Need help diagnosing my baby's problem. 3 weeks old, grown in miracle grow pot soil(i know).


Well-Known Member
looks like overfeeding to me or heat stress, whats the temps, what you feeding, the ph etc?
Have you been feeding them? At the age they are with you not filling the pot all the way up it's likely she's depleted the soil of nutrients needed though nitrogen being a slow release in that soil is likely that's still there.

To me it looks like a calcium deficiency so I would just foliar spray some call/mag. Get a 1 liter spray bottle and do 1-2 ml of it and pH it to 5.8-6.0 and gently lift the leaves spraying the underside first then spray the top and keep her out of direct light until she dries.

Those heavily damaged leaves won't recover but no more damage should spread.

Make sure you monitor everything correctly, pH, temps and don't go hard feeding do half dosage. Since you are using slow release soil you'll definitely want to flush after flower stretch is over and or only use bloom nutes with no nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
Why do people only fill their pots 1/2 way? I don't get it.
Exactly what I said and was thinking, so many people post here with half filled pots and solo/starter cups.

If you have a pot of any size fill her up, this will allow the roots more room and result in happy plant with potential for more growth relative to root size.

Less soil that's enriched will get depleted much sooner. In all my plants grown I've only had to fertilize 4-6 weeks into the grow.

Zero Chaos

Active Member
Have you been feeding them? At the age they are with you not filling the pot all the way up it's likely she's depleted the soil of nutrients needed though nitrogen being a slow release in that soil is likely that's still there.

To me it looks like a calcium deficiency so I would just foliar spray some call/mag. Get a 1 liter spray bottle and do 1-2 ml of it and pH it to 5.8-6.0 and gently lift the leaves spraying the underside first then spray the top and keep her out of direct light until she dries.

Those heavily damaged leaves won't recover but no more damage should spread.

Make sure you monitor everything correctly, pH, temps and don't go hard feeding do half dosage. Since you are using slow release soil you'll definitely want to flush after flower stretch is over and or only use bloom nutes with no nitrogen.
Haven't started feeding her yet since Miracle Grow came with nutrients. Gave her some Cal/Mag earlier today and already she seems much happier. Thx!

Zero Chaos

Active Member
Exactly what I said and was thinking, so many people post here with half filled pots and solo/starter cups.

If you have a pot of any size fill her up, this will allow the roots more room and result in happy plant with potential for more growth relative to root size.

Less soil that's enriched will get depleted much sooner. In all my plants grown I've only had to fertilize 4-6 weeks into the grow.
LOL That's exactly what I did. Red Solo Cup/ Half way fill. Why? Just seemed natural. Didn't take into consideration about the nutrients. I will transplant her into some better soil and start feeding her.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
They look badly nutrient burnt. I'd run them as dry as possible (each time you water MG it fertilizes) That's all I got as I'm a hydro grower. Oh and they aren't even heat stressed. I've run my canopy as high as 105 before I shut down lights.

I'm sorry and I hope you can get them through.


Well-Known Member
The problem.... you're growing in miracle grow.
The solution.... stop growing in miracle grow.
All this being my opinion only.
The end.
It's not really that bad. Just have to account for those crystals. My guess is some of his roots are touching a few crystals that have gotten wet a bunch of times and leached off some potent nutrients. So there's probably hot spots. They probably looked better after a tiny bit of CalMag water because it diluted some of those hot spots. This is just my guess, but it makes sense in my stoned brain. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It's not really that bad. Just have to account for those crystals. My guess is some of his roots are touching a few crystals that have gotten wet a bunch of times and leached off some potent nutrients. So there's probably hot spots. They probably looked better after a tiny bit of CalMag water because it diluted some of those hot spots. This is just my guess, but it makes sense in my stoned brain. :bigjoint:
I get it, but why not just grow in a good, balanced, soil, and avoid the problems. I see more disasters growing in mg, than I do success.


Well-Known Member
I get it, but why not just grow in a good, balanced, soil, and avoid the problems. I see more disasters growing in mg, than I do success.
No question there's better soil. He already knows that. But that's what it's in now and it's not as bad as people think. Don't get me wrong I'm not recommending it though.


Well-Known Member
Ya it's great for my petunias. Cause I don't smoke petunias
I don't think the time release fertilizer in it is toxic or much different than any other chemical nutrients. I know original Miracle Grow isn't different, but don't know fully about the time release. If it's fine for produce, it should be fine for weed. I'm not recommending the shit though, lol.