Who's breeding for potency these day's?

I like tasty but i still want strong effects i can handle less strong flavours to a point if its worth it for the stone

There are also tons of strains that don’t produce a good high regardless how they smell or taste. Modern grow technique may produces better aesthetics, however it’s the artists, breeders that produce the finals product.
Those products are usually as good as the individual likes them.
Real heavy hitters are rare because most users are unable to enjoy the accompanying psychosis.
The move to reduce psychosis creating cannabis started a long time ago and with it the trip, the smell, and all the other goodies that remember about bud.
Also, social media is riddled with post of high thc cannabis causing permanent schizophrenia.
Refer madness happening all over again.
Drugs don’t cause paranoia, psychosis, or schizophrenia. These conditions are found in every human being once exposed to the satisfying conditions. Conditions that producing an awakening that allows for mental stimulation that produces creativity, physical responses that go beyond the 5 senses, beyond the feeling of orgasmic bliss. And beyond the fear that awakens our spirit of survival that causes us to face our demons.
Now, we are often referred to the awake generation. As we are the future of the short lived millennial generation. And we have cannabis to thank for that.
They dont cause them they can bring stuff out that was gonna happen anyway with you at a later date alot of substances can do this tho for most people weeds a mostly harmless enjoyable thing but not for everyone i personally know a few people who dont smoke anymore because they cant handle it as they get paranoid or whatever but its a very small percentage of people in my experience and they got underlying issues they knew about so they proly shouldnt have smoked in first place
This has been one of the most potent strains ive grown and smells amazing to boot.. i ran a whole pack and all were great but one stood out head and shoulders above the rest as far as potency. Ive grown some weed that other people have liked more for the relaxed, deeper high but everyones said this killer glue was like being hit in the face with a brick and im inclined to agree

Seems pretty much anything with legit GG4 in its parentage is sure to be a winner. I love Gg4 crosses.
there are many good points made here. However most of them are based on personal experiences, without regard to anyones else experience.
For one to assume everyone is going to have the same experience, he must also assume everyone has the same genetics.
Since no one can agree on the definition of potency, there is no way to tell which strain are in fact potent.
More importantly, one man’s head thumper, or knockout drop, can easily be another man’s meh.
Tolerance must be taken into account when discussing the potency of any strain.
For a man who has never had anything as potent as the strain that knocked you on your tas tas, his belief in something more potent will not exist until sometime else knocks him on his tas tas. even then he will compare the new strain to the first strain that done it.
Unfortunately most of the super potent strains of the golden days no longer exist. Which makes it almost it impossible to do modern comparison.
Even when giving the opportunity to sample an old love, the desired effects of the current experience, often will not match the effects of the original experience.
Disbelief often ensues, as well as questions about the legitimacy of the sample, when in fact, tolerance is more to blame.
We all know the saying, “that which doesn’t kill me, only makes me stronger”?
The price of years of thc use is a very high tolerance. Especially for plant of similar chemical backgrounds.
Because years of cannabis use, will contribute to tolerance just as much as smoking heavy psychosis inducing crosses, which is why breeding seem ineffective, reguardless of the tech, or the “strains” used to make subsequent crosses.
Alexander Shulgin’s explain the mechanics behind this theory when describing the +4, plus 4 rating on his scale.
the plus 4 rating describes a “peak psychological event as the source of mystical enlightenment. Unfortunately, Shulgin also goes to say that the peak event is a one in a life time experience regardless of the substance.
This is where I beg the difference with Shulgin, also the creator of the drug mdma, better known as estascy.
That fact that cannabis can in fact reproduce it peak, gives it a higher rating than Shulgin’s +4. The fact that millions seek out more potent cannabis, goes against Shulgin’s definition of the +4 psychedelic rating. People seem more potent cannabis because they know there is a good chance that they will get to enjoy that moment of bliss again.
Also the reason why most of us enjoy particular strains… Strains known for producing the desired effect.
However those effects will not be universal amongst users. Reiterating, one man’s 10 could easily be another man’s 5. Or quite possibly be not effective at all.
Therefore when a man mentions potency, first I look at what he is used to smoking. If he is growing it, it’s good to him… or he would be growing something else’s Just my ramblings.
you bring up some good points. I think we all know effects are subjective. When I let people that don't smoke regularly try my wares, they get blasted no matter what it is. Even stuff that doesn't get me high. I don't put much stock into their opinion.

That's a big reason I read these forums though. Most of the growers here are daily smokers. High tolerances. When you see a bunch of growers all saying a particular strain is potent, it's a good place to start your potency/effect hunt.
you bring up some good points. I think we all know effects are subjective. When I let people that don't smoke regularly try my wares, they get blasted no matter what it is. Even stuff that doesn't get me high. I don't put much stock into their opinion.

