Old School Skunk, who's found it???

Skunk, rks, just like every other legendary strain, was breed to everything that anyone was already growing. Therefore, it would be inconceivable to think that any modern versions of it would be of a single pheno.
East coast, west coast, southern and northern hemispheres all had different versions of the skunks strains.
The tons of conflicting testimony about the different tastes, effects, and plant structure reiterate the fact that there was more than one version of skunk. Therefore the debate about rather skunk is sweet or not, doesn’t conform to cannabis logic.
Many are over looking the obvious as they ask, what crosses make up the skunk heritage. the fact that the genetics stems from a cross multiple crosses, reconfirm the notion that there were many different phenos of skunks. One of which being the roadkill pheno. Rks as it is now called.
The problem is now one truely knows where it came from or how to reproduce it. I understand, not knowing where it comes from part because most cannabis was heavily seeded back then. However i find it an inconceivable notion that someone is trying to reproduce a cross with a cross. It hasn’t happened yet. If it was possible, there wouldn’t be any need for cloning.
Quite often, I see the term “muddied genetics” tossed around in hateful fashion. However as soon as someone gets their hands on a good variety of cannabis, the immediate response is to breed it with their favorite cross, or to cross it to the present money maker.
When someone asked, why do everyone breeds to cookies, the obvious answer is, because cookies is the current money maker.
And just like cookies and all the great strains before it, the rks was bred to any and every thing imaginable. Hence the reason why we have so many version of our beloved skunk. most of which no longer exhibit the traditional rks phenotype that everyone loved.
So what happened? Where did the rks disappear to. The short answer is that it became muddied just like everything before and after it.
For example, the “be-muddledment” of cookies that’s has been going on for the last decade or so. It’s the same thing that happened to the rks.
Besides that, rks was often criticized for being “prison weed” meaning that it attracted all types of unwarranted attention that often granted the grower some time behind bars.
Something had to be done because the Feds were for real about their war on drugs. Therefore growing plants as loud as rks meant grows were an easy find. Unfortunately it wasn’t always by a hiker who found the grows, therefore a prison sentence often ensued. Remember marijuana hasn’t always been “legal”.
Therefore something had to be done in order to stay in business. The most obvious thing was to breed plants that wasn’t as easy to find. A reduction in smell was obviously the first thing to do.
It wasn’t long before the rks variety had all but disappeared as it was now breed to less stinky version of cannabis. The obvious culprit was the readily available hemp plant know for no taste or smell. Which would also explain why modern marijuana lost had lost most of its potency and psychedelic capabilities.
Once the hemp was introduced into the marijuana genetics, there was no turning back.
Unfortunately, all happened before most of us were born, which is the reason why hardly anyone remembers what actually happened to the bud. Still do this day, there are version of cannabis that hardly exhibit any smells. Not only do these plants not produce a smell while growing, they also do not produce much of a smell when burning. If you recall, not long ago, there was a push to create odorless cannabis. Sensible weed as an old school friend call it.
However in a free cannabis market, the need for an odorless cannabis strain is unnecessary. Also it doesn’t sell well due to its diminished effects.
Hence the dire need for the reemergence of the rks variety of cannabis.
Unfortunately, the powers to be, didn’t for see cannabis legalization as the rks was ousted from the gene pool. Also rather obvious, that modern geneticists didn’t understand the capabilities of the industrial hemp plant, which means, there is no turning back.
Hopefully one day a strain will be created that would reinvigorate the smell and effects of modern cannabis. There are those who firmly believe that Rks is the strain for the job since it has already proven itself as a producer of multiple champion cannabis creations.
The significance of a new rks variety means that all of cannabis will once again change.
The leaders of the change are those who make the biggest profits as all others rush to jump on board.
Let’s be real. We all know there was no shortage of seeded cannabis back then. Sinsemilla marijuana a luxury in most areas that not many my age got to enjoy Meaning those who had it, smoked a lot better than those who didn’t. Therefore making for a different opinion of what skunk actually was.
Im sure the people show smoked the seeded varieties, are the ones who speak of bud that lacked any taste. I wouldn’t think that seeded low thc bud wouldn’t produce much of a taste, or smell. However the experience of those who were smoking the sinsemilla was quite different as it should have produced the beautifully sweet Afghan crossed smoke.
The possibilities are unlimited as to what anyone was smoking back then. That’s because if the smoke was good, they kept the seeds and made future generations of plants. These plants traveled north, south, east and west. Just like we adopted genetics from foreign countries, in some cases, the skunk genetics made its way overseas. Because that is what good smoke do. It travels because everyone wants it.
So are all of these people lying about their version of skunk? I don’t think so.
The sweet, potency, racy, indi -dominant debates are unwarranted because there are tons of different skunk versions are out there.
To think that any modern skunk would exist in a mono-terpene form is ludicrous. Especially when knowing that it is the product of a cross.
Landraces breedings repeatedly prove that once a cross is made, there is no going back to the original terpenes profile. That’s just not how cannabis operates. Or as I say, “ it is the nature of the beast.
This is something that we all know about cannabis. So why would someone even suggest that skunk, or rks, would be of a single tasteless terpenes. There are too many post about muddied cannabis genetics that would suggest otherwise.
If you want your rks tasteless or dirty, make it so. If you want it racy and without potency, that’s fines too. Because individual expression is that’s what cannabis is about.
Critics, unlike rks, are a dime a dozen. Someone is always going to be bitching and complaining about something, especially when “they” don’t have it, or if “they” think your offering may be better than theirs. That’s just how it works in our society.
Anyway, It’s your bud, do what you want to with it. There are way too many options available to bickering about what cannabis once was. As I say, and a few more brothers here and there say, it’s all about which jar empties first. Rks or not,
I would recommend Dominion Seeds Skunkband if you can still find it. Its got some serious skunk mixed with a headband cut that is insanely good.
Thanks ........I'm smoking Dominion Local skunk and Dominion G right now. thanks I'll look at headband ... The Local is Hashy best out of 4 seeds , and Dominion G is cool, little sweet but its got some funk , for anyone that is curious :) ...
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the Munson from dominion sounds stinkier than the dominion g - has anyone grown that? I think that might be the next place I look.

