Strange ghost/orb phenomenon


Active Member
Ok well i just took a picture of my friend outside, some weird shit showed up that wasnt there in reality. Kinda weird, just wondering what you guys think.
:confused: The last picture was like right after that to see if it happened again. :-?



Well-Known Member
If you watch ghost hunters you will see many of those...

I lived the first few years of my life in a haunted house that was over 100 years old... I'd rather not talk about the stuff I saw... people look at you like you are crazy... There is not just nothing on the other side...


Active Member
its a little bug that got lit up in the flash, no sort of phenomeonon.
Bullshit bug..that woulda been like the size of a quarter at least.
I took another picture right after that too see if anythin happened again, but it
didnt. The reason i kinda found this weird is there seems to be like two things, or spirits IMO mainly. Theres the window..Not an illusion i took a picture of four windows then on that ONE if you look at the far right of the window it looks like a skull. Then the orb this in eyeline of my friend. IMHO i think this is
happening because I just had a brother pass, so did my friend a few years back. So here i am hangin out with my friend who was a good friend of my brothers, then some ghost like shit pops up? Its just weird..

It's a white hole

Yeah forreal heres negs of everything. You might discard the window, it COULD have been a coincidence it looks like a skull but with the recent events and such i think its too coincedental. The trailer in the picture is right next to mine. It has no power..The little things in the other window



New Member
try taking pics that show the top of the walls where the wall meets the ceiling. You'll see a lot of them then. Once a friend and I cut one out of a pic and enlarged it and I swear it was a face. Try that, save the pic in the origional resolution and then crop out that orb and enlarge it........sp o o o o o ky..........


Well-Known Member
those are all light refractions, watch TAPS once. they see those all the time :P
or it's a ghost orb.. hah


Well-Known Member
k, the little white thing could possibly be an orb, with the second person that posted on this, i also live in a house that was haunted it was like only 30 years old but it was built on a ancient burial ground along with the rest of my street. Man stupid fuckin contracters is all i have to say, pretty much my family tore apart in that home, my step mom went nuts my dad was always angry , i mean 24/7 and my brother just tried to ignore it all. ill post some pictures i jsut got to find them. there fuckin scary tho, and no there not photo shoped, no mirror pictures and no smoke.


Active Member
k, the little white thing could possibly be an orb, with the second person that posted on this, i also live in a house that was haunted it was like only 30 years old but it was built on a ancient burial ground along with the rest of my street. Man stupid fuckin contracters is all i have to say, pretty much my family tore apart in that home, my step mom went nuts my dad was always angry , i mean 24/7 and my brother just tried to ignore it all. ill post some pictures i jsut got to find them. there fuckin scary tho, and no there not photo shoped, no mirror pictures and no smoke.

Yeah an the thing is i JUST had a brother pass..