That's a big reason I read these forums though. Most of the growers here are daily smokers. High tolerances. When you see a bunch of growers all saying a particular strain is potent, it's a good place to start your potency/effect hunt.
Gas as Fuck by Crane City is the most potent indica hybrid I've ever smoked. Puta Breath is probably the 2nd most potent. Animal Mints is potent, and so is Animal Face and Facemints from seed junky. Facemints even made my face numb. Chernobyl is potent af if you can find the right pheno. Those are my top 5 of all time for potentcy and taste. For bag appeal and potency banana Buttercups by sq1. You honestly gotta hunt through a few girls to find the one that hits that's why I smoke each pheno before I decide and normally your still undecided if a few are good and need a 2nd run.
you bring up some good points. I think we all know effects are subjective. When I let people that don't smoke regularly try my wares, they get blasted no matter what it is. Even stuff that doesn't get me high. I don't put much stock into their opinion.

That's a big reason I read these forums though. Most of the growers here are daily smokers. High tolerances. When you see a bunch of growers all saying a particular strain is potent, it's a good place to start your potency/effect hunt.
I’m with you brother. I do understand as I try not to give someone a bud that’s far exceeds their tolerance.
Mainly because I want their cannabis experience something meaningful and enjoyable.
A moment that will last a lifetime
I define potency by several factors, none of which are based on aesthetics, or how someone else responds to inebriation. I left a large comment on someone else’s post about psychosis.
Fishing for some people involve a big ordeal. Personally, I prefer to slowly work my way down a secluded creek bank. I tend to catch more by moving slowly instead of getting in a rush. If I’m lucky, I might run across something that no one else has seen before.
The most important thing that I have learned is not to spend a lifetime trying to prove bigfoot exists. Most of us already know that people want believe it until they see him for themselves.
Maybe I should start a guide business and take people to places with high bigfoot activity. Who know what they will see.
With respect brother we have all had different opinions as to what potency is. Maybe you can describe what it means to you so that I can relate on your level.
When you say potent. How much of it you have to smoke in order to reach its peak high?
How long did it take to kick in at its highest point.
Were you able to stand or drive a car? Could you text, talk or see the phone or tablet screen?
How did it make you feel? Euphoric or fearful. Were you laughing or crying. Did you spend any time hiding in the closet , or were you running from a rabbit the size of a big truck.
I’m not being sarcastic, because potent cannabis will produces certain effect. Those affects are quite different when they are experienced by a novel smokers as opposed to how a seasoned vet will respond.
Anyone who hasn’t been there, want know these differences.

Georges Seurat
a young French artist, (1859-1891) that did something that had never been done before: he had created a monumental painting entitled A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte using several hundred thousand tiny dots of color


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Pedantic as all get out. Someone thinks they’re smart and needs others to know. Potent equals all customers coming back for more and telling you it’s strong. There’s a reason that the pretty much same genetics are still the ones that move the quickest at the best prices. Dweebs on these forums growing poorly, finishing poorly, drying poorly, running two seeds from one pack and deciding there’s nothing in those genetics, susceptibility to marketing and whatnot all make it fairly useless to ask people online anything about the smoke. All you can see and know for sure is what it looks like. No clue how it smokes, how it smells, or how it tastes.
This has been one of the most potent strains ive grown and smells amazing to boot.. i ran a whole pack and all were great but one stood out head and shoulders above the rest as far as potency. Ive grown some weed that other people have liked more for the relaxed, deeper high but everyones said this killer glue was like being hit in the face with a brick and im inclined to agree

Seems pretty much anything with legit GG4 in its parentage is sure to be a winner. I love Gg4 crosses.
then i wonder how will my white gorilla haze hit :D.
for me amnesia haze made me brain dead,walking for hours not knowing what happened last 30 min and how you got there.or not being able to form a sentance when asked a question....the dry mouth it gives i hate but some powerfull stuff. when i used to buy i would allways go for the one that made me talk in the crowd and laugh like an idiot,but that would not be the strongest
then i wonder how will my white gorilla haze hit :D.
for me amnesia haze made me brain dead,walking for hours not knowing what happened last 30 min and how you got there.or not being able to form a sentance when asked a question....the dry mouth it gives i hate but some powerfull stuff. when i used to buy i would allways go for the one that made me talk in the crowd and laugh like an idiot,but that would not be the strongest
What one is it you reckon then mate somas or the original amnesia fron hypro or do you think the kore cut? There all good if thats your thing i like it now and again useless to sleep on for me though lol
What one is it you reckon then mate somas or the original amnesia fron hypro or do you think the kore cut? There all good if thats your thing i like it now and again useless to sleep on for me though lol
seed finder says soma. we will see in a few months but you are right any haze is a good haze
What’s the point of breeding if the only intention is to copy someone else’s offering.
Besides I have been around long enough to know that clone hasn’t produced anything in over 20 years and it isn’t about to now.
So it don’t matter if you grow 2 or 2022, the results will be the same.
….Peakless 2 hour buzz, unless you are a newb.
… the same ineffectiveness after a couple of weeks use, unless you are a newb.
… the same need to smoke 3 or more bowls.. unless you are a newb of course.
The forums are filled with people who all say the same thing…. I don’t have to repeat it. The only ones who say anything differently are the newbs.
Maybe I’m using the term incorrectly. Should I be saying influencers instead?¿
When you want to know how great a strain is, spend a month with it as your go to… Then compare how you currently fe l about it to how you felt when you first started using it.
I never wonder why guys keep so many strains around. Or change them out so quickly… we all know why they “make room in their garden”.
Or why they only want certain cuts. Cuts, aka cross created from someone else’s clone.
Are you a newb?
Who has the best haze for potency.
Pure haze ?or hybrid cos if its a hybrid then proper nevils haze or hybrids with that are gonna be as potent as it gets ime as for if you talking original haze theres only tom hills or old timers id think about running mind you sams lines still out there im sure madmac reprod them so you got three ways to go if its pure your after
I like tasty but i still want strong effects i can handle less strong flavours to a point if its worth it for the stone