The mass super skunk that Scott family farms/reeferman just released isn’t skunky at all, I asked them.
Skunk, rks, just like every other legendary strain, was breed to everything that anyone was already growing. Therefore, it would be inconceivable to think that any modern versions of it would be of a single pheno.
I am a little more blunt and succinct, sorry. I do not disagree with most of your post but there are a couple of points that experience and time make me want to express.
What crosses make up the heritage of skunk? The original heritage may be a guess as it only comes from one source.
Hemp is not the culprit you think it is, most who did any breeding back in the day learned very quickly that it was a bad thing to cross with.
What actually happened to skunk? As you stated all ready, it was muddied by crossing and poor breeding methods.
Seeded bud is no different than unseeded bud, I too used to think it was, till experience taught me otherwise.

This was from the Marc Emery Seed Catalog Circa 1999. I have only heard that Super Skunk isn't even as 'skunky' as Skunk #1. This description contradicts that. Dutch Passion doesn't even sell it anymore and I'm sure much of the new stock from Nirvana, Sensi, etc isn't as aromatic as they once were. I have heard G13 Labs has a good example and I have seeds on the way..

I also have a sensi star from JOTI going, third one in the past six months (the other 2 were males), looks like I got a female, but its very squat and bushy. I could swear it has that old school skunk odor to it. Hoping I get it through flower...
As many have said, tastes and effects are subjective, however the smell of rks is undeniable. Roadkill skunk is know for being the best variety of cannabis ever produced. If found in its proper form, someone would have hit the cannabis genetic lottery. Thus the reason everyone is either looking for it, or trying to reproduce it. What are the odds?
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In theory if Sam skunkman bred the skunk phenos out of skunk one, could one selectively breed for generations with that stock to find recessive gene traits? Inspecta says s1 seeds are like a window into the plants genetics. Could s1 of sweet smelling skunk 1 truly hold the hidden holy grail?
In theory if Sam skunkman bred the skunk phenos out of skunk one, could one selectively breed for generations with that stock to find recessive gene traits? Inspecta says s1 seeds are like a window into the plants genetics. Could s1 of sweet smelling skunk 1 truly hold the hidden holy grail?
I think you would have more luck hunting a decent stinky afghan like maybe balhki or possibly pakistani like maybe hopar valley then crossing it into the decent old skunk s1s like say skunk special or cheese s1s to recreate something like the old ss or along those kinda lines who knows for all we know it could a been a pure ghani line we all hunting but i suspect rks was a hybrid maybe
Right now it’s hard to say where to look. Genetics are designed to produce something different every time no matter how closely it looks.
I remember reading a story about Einstein that told how he produced babies offspring with different relative. I know it sounds nasty, but this guy also encouraged his offspring to procreate with each other. He even went as far as producing a child with his granddaughter. However, there wasn’t a single child that exhibited Einstein’s level of intelligence.
Thats just not how genetics works.
It’s pure luck.
wonder if it has anything to do with skunks bad reputation. its super strong, and kids taking it, in the amounts that they do to keep up with the adults introduceing or selling to them, causeing all these psycalogical and mental health problems, wether they thaught better of it,
If they had it, you would have already seen it by now. Psychological disorders exist in every human. Most people do not exhibit it to a degree to where it impairs daily life.
I would look at strong cannabis as a cure for psychological disorders. As said above, cannabis can bring about psychological effects. So can any other substances that one intakes. Most humans do not exhibit much of an adverse reaction because they have already become accustomed to the substance. But in rare and extreme cases, people will exhibit anaphylactic shock. Which is no more than an extreme allergic reaction. Given the multitude of terpenes that cannabis hold, there is no prediction the body’s response. That’s why every high is different. And why everyone had a different effects.
