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Putin ‘has his back against the wall’: Former NATO commander on Russia’s war with Ukraine

26,992 views Feb 23, 2023 #CNN #News
Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander of Europe Gen. Philip Breedlove analyzes the state of Russia’s war with Ukraine as the one-year anniversary of the invasion approaches. #CNN #News


Well-Known Member
If the Chinese want to be a pain in the ass about Taiwan, then give them a dozen nukes and let the Chinese worry about trying to invade them then. It would be up to the Taiwanese to use them, if required, but it would end this invasion bullshit and save a lot of bucks. Lease them to the Taiwanese for a decade or two and send an unmistakable message to China.
Nukes need security as well as maintenance. Much better to just give Taiwan a button and a few launch codes.


Well-Known Member
Anybody who thinks Vlad and the Russians are having an easy time of it, think again, they are losing 5000 men a week and have been for a while. They are using unled, untrained and unequipped troops in futile attacks against fortified Ukrainian positions manned by experienced troops backed up by artillery, mortars and drones.

The Russians are showing the strain and cracking from top to bottom. What will a big battlefield loss and lots of prisoners in Ukrainian hands do to them this summer and spring? Will Putin be able to survive a major battlefield loss and humiliation in Ukraine this summer? Will many of his dwindling supply of generals?



Well-Known Member
Nukes need security as well as maintenance. Much better to just give Taiwan a button and a few launch codes.
They have an uncanny effect of stopping invasions, at least North Korea thinks so, and it has so far. If it wasn't for nukes the Ukrainians would be tourists in Moscow after defeating the Russian army in the field and the Finns would be touring St Petersburg after reclaiming their lost territory.


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The UN General Assembly adopted an anti-Russian resolution on Ukraine
The UN adopted a resolution demanding that Russia immediately stop hostilities and withdraw troops from Ukraine. Only 141 countries voted for the document, 7 voted against, including Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Mali, Nicaragua, Syria and Eritrea, while 32 delegations abstained, among them China. This was announced at a meeting of the UN General Assembly.

“The UN adopted a Ukrainian resolution on the anniversary of the start of the special operation - Russia is called upon to immediately stop hostilities and withdraw troops from Ukraine. 141 countries (out of 193) voted for the Ukrainian version of the document. Against only 7 are Russia and Belarus, as well as Syria, North Korea, Eritrea, Mali Nicaragua. Another 32 countries did not vote. Among them are China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Cuba, Armenia. Serbia voted “for”,” the broadcast of the meeting ongoing on the official website of the organization.

At the same time, the text does not say a word about the need to stop the shelling of Donbass by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. At the same time, during the voting, amendments by Belarus were not approved, which, among other things, provide for a call for negotiations and a ban on the supply of weapons to Kyiv.

The head of Eurodiplomacy, Josep Borrell, believes that peace in Ukraine must comply with the UN Charter. “The Ukrainian people deserve peace, but not any peace. We need a lasting peace in accordance with the UN Charter. And the first step for the aggressor is to stop the attacks and withdraw their forces from the territory of Ukraine,” Borrell said. His statement was published on the official account of the European Commission on Twitter.

Russia's permanent representative to the organization, Vasily Nebenzya, noted that at the last UN Security Council it was discussed that the bottom has been broken in relations between Russia and the European Union. “As it turned out, a whole abyss turned out to be below this bottom, into which not only our relations continue to fall, which, in fact, no longer exist, but also a united Europe in itself,” said Vasily Nebenzya, permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the organization.

At previous meetings of the UN General Assembly in March and October, many countries did not support the resolution. The texts of previous resolutions proposed more specific sanctions for Russia, but they were not adopted. In particular, the resolution to suspend Russia's membership in the UN Human Rights Council was supported by only 93 members of the organization.

Russia has been conducting a special military operation since February 24, 2022. The purpose of the special operation is to help the civilian population of Donbass, as well as the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. The tasks of the Russian army do not include the occupation of the country, as well as the overthrow of the Ukrainian authorities. The RF Armed Forces do not conduct combat operations in residential areas of Ukraine.

Baza: part of the railway was blown up in Crimea
In Crimea, a part of the railway was blown up 12 kilometers from the Simferopol station. This is reported by the Baza telegram channel.

As a result of the explosion, part of the railway was damaged 12 kilometers from the Simferopol station, near the village of Pochtovoe. It is reported that traffic on the branch was stopped due to damage. In total, three trains were detained, namely: the Sevastopol-St. Petersburg train with 166 passengers and two suburban electric trains.

In October, an explosion occurred on the Crimean bridge, killing five people. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the attack was staged by the Ukrainian special services. At the same time, the repair of the bridge was completed earlier than planned, and vehicular traffic is completely open. According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba, Washington allowed Kiev to strike on the peninsula.

