Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
It might be a case of give these morons enough rope and they will hang themselves, or split apart. The debt ceiling is coming and that will be a major stress test for them if they want to fuck around with it. Then there is Santos and the NY delegation and about 20 republicans who won't serve with him and want him expelled, another stress test when he is indicted. Giving some of these people airtime and exposure won't help them at all! Then there are the pending indictments of Trump over the documents, another stress test as would an impeachment of Biden in the face of a DOJ report absolving him, made by a republican special prosecutor to Garland.

It promises to be quite the show, Kevin might not last as speaker and the republican majority might not last 2 years, if Jack starts indicting them with Mark squealing like a pig and pleading to a conspiracy involving them! o_O



Well-Known Member
If you notice, the democrats in the house don't seem downcast at all, many are sporting confident smirks, even those cut from committees. It's almost like they know the shit storm is coming for these assholes, the former prosecutors among them appear to be smiling the most, Schiff seems amused... ;-)

Mitch has gone radio silent and is waiting for the shit storm and tornado to pass with his head wisely down, the turtle just tucked into his shell! First up the debt ceiling, good luck fucking with that and staying together! :lol:


Well-Known Member
We have an instapot too. We don't use it since we got the Ninja, so we took it to the riverhouse. Not that I do any cooking down there.

I do use the Ninja pressure cooker every week to cook my soybeans. I was having trouble finding edamame, and when I did, it cost a ton. Now I buy seven pounds of the uncooked beans for 20 odd bucks. I cook 2 1/2 cups a week, so the bag last 6-8 weeks.

But the feature I like best is heating meat out of the fridge. Like this week we had about 3/4 of a rotisserie chicken left over. We heated it 3 minutes and it was like it had just come off the spit.
I'd like an air fryer.


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List of Republicans committing voter fraud continues to grow

38,293 views Jan 14, 2023 #msnbc #republicans #voterfraud
As Donald Trump clings to claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, Republicans are still making headlines for actually committing voter fraud. Mehdi Hasan updates the list.


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Republicans insult their voters with bogus controversies like gas stoves: Mehdi Hasan

5,335 views Jan 14, 2023 #msnbc #republicans #gasstoves
Mehdi Hasan looks at the paroxysm of outrage from the right about the completely made-up war on gas stoves and points out that this, along with a litany of previous dopey upsets, illustrates the lack of respect the right has for its own voting base.


Well-Known Member
Nobody brings up pedophilia as often as trumpanzees. It's in their punkin' heds.
Brings in the hillbilly and white trash vote. The people without gas stoves will worry the most about big guberment SWAT teams coming for their electric ranges! Shit they will go out and buy propane stoves and get contracts, if I was a dealer in the south I would be marketing it! Just like the panic when they hear gun regs are coming they will panic buy gas stoves! These people are seriously stupid and ya can make a buck off them and help to kill the dumb fucks off too! Win,win. :lol:


Well-Known Member
You don't need to own a propane company in the south or any republican rich district to profit from Republican stupidity. Many companies offer very good money if you can sell gas contracts for tanks, installation and stoves. So just target and go around to republican areas dropping off brochures with the right political slant and Biden wanting to take away their gas stove blah blah. This would be in areas where people normally use electric, but ya wanna suck them in with a political message! :lol: