What’s the next skunk gonna be?

What strain do you all think will be chased like the “true” skunk? I just want to know so I can save seeds now and sell them for ridiculous amounts of money in 20 years.
That kind of thing is done.
The days of it is too dank to grow safely is done.
Those of us that bought some, and were scared to go anywhere with it is done as well.
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I finally let Blue Dream go. It wasn't the original but a vastly superior S1, so people would've thrown a fit anyway.
"This one yields more and tastes too good to be the real blue dream. It doesn't taste shitty like these dispo pickups I remember"

Sunset Sherbet maybe will come back? Has it been lost yet?

These are worth getting if you like skunk stuff.

Sterling Skunk
Hopar Valley Landrace
Skunk Killerz

Im not a believer. Most attaching skunk to their work have no concept of it. People growing funk and calling it skunk. Funk isn't skunk. Garlic isn't skunk. Skunk is skunk. There's a spectrum but it's very narrow. Funk rubber garlic piss shit none of that stuff is rare or related to skunk. Skunk in pure form is a rare expression and would earn you an sponsor from one of these international companies sitting and waiting for everyone else in the genetics sector to settle into their permanent place behind closed doors.

I know the slow rollout of legalization annoys a few in the scene, but it's for them. Literally waiting for the experts to crawl out of the hills and accept real jobs (for real companies not some Cali trap warehouse).
Gelato 41 & 33
King Louis
these are some of many I feel, like in 20 years once these weirdo New generation kiddos get older will seek after. Market will dictate value. It’s usually all about what you here about when your in you early teen years, that will feel nostalgic later.
In the earlier post, I was being sarcastic when I said that blueberry would be the next strain to be sought after like skunk.
The fact is, blueberry has never fell out favor of the many breeders and growers who are currently using it in their roster.
Across the many, forums, you can see a definite increase of breeders and chucker who who are currently using blueberry in their crosses or looking for it to do so if they can get their hands on the beans.
Blueberry f5, despite its criticisms, is a must have if you are looking to add something timeless to your vault. The fact is, blueberry is the basis of most modern strains and you will be hard pressed to find a cross where it is not used in its design.
I have to give it up to DJ Short for preserving such great genetics and for sharing his hard work with the public.
I feel the chems and there hybrids will be one that will be around along time then maybe fall back out and into favour as for seeds to save you thinking backwards my friend tis landrace you wanna stash more than anything that shit will be extinct we as humans just cant help ourselves between idiots taking seeds to source countries to crack downs to climate change theres so many things in play i think genetic pollution is the biggest risk imo but theres no hybrids without building blocks so yes there wouldnt be any skunk without its parental strains same goes for all the "modern" shit we got