if sex is determined at seed, how come a plant can change sex to germinate an all female crop in nature
yet cant be influenced at germination, by good germination practices, please explain if im missing something there.
it may just be a hermi, but it's sex has been influenced BECAUSE THEY WERE ALL FEMALE PLANTS, if its possable in nature to get all female crops, why not from a regular seed pack
i don't give a fuck what you all think you know (no offence intended), but it must be partialy something im doing, as you all are wrong. that ,or i just keep getting female seeds in my 10 packs
seriously though, it must be something im doing, i cant explaine it any other way, ive moved house 3 times, so its not the water.saying that, ive never used adulterated tap water, well water of borehole water, never chlorinated of full of estrogen that cant be recycled from mains tap water, so that maY BE INFUENCEING THEM SOME HOW.
the compost has been differant brand each time, although this new one from the local tip, organic green waste compost is a little richer in nitrogen then i like to germinate in. but a 10 pack of sensi's mexican sativa, 7 girls out of 10 reg seeds. done it again.
i seem to remember reading ed rhosenthle(sp?) or the other grow guy from back in the day. saying that larger post for germinating in, ie, not restricting the initial root growth. so 9" pots minimum, resulted in a higher female ratio to male plants in experiments.
I am lucky e4nough to have green fingers, i can grow anything i put my mind to, get it from m,y mother. but that may or may not explaine it, depends if you believe in the universes electromagnetic energy and how it influences everything from how your day go's, to plant growth
apart from that, i have no explination for it. it just works for me