Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
So my story..

Brother Daniel really didn't say much. We basically just talked about Contracting stuff . The homeowner however said a whole lot. Kind of. She claims to her death that they are not banging and have never banged . But She never came out and said that they're not banging. Or at least not in as many words. But that they are in love or have a special friendship that's hard to put into words. Her exact texts lol. . She did say that she's thinking about leaving her husband. And that brother Daniel is thinking about leaving his Amish community. I inferred that they're doing this together. I guess one of the reasons brother Daniel wanted to have lunch with me is to entertain the possibility of a partnership in the winter once he leaves his community. But he never actually said this because he is too shy. The homeowner told me this. Brother Daniel just asked if I was interested with helping him do some smaller jobs over the winter. Buttoning stuff up with him. So that he doesn't have to take his driver and his whole crew and can leave them at the bigger jobs. And doing more side quests. Like getting pizza and beer for lunch LOL. The whole thing is pretty funny. The homeowner is like hella fucking hot. And for what it's worth brother Daniel is not a bad looking dude. I mean he's Amish and is fucking straight chiseled. And probably has a God damn boa constrictor in his pants. Was a fun field trip either way lol. I got a free lunch and 50 bucks out of the day.


Well-Known Member
I'm just happy that cell phone cameras weren't invented when I was a teenager or someone would want to write one about all the dumb shit I got away with. Only way to get caught when I was a kid was a damn Poloroid :mrgreen:

No kidding. Someone recently uploaded a video to Facebook that I was in. It was the summer directly after senior year of high school. And it was basically a parent's worst nightmare confirmed. There was massive amounts of underage drunk boxing and drugs and cussing. I wasn't in any of the boxing but I was in it and looking high and drunk as shit lol.

I should add an addendum to this post and say that this happened before cell phones and somebody had a God damn camcorder and videotaped this party lol.
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