What’s the next skunk gonna be?

And it's not that anyone will be "looking for" Cookies/GSC in 20 yrs +, it's just that it will already be IN the lineage of almost anything 20+ yrs from now
Unless more people start experimenting with crossing landrace strains, in 20 years everything commercial might be polyhybridized into oblivion, everything else will be considered heirloom. Just a theory.
People will turn to Blueberry f5 and wonder why its garbage and DJ Short himself doesnt even use it, nor does Blue Star Seed co. Then they will do what everyone extremely interested in BB has done and go into the rabbit hole... GSC forum is similar to the BB everyone is fond of, in that it was a mutant. A one of a kind plant. DJ short was only able to produce the BB seeds people remember for a very brief window in time. I am of the mind that the clones of mutants are the deffinitive BB, and in trying to stabilize the strain for consistency, they almost entirely eliminated what made the plant attractive. Its taken 25 years and a huge interest for guys like Blue Star to come at the strain and try to bring back the traits people actually want from blueberry, and he still hasnt perfected it.

There are 15 year olds getting shithammered off cake and cookie cuts right now. In 10 years, those kids are going to be on these forums, reading these posts, wondering how their holy grail was taken for granted.

That being said, guys like AKBB and Fluer De Mal put alot of time and effort into preserving and breeding old school stains in a hopefully sustainable fashion so that we can take them into the future. Then you have guys like Dynasty genetics who make gassy, potent polyhybrids in the modern era of pollen chuckers.

