Examples of GOP Leadership


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Compared to those placing themselves at the political centre, people with far-left political views were more likely to be current smokers (Odds Ratio [OR] = 1.13; 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 1.01–1.26), while those in the centre-right were the least likely to smoke (OR = 0.84; 95% CI: 0.76–0.93).


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Nothing like a good girl fight- I wonder who was the first to do the earing throw down?

It usually comes after 'oh hell no'!

January 3? No wonder they were sitting with their own posse's..I wonder if this added to Kevin's misery that day?


Do you think Trump was starting into his diaper? I've always wondered about this pic.
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure it's a word, according to my brief google of it. So i'm not sure what it means.
the way of life or mode of thought characteristic of the regions outside the capital city of a country, especially when regarded as unsophisticated or narrow-minded.
"book-loving Belle was burning to escape the provincialism of her village"
narrow-mindedness, insularity, or lack of sophistication.
"the provincialism of modern novelists"
concern for one's own area or region at the expense of national or supranational unity.

apply this to your personal life, instead of a geographic region...


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On classified docs, GOP fails again to find a parallel for Trump
What Republicans don't seem to realize is that the story about Joe Biden’s classified documents makes Donald Trump look worse, not better.

After the FBI executed a court-approved search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump and many of his Republican allies pushed a curious defense: The former president’s actions weren’t that serious, the argument went, because so many others had done the same thing.

As regular readers might recall, this didn’t go well. Trump’s first push was to draw a connection between his controversy and Hillary Clinton’s emails, though this didn’t work because the stories have so little in common. This led Trump to shift gears and argue that Barack Obama also took classified secrets and clashed with the National Archives. This proved to be utterly bonkers.

Trump also took an interest in George W. Bush’s emails, but the story proved irrelevant. He then tried to argue that George H.W. Bush took sensitive materials to an unsecured former bowling alley, but the entire line of attack quickly collapsed.

The pattern was tough to miss: Trump kept looking for a parallel example that might help diminish the seriousness of his scandal. Every attempt failed spectacularly.

Now, the boys who cried wolf are trying the same move once again. NBC News reported overnight:

A “small number of documents” with classified markings that appear to be from the Obama administration were found at a think tank in Washington tied to President Joe Biden and are under review by the Justice Department and the National Archives, a White House lawyer said Monday. The documents were discovered in a locked closet by Biden’s attorneys days before the midterm elections as they prepared to vacate office space at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president, said in a statement.

The report added that the incumbent Democratic president learned of the materials’ existence when his lawyers told Biden of their discovery.

It didn’t take long for his predecessor to start the process — the one he tried with Clinton, Obama and both Bushes — all over again. “When is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House?” Trump asked by way of his social media platform.

Soon after, the Republican started making up new details that he thought sounded interesting and pretended that the claims were real. In one instance last night, for example, Trump insisted that Chinese officials “saw the Classified Documents!” An hour later, he suggested that Biden might’ve “given” the “Highly Classified Documents” to China.

No sensible person could take such nonsense seriously, but Trump’s Republican allies nevertheless picked up on the former president’s general message: House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said Biden and Trump did “the same thing.”

And just as these talking points failed before, they’re failing again now — because Biden and Trump clearly did not do “the same thing.”

Look, this isn’t complicated, and there’s no reason to play silly games. Trump took hundreds of classified materials to his glorified country club. He ignored requests to return them. He failed to comply with a federal subpoena. He lied repeatedly. He returned some documents, but held onto others, all while refusing to cooperate in good faith. He even proposed a possible trade in which he’d consider giving the documents back, but only if officials gave him something else in return.

To see the Biden story as identical is clearly insane. Based on all of the available information, the Democrat appears to have inadvertently moved a “small number of documents” with classified markings to the Penn Biden Center. The National Archives didn’t request the materials’ return because officials didn’t know they were missing.

Biden’s representatives found the documents and immediately informed the Archives know about the discovery. The materials were then quickly returned to the authorities.

If Trump had done the same thing, he wouldn’t be facing a criminal investigation. It’s not illegal to accidentally have classified documents; it’s illegal to take them and refuse to give them back.

Indeed, the great irony of last night’s hullabaloo is that it gets the bigger picture backwards: What Republicans don't seem to realize is that the story about Biden’s classified documents makes Trump look worse, not better.


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Blow that dog whistle hard, it's a vote getter and the racists will even fuck themselves and the country over stupidity. This sends a clear enough message, no need to use the N word, the mealy mouthed are more sophisticated than that. This is an example of cold civil war waged on black people, no cold civil war in America? No systemic and state supported racism?



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Microprovincialism: MY house/rules/views/solutions ARE THE STANDARD FOR ALL - and ALL will be judged
Let's call it what it is- tribes..tribes within tribes.

Easier for the Rightie to understand.

Look at the movie Streets of New York..it's been pretty bloody for a country that's less than 300 years old..battling the Native populace here right from the beginning..slavery and not just black populace..how the West was won and railroad built.
Civil War. Attacks on our nation and from within..yah, I hope the framers knew what they were doing.


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I didn't like him as a child- maybe it was this sketch..I thought it perverse in some way and it made me uncomfortable. Laugh-In as a whole was moronic and would watch only if it was the last thing. I hated the dumb blonde Goldie Hawn skits. It was so beneath a woman to act like that but men love it.

Tits and guns; then came FOX.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Blow that dog whistle hard, it's a vote getter and the racists will even fuck themselves and the country over stupidity. This sends a clear enough message, no need to use the N word, the mealy mouthed are more sophisticated than that. This is an example of cold civil war waged on black people, no cold civil war in America? No systemic and state supported racism?

that's ok...everything they do is shooting themselves in the foot...they just made the next generation of magats even stupider than they were already going to be...soon their base will be walmart greeters and clerks at 7-11, because that's all they're qualified to be, and they won't have much spare cash for campaign donations...


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We are going to talk about school lunches. . . .

$20 million bucks, how much extra did Trump's secret service details cost? He maxed out on everything for himself and family all those golf weekends broke the SS budget.

Jesus Christ, anybody who votes for a republican is just mean and stupid these days, that's all they are about, mean and stupid, cutting your own nose off to spite your face on the way to crazyville. Freaking out over nothing and opening their wallets for con artists over stupidity, the GOP is one giant grift run by grifters and cowards. It used to be greed and religion were the traditional con artist hooks, now it is hate and resentment fueled by bullshit on foxnews with social media giving the suckers the social support of the like weak minded. Politics is becoming a bigger grift than evangelical Christianity, both are cults run by grifters and the delusional.


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The "new south". Robert E Lee was a traitor in the end and was responsible for the murder of US troops. The north won the war, but the south won the peace and controlled America's destiny ever since. 100 years of successful domestic terrorism with the KKK in it's aftermath too with murders and massacres of black people on a regular basis and the law of little help since they were Klan cops too.