They dont cause them they can bring stuff out that was gonna happen anyway with you at a later date alot of substances can do this tho for most people weeds a mostly harmless enjoyable thing but not for everyone i personally know a few people who dont smoke anymore because they cant handle it as they get paranoid or whatever but its a very small percentage of people in my experience and they got underlying issues they knew about so they proly shouldnt have smoked in first place
funny, i dont smoke with people anymore, dont mind the odd smoke alone, but im finding people very generic these days, not so many inteligent heads about. loads of chavs and everything inbetween the two. but i miss heads

so im not so interested in strength, i think anyone can breed strength into a plant, but getting the flavours out in the smoke, is way more important to me these days. bouquet n terps all the way
funny, i dont smoke with people anymore, dont mind the odd smoke alone, but im finding people very generic these days, not so many inteligent heads about. loads of chavs and everything inbetween the two. but i miss heads

so im not so interested in strength, i think anyone can breed strength into a plant, but getting the flavours out in the smoke, is way more important to me these days. bouquet n terps all the way
Depends who the crowd you know is then i guess i know alot of different people from different backgrounds different ages too and i think you should have both good taste and good effects i do tend to prefer old school strains vs new but im open to trying stuff i just find alot of the older stuff has something most new lines dont i will agree if you just focus on potency alone then it be a easier project to pull off for sure some less tasty but still good imo well a good example id say is alot of the northern lights stuff its not super loud /super strong tasting but there still around for a good reason
I went for effects since most bud didn’t have any effects on me. As far as taste, the only choices we had was brick, dirt, or local. All of which tasted like dirt or hay.
The smokers in my area smoke to get high. Taste don’t mean anything to them. They wasn’t concerned about looks until they started watching YouTube.
Where I’m from, if the bud doesn’t do what it does, people will not fool with it. There are too many options to be smoking just for the sake of smoking. They have cigarettes for that. And many other things that will get them high that they would rather spend their money on.
I went for effects since most bud didn’t have any effects on me. As far as taste, the only choices we had was brick, dirt, or local. All of which tasted like dirt or hay.
The smokers in my area smoke to get high. Taste don’t mean anything to them. They wasn’t concerned about looks until they started watching YouTube.
Where I’m from, if the bud doesn’t do what it does, people will not fool with it. There are too many options to be smoking just for the sake of smoking. They have cigarettes for that. And many other things that will get them high that they would rather spend their money on.
funny you should me ntion that, round here, especialy with the kids, its called "whiteing out" its like a compatition to see who can smoke the most weed without passing out, or "whiteing out". complete waste of gear, but these are the times we live in,
for fun, we used to get our mate and his mini car, an eigth of super nepalese temple ball and hot box the mini, lol, great fun on a moonlit night tripping on great hash.
i just enjoy smoking now, when i do. i just cant stop growing, its like a compulcion to grow, im addicted to stick fingers and great smells lol
When I was testing my cross with the public, people would accuse me of storing my bud with apples, grapes, to gets its taste.
the funny thing about that, I would rarely taste anything besides the smooth taste of the bud.
All the talk about flavor is why I tried the modern photos. While I was at it, i also tried some older strains, as a comparison. Plus I wanted to know if the older strains had changed any since I last tried them.
Bud that doesn’t taste like it smell is a turn off because I would rather have bud that tastes better than it smells.
People are different. I gave a relative something that tastes completely like dirt. He was so excited by it and actually told me that he loves the dirt taste.
Jar Jar Stinks- Mota Rebel (Migbt be sold out)
Any of the burger or modified strains from Skunkhouse. Lucky Dog, Top Dawg Dirty Taxi. Cult classics last Freshies Drop. Swamp Boys especially their Kromes Cut and TK hybrids. 8” bagel by Lit Farms. Solfire Don Mega Hybrids. Exotic Genetics Kush co hybrids. Anything with Chem or GMO in it. In house platinum varieties. Jaws FPOG and Ogre crosses. Darkhorse for any of his banner crosses. Just the tip.
This is why I spend so much money on seeds right here.
Archive and Cap too.