Humbolt Seed Company has a GSC in seed form. Im guessing its the modern BB equivalent of GSC forum cut. I garuntee people will take it, breed with it, the lineage will say "GSC" and people will start looking into the history of GSC without any idea that the strain they liked had absolutely nothing to do with the infamous cut. Such is the way in the wonderful world of weed.
I have had plenty of those 1 week wonders that you are calling gassy polyhybrids. I have one that has a very nice nose on it.. when I try to give it to my friends… give.. they refuse every time because we are used to smoking on a much higher level.
Please point to one of those strains that you refer to as so great. Because it will take someone like you a week to smoke a joint of the type of bud I’m talking about.
Of course that sounds crazy to someone who thinks cookies is the best. The only thing I know that it’s good for is getting old people and youngsters that giddy high, because they do not have the tolerance to smoke something more serious.
I see your passion brother, I also see how you follow the Cookie trend of turning out crosses as soon as possible. So you expect DJ Short to do the same. Trendsetters don’t follow brother they lead. The bb f5 was released to answer the call of many for authentic old school genetics. DJ Short delivered.
Like earlier when the guy honestly said that he has a cut of a cut of a cut. Yeah that might do what it do, but I’ll rather base 5 years of breeding on proven genetics from the creator of those genetics, instead of basing years of work and resources on the word of someone who says that’s his work has blueberry it.
But his work doesn’t produce the signature terp of chocolate thai.. or who’s work don’t have that signature taste of Oaxacan or Thai.
I’m sure you are looking for candy sweetness, when DJ short clearly states that he doesn’t like sweet bud. Hence you rarely get the sweetness when you smoke his bud.
I’m sorry. It most old schooler’s aren’t looking for sweet candy, cakes and ice cream, they are looking for something that smokes, tastes, and get you high like real weed. Which is something that cookies fail to do time and time again, no matter how it looks, or how gassy it smells. Runtz is the only cookie strain that has a decent ole school taste. Hence its popularity. But unfortunately it still has that same tired cookie smoking characteristic of a minimum 2hr buzz, and zero effects on the body. Not to mention that anything cookies will fail be effective beyond a few weeks. That’s why they are always in a rush to put out something new.
Those weekly new strains is the cookies producers way of trying to imitate potency. Because it doesn’t takes the body long to build up a tolerance to cookies, they have to repeatedly turn out cross after cross.
Brother it’s fine with me that you prefer to huff on that stuff all day and night and still not get a a decent buzz. Maybe that’s your thing smoking all day long.. who can afford that. Visit any nursing home in the country and you can see for yourself that the majority of the residents are there for copd.
For real, trying to explain to a guy with a low tolerance how not so great gsc or it’s crosses are, is like trying to explain quantum physics to a chimp.
I know a guy who has cookies crosses that will make you run out into the middle of traffic. Or hunting your cbd pen to make yourself come down because you have never been that high before in your life. Try being on a 24-48 hour trip after just taking a few hits. It is unheard of for something with cookies in it to produce those type of effects. And that’s how far behind you are brother. Stay up homie. Peace.
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I have had plenty of those 1 week wonders that you are calling gassy polyhybrids. I have one that has a very nice nose on it.. when I try to give it to my friends… give.. they refuse every time because we are used to smoking on a much higher level.
Please point to one of those strains that you refer to as so great. Because it will take someone like you a week to smoke a joint of the type of bud I’m talking about.
Of course that sounds crazy to someone who thinks cookies is the best. The only thing I know that it’s good for is getting old people and youngsters that giddy high, because they do not have the tolerance to smoke something more serious.
I see your passion brother, I also see how you follow the Cookie trend of turning out crosses as soon as possible. So you expect DJ Short to do the same. Trendsetters setters don’t follow brother they lead. The bb f5 was released to answer the call for authentic old school genetics.
Like the guy honestly said, he has a cut of a cut of a cut. Yeah that might do what it do, but I’ll rather base 5 years of breeding on proving genetics from the creator of those genetics. Instead of basing years of work and resources on some one who says he has blueberry, but his work doesn’t produce the signature terp of chocolate thai.. or who’s work don’t have that signature taste of Oaxacan or Thai.
I’m sure you are looking for candy sweetness, when DJ short clearly states that he doesn’t like sweet bud. Hence you rarely get the sweetness when you smoke his bud.
I’m sorry. It most old schooler’s aren’t looking foe sweet candy, cakes and ice cream, they are looking for something that smokes, tastes, and get you high like real weed. Which is something that cookies fail to do time and time again, no matter how it looks, or how gassy it smells. Runtz is the only cookie strain that has a decent ole school taste. Hence its popularity. But unfortunately it still has that same tired cookie smoking characteristic of a minimum 2hr buzz, and zero effects on the body. Not to mention that anything cookies will fail be effective beyond a few weeks. That’s why they are always in a rush to put out something new.
Those weekly new strains is the cookies producers way of trying to imitate potency. Because it doesn’t takes the body long to build up a tolerance to cookies, they have to repeatedly turn out cross after cross.
Brother it’s find with me that you prefer to huff on that stuff all day and night and still not get a a decent buzz. Maybe that’s your thing smoking all day long.. who can afford that. Visit any nursing home in the country and you can see for yourself that the majority of the residents are there for copd.
For real, trying to explain to a guy with a low tolerance how not so great gsc or it’s crosses are, is like trying to explain quantum physics to a chimp.
I know a guy who has cookies crosses that will make you run out into the middle of traffic. Or hunting your cbd pen to make yourself come down because you have never been that high before in your life. Try being on a 24-48 hour trip after just taking a few hits. It is unheard of for something with cookies in it to produce those type of effects. And that’s how far behind you are brother. Stay up homie. Peace.
What’s it crossed with? Seems farfetched but I’d like to know more about this 48 high…. Because I also know a guy….
most of the strains from my time are allready looked for, like original jack herer(you got 500 people selling it)
in my opinion new york diesel.smoked some in amsterdam most delicios orange weed i had in my life. grew red diesel cross from it. allsoo amazing smoke.
I hope for humanitys sake cookies and gelato goes the way of the dodo maybe the odd cross with em is ok but it just aint my thing personally and i find em pretty weak as well i blame marketing and that your average person these days has no clue what quality weed is and the sad fact is if it keeps going way it is thats all we gonna have a bunch of weak ass samey bud cos its in everything most so called breeders use the excuse its what folks want to be lazy and unimaginative
I hope for humanitys sake cookies and gelato goes the way of the dodo maybe the odd cross with em is ok but it just aint my thing personally and i find em pretty weak as well i blame marketing and that your average person these days has no clue what quality weed is and the sad fact is if it keeps going way it is thats all we gonna have a bunch of weak ass samey bud cos its in everything most so called breeders use the excuse its what folks want to be lazy and unimaginative
Well said brother.
most of the strains from my time are allready looked for, like original jack herer(you got 500 people selling it)
in my opinion new york diesel.smoked some in amsterdam most delicios orange weed i had in my life. grew red diesel cross from it. allsoo amazing smoke.
Can be tasty but i find it was too weak and too dominant in hybrids but never had the orange pheno tho mind you tho i have tried some other fruity phenos that were better than the standard somas diesel ones but nun special the one you taking about must be a rarer cut the rubyred pheno/cut tends to be the most sought after one i hear folks looking for when they talking about somas one and not the original diesel/daywrecker
Imo the commercial stuff will be the new mids/k, and the home grown will vary wildly, but thats what makes it fun.

