First grow... some issues

Hey guys, thanks for the amazing resource!

I'm hoping someone maybe able to help diagnose what's going wrong with my first indoor grow. It's not looking good and

As per the pictures below - the Ghost OG is on the left, and White Widow on the right. The widow has been really finicky the whole grow, whereas ghost hasn't had any issues... until now.

Growing in my closet with 3 fans and and AC fan/carbon filter. Plenty of fresh air through the intake. They're in coco/perlite 70/30. Both on a similar feed schedule, except the Ghost has always been far thirstier. Nutrients (local Aussie) Byron Bay Gold Veg, Flower & Fruit running about half strength to the feed schedule as they were burning early on. I'm supplementing with a small amount of Rezin flavour enhancer. Run-off 10-20% around 6.5ph & 1200-1500ppm usually (sometimes up to 1900). Water that goes in is tap (240ppm), ph'd to 6.


White widow issues:


Ghost OG issues:


Hullllp! Thanks guys :)


Well-Known Member
What are your temps and humidity like? Also I don't grow in Coco but they like around 5.8-6.2 ph. Several pics of the leaves have what looks like insect damage. Do you have a microscope or strong jewelers loupe to look at the underside of the leaves? I'd take a very close look at the bottom of a leaf that has lots of pale dots on it. Could be spider mites but I don't see any webbing.
Thanks for the help! Yep they both have spider mites, but I've been spraying with Neem & PureCrop1 every day or two which seems to keep them at bay mostly... I live in a fairly hot and humid environment and my temps and RH can run from 22-29c / 45-70%rh but usually around 27c & 55%.

PH has been balanced the whole way through at around 6 and runoff has always been fine. I just checked the PPM of my runoff and it's super high - 4000ppm...

Any advice guys? Thanks again :)


Well-Known Member
Get ur temperature and humidity under control first thing will help with bugs numbers doubling .Next coco desired ph is between 5.8-6.2 by the way . Ur ppm runoff is super high shouldn't be that high. Ur plant is struggling to eat sleep and breath .


Well-Known Member
Are you spraying Neem on them in flower? You really don't want to do that. The taste will ruin your buds. Citric acid works great on spider mites and their eggs. Do a little searching for the right concentration before using it. The best thing is it's available at most grocery stores in the vegetable canning section.
Get ur temperature and humidity under control first thing will help with bugs numbers doubling .Next coco desired ph is between 5.8-6.2 by the way . Ur ppm runoff is super high shouldn't be that high. Ur plant is struggling to eat sleep and breath .

Thanks for the advice, appreciate it. I'll get an AC w/dehumidifier in there asap. PH has been between 5.9-6.2 the whole run.

As for the PPM should I be flushing these guys stat??
Are you spraying Neem on them in flower? You really don't want to do that. The taste will ruin your buds. Citric acid works great on spider mites and their eggs. Do a little searching for the right concentration before using it. The best thing is it's available at most grocery stores in the vegetable canning section.
Ok thanks! Yep had been spraying them with Neem in flower until last week when someone mentioned the same thing - doh! Been using Purecrop1 since - I'll grab some Citric. Thanks dude.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks! Yep had been spraying them with Neem in flower until last week when someone mentioned the same thing - doh! Been using Purecrop1 since - I'll grab some Citric. Thanks dude.
I think Purecrop is mostly citric acid anyway. A few miticides list it as a main ingredient. You just have to be careful with citric acid because it can burn the pistils if it's too strong. Best of all it works as a great PH down product as well. Just a pinch will drop ph by .7 up to a full point. Best of luck with the grow.


Well-Known Member
I personally preferred keeping ph5.8-5.9 nothing above that .with dry back tend to come with rising ph so if u keep it on low side u shouldnt have a problem come time for next feeding . As per environmental issues will lead to all sort of problem even ppm issues and bugs ..


Well-Known Member
Spider mites love hot DRY conditions (less than 50% rh) but will still live in humid conditions. Once you have "The Borg" in flower, about the best you can do is try and control them, but options are more limited once they're in flower. That's a pretty bad infestation.


Well-Known Member
Also …. Skip the Rezin - that is absolutely nothing special.


You might as well buy the cheap Superthrive ( not that it’s any better ) …. The D-gluconic acid is basically glucose / dextrose a simple sugar.
Even blackstrap molasses is a better option. Money waster.

Also 1900ppm is high. This may open up a can of worms …. but apparently, overfeed will increase the likely hood for plants with more nitrogen, phosphorus and carbohydrates present in their leaves. As they are voracious eaters.