If China come in on Putin's war on Putin's side it *IS* WWIII

The pic is an old Military grade tube. But yes, Mike Mathew's gear is practically unobtainium at this point.

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Im glad Ive got a lifetime supply of NOS tubes. Ive been collecting tubes since the 70s.

Ive got NOS Marconi Osram coated glass KT66s from the 50s
Clear glass GEC KT66s from the 60s
Sylvania 6L6GC
RCA Blackplate 6L6GC
Bendix 5992/6v6
Mullard XF4s/KT77s
Mullard XF1s
Tungsol 6550s
Mullard EL84s
JAN 12ax7s
Mullard Longplate mC1s from the 50s
Mullard 7025s
Mullard I61s
Mullard I63s
Mullard 10M Gold Pin ECC83s
Mullard 10M 12at7s
Mullard 10M 12au7s
Mullard Fat Base GZ34s
ECC32 Mullard ST 6SN7GT
Bendix 5y3
Tell me about it
I didn't have or want a drink for 6 months.
For the last 7 months I've had like times where I got a little blurry, which is unheard of for me.
Smoke more though so all balances :)


I'd been on a 6 year drunk to be honest. I wouldn't have stopped on my own but Covid is such a Nuclear event all I want now is to get better. Try to get back to before Covid.

Alcohol is not anything I want to do to my mind and body at this time.
When they say "Brain Fog because of Covid." Believe them. It's real. I'm still trying to recover. It will take some time.

The thing I have to say to others is that I had both my Moderna shots and a Moderna booster. My body started fighting right away but Czovid comes on like a Nuclear Bomb. No doubt it is a tactic Covid uses. It's not like the Flu, get sick a little and get sicker slowly. Nope it's a ton of Covid all at once.

Anyone that doesn't want to get vaccinated well good luck staying alive.
I had to toss out sheets where Covid drained out my ass and ruined the sheets. I spent 5 days in bed and it wasn't until the sixth day I could sit up a couple of hours.

My Little Brother was an Anti-Vax-er he died of Covid last April. I think I know what he was experiencing as his liver turned to a meat treat for Covid and his kidneys gave out.

So folks get vaccinated you dumb asses.
Nukes are bull shit, hardly anywhere they could be used without killing yourself, such as the EU & RU.

Cyber warfair is it.

Did you read how the dumb fuck Russians bombed cell towers they themselves were using & they lost communications and had no backup,

Just hire Anonymous & set him loose, he'll take care of it.

Turn off all the lights for instance & that probably could occur now.

Why not?
Ukrainian intelligence and the CIA are using cellphones to locate assholes so they can be snuffed by drones or hunted by snipers, High ranking officers and mercenaries are the prefered targets as are military headquarters, a missile with a cluster munitions makes a real mess of them from miles away, when painted by a drone with a laser. Modern warfare my friend, not for the faint of heart, though war never was in general, it was and is brutal and sordid. Honor does exist with honorable men however, the brutes are not hard to spot, they murder women and children and are priority targets for any decent man.
yeah and the US government has never lied about anything along with the rest of their cronies across the globe and let's face it if ends up a nuke fest most of us will know fuck all about it cause we will be dead.;-)
Everybody lies and everybody knows everybody lies, however you can cut a deal with China, Vlad, not so much. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, cynicism never got anybody anywhere, but it did cause a lot of failures. Russians are very cynical people as a whole and look where it got them.
(CNN)The US has information suggesting China has expressed some openness to providing Russia with requested military and financial assistance as part of its war on Ukraine, a Western official and a US diplomat told CNN, and is conveying what it knows to its NATO allies.
It is not yet clear whether China intends to provide Russia with that assistance, US officials familiar with the intelligence tell CNN. But during an intense, seven-hour meeting in Rome, a top aide to President Joe Biden warned his Chinese counterpart of "potential implications and consequences" for China should support for Russia be forthcoming, a senior administration official said.

China has expressed some openness to providing military and financial aid to Russia, US cable suggests

It looks like a Seven Hour meeting. I hope China thinks hard.

I am seeing that Russian solders are out of food and are robbing stores and raiding houses taking not only food but valuables.
It looks like Russia is asking China for what we Veterans call MRE or meal-ready-to-eat kits as well as equipment.
They can't supply their troops even though the border is just 90 miles away.

