@illegalmexican sorry for the radio silence! Were you able to get it working?
The fan that we were using was the Cloudline Lite A6, which has a non-removable USB-C cable that is supposed to plug into an accompanying controller. We ended up getting the wrong adapter (the molex to male USB-C), so decided to get a female-to-female USB-C adapter to connect it all up.
I did this project for a friend, and don't have the actual circuit in front of me anymore. Here's a diagram of what I initially wired up--which turned out to be wrong. I don't have time to modify the photo right now, so I'll just explain what changes I made. Note that I have a component in here that taps into the 10VDC power, so the ESP32 is powered directly from the fan.
View attachment 5236250
When we first wired it up, it didn't work. Turns out we had the pin order reversed at the MOLEX connector. I'm not sure if the numbers I wrote on the diagram were incorrect, or if I had something else flipped...but the point is that when I reversed the order of the pins (swap 1<->4 and 2<->3), it started working.
To clarify, have you tried swapping your MOLEX pin 2 and 3 connections? So, MOSFET VIN- to MOLEX Pin 2, and MOSFET VOUT- to MOLEX Pin 3? It sounds like that what you said but I wanted to confirm.
If you change the wiring and the fan stops spinning, I believe that means that the MOSFET is either being driven HIGH constantly, or is being driven HIGH at a duty cycle that is sufficiently high that the fan stops spinning (note -- the fan speed control is inverted, so higher duty cycle = slower speed). Have you tried wiring up the fan in the configuration where it stops spinning, and then adjusted the speed in HA?
Based on your YAML, it also looks like you're controlling GPIO5 as the PWM signal, but you mentioned that the MOSFET is wired up to GPIO16. Are you sure you're programming the correct GPIO pin to be used for the PWM signal (ledc)?
Sorry i took time to reply i've been busy lately, and set aside this part of my project (growing culinary mushroom) has i've worked on other aspect of the project, but now im back on this part. I realize i have the S6 (NON lite) version sadly. Is there any solution out there for those models ? By this video from LED gardener:
I'll try it on a breadboard My mushroom only need air circulation (in and out to create a positif pressure), so if there's no real solution i'll just hook them up with a smart plug.
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