Remember where short said that oaxacan will enhance the effects of lsd. That’s because lsd also produces psychological effects. Once combine with cannabis, the effects become synergetic in the same fashion as taking any other drugs. For example drinking and taking Xanax is deadly combination. The Fluoride in tooth combine with the aluminum in deodorant is another deadly combination. It doesn’t kill all, however most are left suffering from supposedly unknown causes.
Who knows what some has eating are drinking combined with cannabis that triggers those effects in them. It can easily be that early morning cup of coffee, or that cigarette. The possibilities are endless. To simply blame cannabis doesn’t tell the complete story. It Sound more like the “ have nots”are jealous of the “have’s” as the preemptively throw salt.
so why havent the likes of sam skunkman or sensi recreated the original skunks that these skunks came from? seems to me like they have the seed stock to do this crossing, so why havent they, demand is high, makes sense to do so
They like everyone else do not know how and I think they do not really know why it faded. What would you say when asked why?
You made me smile today. Thank you bro. @Herb & Suds
However, I speak theoretically.
As a hunter, I learned to look for my quarry in areas that it is known to frequent.
However, I find skunk hunters to be of a different nature as I watch them, proof unseen, continually search none productive paths as they hunt their quarry.
When asked about bigfoot, I think about the Patterson–Gimlin film that provided video proof of the creature. Even though the media called bull- s about the film, there was no shortage of the video running on every network. In fact this video is still being ran on every social platform 56 years later.
How would you like to be the one that provided proof of rks knowing that it will be in every dispensary in a few months, while having nothing to show for it.
So I ask you, who would you tell where you saw a bigfoot? A stranger on social media, or Elon Musk? Hypothetically of course.

They like everyone else do not know how and I think they do not really know why it faded. What would you say when asked why?
Common sense says he doesn’t have it or we would have been seen it. I say this because, not only does he have the reputation for delivering skunk, he also has the means to do so. Therefore I’m like the many others who ask, why hasn’t he cashed it in yet?
My only answer is that his work has already been proven to be fruitless. That’s just me guessing of course.
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I relate it to hunting for gold. If you ask an old timer where is the best place to find gold he will answer where it has been found before. Someone from north calif once told me it was a male in a row of three, hundreds of feet long and was left to pollinate the females close by. If that was the case even if we give him 100% sk, the females he pollinated are at 50% it is easy to see how it was lost so quickly.
wonder if it has anything to do with skunks bad reputation. its super strong, and kids taking it, in the amounts that they do to keep up with the adults introduceing or selling to them, causeing all these psycalogical and mental health problems, wether they thaught better of it,
Funny you say that as skunk was always popular here even when it fell off other places till recently and the purple or uk psychosis as it was renamed due to this as does the cheese to a extent cos both have a dark side for some folks only if its all you got to smoke some get paranoid but its weaker minded folks with a certain predisposition that should avoid things like that you ask me ive never really got that from it myself i dont really get that from cannabis
Funny you say that as skunk was always popular here even when it fell off other places till recently and the purple or uk psychosis as it was renamed due to this as does the cheese to a extent cos both have a dark side for some folks only if its all you got to smoke some get paranoid but its weaker minded folks with a certain predisposition that should avoid things like that you ask me ive never really got that from it myself i dont really get that from cannabis
yes, they did rather pick on skunk, was it because of the % of thc and the combination of terps it contained, or was there higher % thc strains allready out there in the seed stores?