Updated at 2:32 am: Oleg Kryuchkov, adviser to the head of Crimea, denied the information about the undermining of the railway on the peninsula. About this he informed in your telegram channel. In particular, Leonid Ivlev, a State Duma deputy from the Crimean region, admitted that the railway track could have been damaged as a result of welding. About this he wrote on the social media page.

Careless welding?

Ministry of Defense: The Kiev regime is preparing for an invasion of Transnistria
Ukrainian military personnel are preparing for the invasion of Transnistria. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a significant accumulation of personnel and military equipment of Ukrainian units near the Ukrainian-Pridnestrovian border is now being recorded.

“The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is currently recording a significant accumulation of personnel and military equipment of Ukrainian units near the Ukrainian-Pridnestrovian border, the deployment of artillery at firing positions, as well as an unprecedented increase in flights of unmanned aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the territory of the PMR,” — reported on the agency's Telegram page. They noted that such a plan by Kyiv poses a threat to the RF Armed Forces, which are currently legally in Transnistria. At the same time, the department stressed that the Russian side "will respond to the impending provocation of the Ukrainian side."

Earlier it became known that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are planning to change into the uniform of the Russian army in order to organize a fake “offensive” in Transnistria. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Ukraine is drawing Moldova into a confrontation with Russia.


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Defense secretary: Putin assumed the world wouldn't care, and that didn't happen

8,553 views Feb 23, 2023 #msnbc #putin #russia
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin discusses the key takeaways from the first year of Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Well-Known Member
i think that for every weapon they give russia, for every round of ammo, we give Taiwan exactly the same thing...and make sure the chinese know it.
they wanna get involved? then there are consequences.
We have to make Taiwan into a fierce wolverine,weaponry that makes the Chinese PAY,high end fancy shit will prob. be lost to pre-emptive precision strikes, javellin missiles,stinger missiles,drones,and well trained special forces working in small groups will put the hurt on XI's invaders. Taiwan is tech. advanced, maybe they should explore China's cyber domain and give them their own medicine.The Chinese talk a good game but conducting a amphibious operation on that scale is daunting(even the historied US marine Corps would consider it challenging),and their lack of ANY pertinent experience is Mr. Xi's biggest concern possibly resulting in a debacle a la Ukraine. Mr. Xi's foreign minister looks like a arrogant,shady prick to me in seeing him visit Russia.I hope all this shit gets ironed out as pronto as possible,dark clouds are forming up and a US/China throwdown would reach out and touch all of us,PAIN across the board,huge losses of national treasure all around.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
War - we are at war with each other here in the US (our down fall from within) is what our "enemies" want - ther has been 67 mass shotting since the 1st of the year !!!! This happen so much that it becomeing "natural" & folks dont' give it a second thought ---The times they area changing


Well-Known Member
We have to make Taiwan into a fierce wolverine,weaponry that makes the Chinese PAY,high end fancy shit will prob. be lost to pre-emptive precision strikes, javellin missiles,stinger missiles,drones,and well trained special forces working in small groups will put the hurt on XI's invaders. Taiwan is tech. advanced, maybe they should explore China's cyber domain and give them their own medicine.The Chinese talk a good game but conducting a amphibious operation on that scale is daunting(even the historied US marine Corps would consider it challenging),and their lack of ANY pertinent experience is Mr. Xi's biggest concern possibly resulting in a debacle a la Ukraine. Mr. Xi's foreign minister looks like a arrogant,shady prick to me in seeing him visit Russia.I hope all this shit gets ironed out as pronto as possible,dark clouds are forming up and a US/China throwdown would reach out and touch all of us,PAIN across the board,huge losses of national treasure all around.
Also as the world's eyes are on Ukraine/Russia and China/Taiwan/US other foes are quietly prodding along #1 It has been stated by the Int. Nuclear Reg. Comm. that Iran has enriched uranium to 84%,scantily short of weapons grade. #2 North Korea could conduct another nuclear test at any time, possibly only holding back due to China,but the cherubic little fellow loves attention.


Well-Known Member
War - we are at war with each other here in the US (our down fall from within) is what our "enemies" want - ther has been 67 mass shotting since the 1st of the year !!!! This happen so much that it becomeing "natural" & folks dont' give it a second thought ---The times they area changing
It's definitely sick and no longer has shock value,who'd have thought those two bullied Columbine kids would be pioneers (in a sick way) in 1999, just goes to show the # of Americans walking around w/dark thoughts in their minds.


Well-Known Member
War - we are at war with each other here in the US (our down fall from within) is what our "enemies" want - ther has been 67 mass shotting since the 1st of the year !!!! This happen so much that it becomeing "natural" & folks dont' give it a second thought ---The times they area changing
Need to redefine mass shootings from four or more dead to ten dead. It will get the nasty number of mass shootings down.