
Heat kills mycelium.... You can powder it and mix with honey, or I'd use instant tea if you want to make tea.
You don't eat the mycelium rather the fruit growing out of substrate.... Actually heat doesn't kill the active ingredients in shrooms (psilocin etc..) Many people use the "tea" method of consuming. I do because dried shrooms taste like shit.
Haha....yes I meant Psilocybin, but lots of people do make tea and some say it's even better than consuming them whole. I've never tried it.

Seems to be controversial, and honestly now I don't know....I had read heat degrades them but that may be a myth.

Personally I think they are flavorless when completely dry, but they are kind of gross looking!!
I'm a tea fan. I never really minded the taste, but they always got stuck in my teeth.
I will have to try it! I was just reading on shroomery tea may actually bring out other beneficials.

All new to me....I have only eaten them a handful of times and just starting to cultivate.

Here's a strange but true trip story from 2 days ago....

I just had a mouse get into my house, and been trying to catch the fucker for a few days. Had a trap set by the trash can. I just emptied a mono tub and had some aborts I was gonna throw out. I dropped a few next to the mouse trap. About 6pm that same night I ate near 3 grams myself of dried PE. Was having a grand ol' time, when about 1-2 am I heard an awful thrashing from the kitchen. That mouse ate a pin and was bouncing off the walls in my oven drawer....I mean a shit ton of noise that went on for a good 20 minutes. It freaked me the fuck out, and had me thinking an army of something was in there. I was too scared to open the drawer. I have little red squirrels here and thought maybe it was one of them.

I figured I;d find whatever it was dead the next morning, but just a lot of mouse poop and he picked the trap clean, again. I actually felt bad, but I always wondered what would happen to a wild animal if they ate them....and I assume it happens regularly as a lot of critters eat shrooms.

I did catch him last night, a big mouse.....but I swear he had a smile on his face :D.

I know I heard voices from beyond that night!! I can only imagine what he was feeling!
You don't eat the mycelium rather the fruit growing out of substrate.... Actually heat doesn't kill the active ingredients in shrooms (psilocin etc..) Many people use the "tea" method of consuming. I do because dried shrooms taste like shit.

Mushrooms ARE mycelium
Some more harvest from a shoebox

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Making mushroom tea - boil cut up mushroom in 2 cups water on med-high 25 minutes

vv 7 dry grams tonight vv
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My advise is to mix it with something cold and tasty like your favorite soda. I'm going to mix it with monster drink

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I'm going to have fun tonight
dam it, if i only knew shrooms grew out of empty shoe boxes, id have kept all my old ones :D HAPPY TRIPPIN
Heat kills mycelium.... You can powder it and mix with honey, or I'd use instant tea if you want to make tea.
Not true; I’ve brewed gallons of tea. Boiling does not hurt the end product at all. If you are using fresh cut wet mushrooms you don’t even need heat just steep in cold water for a few hours to extract the goodies. Psylocybin is water soluble and mushrooms are mostly water. For better taste I stir in a few bags of Lipton along with lemon and honey in my tea but even that’s optional.
Not true; I’ve brewed gallons of tea. Boiling does not hurt the end product at all. If you are using fresh cut wet mushrooms you don’t even need heat just steep in cold water for a few hours to extract the goodies. Psylocybin is water soluble and mushrooms are mostly water. For better taste I stir in a few bags of Lipton along with lemon and honey in my tea but even that’s optional.
I kind of like the taste of the tea. It's earthy and feels like some sort of primal magic.
I kind of like the taste of the tea. It's earthy and feels like some sort of primal magic.
I find it easier to dose too because tea starts to kick in like 15-20 mins after ingesting. Dry shrooms can be hard to get down and get stuck in yer teeth when you are trying to eat em real fast; I always gotta have a beer or two to chase it down. Salty stuff like fries or chips along with shrooms help a bit but tea is so refreshing when it’s cold. There’s no stomach weirdness with tea either because you don’t have the shroom flesh to digest.
People eating dry fruits will say “it’s not working” and eat more shrooms. Too many shrooms is not always fun. After all they are toxic; small doses are better. Plus you can always just consume more if you are not where you wanna be. A few sips of tea is like a ray of sunshine if you do it right and a white knuckle ride if you suck down too much; it’s over faster.