kevin's speakership, the heat is building from NY republican members and those in close districts who are getting shit on themselves over this fiasco. They are gonna indict this guy for multiple felonies and when they do the heat will only increase. Kevin needs this guy and Matt Gaetz is helping to keep him there, both are criminals and Matt might not be out of the woods on federal charges for being a pervert.

Santos won't resign and give up his pay check and Kevin won't expel him from the house unless he is in a cell and can't vote. If Santos was to resign, a democrat would very likely take his place. Kevin would be down one and they would be up one, if he doesn't resign, Kevin will be just one down The democrats can't pick up the seat and the people in the district will be fucked and stuck with the loser in jail while paying him.



Well-Known Member
Quoting Will Rogers

He is on the Rove/McConnell team, where the money for the GOP really comes from and they wanna put lipstick on the pig. Donald has to go first though and then they will pick off the magats or bring them around to the traditional grift. Their problem is Donald filled the party with ignorant assholes and white trash while driving out the decent people with brains. The only ones left to lead with brains are hate driven fascists and greed driven grifters. Donald dumbed them down considerably and lead to a brain drain as anybody with one left the party.



Ursus marijanus
McCarthy says he will look at expunging Trump impeachment
Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said on Thursday that he would consider expunging one or both of former President Trump’s impeachments.
“I would understand why members would want to bring that forward,” McCarthy said in response to a question at a press conference on Thursday, before listing off several other key priorities for House Republicans.

“But I understand why individuals want to do it, and we’d look at it,” he added.

In the last Congress, a group of more than 30 House Republicans led by Rep. Markwayne Mullin (Okla.) put forward a resolution to expunge Trump’s impeachment in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. The resolution was supported by the fourth-ranking Republican in the House, Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (N.Y.).

A smaller group, again led by Mullin, also introduced a resolution to expunge Trump’s December 2019 impeachment for allegedly attempting to withhold military aid from Ukraine in an effort to pressure the country to investigate the business dealings of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

The Senate ultimately acquitted Trump in both impeachments, after failing to reach the two-thirds majority required to convict him.
At least McCarthy seems to be killing his political career, so there’s the silver lining.