For every pollen chucker trying to make a buck, there is a really passionate breeder. Both have potential to find something amazing, I'm just partial to the stuff with history.

Fwiw, princess 88 (mother of c99) allegedly came from a Jack Herrer that got pollinated by an unknown strain. Pretty sure it came from bud in Amsterdam.
Imo the commercial stuff will be the new mids/k, and the home grown will vary wildly, but thats what makes it fun.

For every pollen chucker trying to make a buck, there is a really passionate breeder. Both have potential to find something amazing, I'm just partial to the stuff with history.

Fwiw, princess 88 (mother of c99) allegedly came from a Jack Herrer that got pollinated by an unknown strain. Pretty sure it came from bud in Amsterdam.
Durban or powerplant so again durban genetics many think was the possible donor but again no one really knows as the seeds came from inside a deal of jack herer he got in sensi smile cofeeshop if my memory serves me right
I hope for humanitys sake cookies and gelato goes the way of the dodo maybe the odd cross with em is ok but it just aint my thing personally and i find em pretty weak as well i blame marketing and that your average person these days has no clue what quality weed is and the sad fact is if it keeps going way it is thats all we gonna have a bunch of weak ass samey bud cos its in everything most so called breeders use the excuse its what folks want to be lazy and unimaginative
Dodo is making a comeback, have u heard. DED SERIOUS
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Thanks glad im not the only one who can see it
They all see it rather they want to admit it or not.
The fact is, there is the entire cannabis revolution is based on the cookies platform. To admit it’s failure now is unfeasible. Therefore they try to uphold the market for as long as they can.
The exodus of the corporation from California’s over saturated market is a clear sign that things aren’t going that great for them.
As the corporations pull their funding, things can only get worse for those who are trying to profit in this $10 a g $30 ounce world.
Quite frankly, it still wouldn’t matter if someone produced a strain that exceeds cookies earning capabilities, because in no time it will suffer the same fate as cookies because the infrastructure is already in place to pass it out all over the world, thus making it worthless in no time.
So how does the cannabis market proceed when people are gripping about the price of seeds, while rebranding others work, and then have the nerves to hate as they claim theirs are better than the original creator of the cross.
This entire cannabis revolution was started because someone saw how easy it was to make a quick buck selling marijuana. The cartels taught them that.
Hell the hemp growing infrastructure was already in place so why not give it a go. These people were so inexperienced, that they didn’t consider the hemp growing next to their marijuana. We can’t imagine how much cannabis genetics was taken during America’s the war against drugs. Don’t think someone didn’t have a plan to kill all your bud and then sell it back to you for a higher price. Why not when no one can dispute you because you have literally destroyed cannabis all over the world.
Talking about eliminating the competition.
The corporations has the cannabis industry by the balls and is milking it for all it worth.
Hype, cannabis influencers, it’s the same thing as many have been duped into buying into cookie’s cbd/hemp scam. When anyone makes money besides the corporations, the feds will come in and take it. We all see it and have been seeing it for a long time… and if you aren’t seeing it, either you don’t know what you are looking at, or you are apart of the scheme. Smoke something.