On the one hand this is a sign that Russia is failing and on the other the chances of Putin using Biological and Chemical weapons grows each day.
Putin has used Chemical and Biological weapons in Syria to kill people in hard to fight and win areas.
Chemical and Biological weapons are illegal.
Also recently Russia accused Ukraine and USA of using biological and chemical weapons in what , like Donald Trump, Russia accuses others of what they are doing themselves.
Take the theft of Top Secret documents. Like Putin blaming others for what he plans to do, Trump accused Hillary Clinton of crimes with classified information when she had erased a hard drive but Trump had fifteen boxes of classified material with some being above Top Secret.

I am waiting for Tucker Carlson who is an honored newscaster in Russia to address the issue of Chemical and Biological war against Ukraine.
Tucker Carlson so far is anti-USA and Pro Putin in his position as the most popular figure on Fox.
Fox is a Pro-Russia anti-USA television network.

Tucker Carlson gets direct to air broadcasting in Russia. No censorship.

While Tucker Carlson has the right to say what he wants as an American, obviously Tucker Carlson is providing comfort and support to the enemy.
Tucker Carlson represents the MAGA faction of American Politics and as such is directly supporting the position of Donald Trump who has been a pro-Russia president. So much so he doesn't allow Americans to record what he tells the Russians which violates the Presidential records act.

So we shall see if China will support the war against Ukraine and risk economic repercussions from the United States of America or not.
We will watch a traitor hide behind the first amendment as he sells his country out.
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I don't know what Chinese MREs are like, but the Russian's might not like them and can't read Chinese to know what is in them! Dead bat perhaps, or some other disgusting delicacy! The Ukrainians won't be impressed when they start picking up shit with Chinese writing on it. Looks like Xi and Putin are planning on breaking the world economic and trade system and having a nice cozy partnership that China will dominate, Putin will become Xi's lackey. Maybe if Xi figures he can invade Taiwan, if he and Vlad can squat behind an iron curtain with the world's democracies on the other side. There might be proxy wars between totalitarian regimes and emerging democracies and the CIA will start snuffing fascists globally. Is there a critical mass of liberal democratic countries who can do this? How will all those semi democracies react to a new world order, where the western allies are supporting democracies and the other side dictators. Stick to the UN rule of self determination, after fair elections and referendums and don't get on the wrong side of the people, unless the people are wrong and committing crimes against humanity against minorities.
Looks like China won't have to invade Russia to get it's riches, they will own it through soft power soon enough. Vlad is desperate and on his knees, he could even trade territory for cash, if he thought he could get away with it, sell the Chinese a chunk in the east, like Alaska was sold to America. No need for that though, soft power is better, Russians paid shit will extract the resources and hand them over to China for real cheap, Vlad will get taken to the cleaners. He will be dead before Russia even begins to recover and can mount any foreign adventures.

Xi should have learned something about how not to invade a country from Vlad and will have a better idea of awaits him on Taiwan, if he ever gets there, Taiwan is a high tech power house that can produce advanced weapons systems by the millions if they wished or the Americans wanted them to. It will be quite some time before China can invade Taiwan, even if they did not fear sanctions, Xi and Vlad will be dead by then. If he did invade, he would probably lose most if not all the invasion force to anti ship missiles launched from Taiwan or it's air force and Navy, this is not counting what America will be doing or Japan in the near future, they will rearm too, like Germany.
It's more Russia desperate for an Economic lifeline.

Russia wants to hook up with the Chinese Credit/Debit cards.

Right now Russia is well on it's way to default on it's major loans that must be paid back in Dollars.

Also the USA has established a department of Taking Russia's stuff! Way to go!
at least 3 mega-yachts have been arrested in the past four days.

So what do you all think of Volodymyr Zelenskyy's address of both Houses of Congress?
China is storing their dead bodies in the same room as living covid patients at the hospital/Sky News.

They are pretty well bundled..but excuse me will you?:spew:

It's dangerous as hell because Wet Market..i'm not drawing the picture further if you don't get it.
It's more Russia desperate for an Economic lifeline.

Russia wants to hook up with the Chinese Credit/Debit cards.

Right now Russia is well on it's way to default on it's major loans that must be paid back in Dollars.

Also the USA has established a department of Taking Russia's stuff! Way to go!
at least 3 mega-yachts have been arrested in the past four days.

So what do you all think of Volodymyr Zelenskyy's address of both Houses of Congress

The old fuck sitting next to Pelosi had to be told to get his ass up and join the others for standing O.

I swear..Americans..can't live with us..can't live without.

All signs point to 'not so fast' on an alliance with credit/debit cards and China..Putin really stepped in it and Xi is much calmer of a leader who weighs. through options imo
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