What do I do when one plant in a system is drinking more than the rest?


Active Member
I am growing using 6" rockwool Hugo's and the floraflex bubbler system. I am noticing that one of my plants (all clones from the same mother) is drinking more than the rest and drying out quicker. I am currently giving one 200ml shot per day @650ppm since they are young.

What is the best way to go about this? Should I water all of them with a bigger shot? Maybe start them all on 2 shots/day? Or could that lead to root issues in the other three?


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I run 4 drip emitters per 6" block.
I'll cap off one emitter when it starts drinking less.
ball valves on 1/4" drip can clog easily. they did for me every time.
W.F.O. with the emitter being the only restriction in the line works excellent for me.
Did you have space issues when you did that? I feel like you would have to flip early if one is growing twice as fast as the others.
my auto feed setup is only in my bloom room. the 2 smaller plants I put in there probably 3 weeks after the first went in so i knew they would never catch up to how big the first one is.
bottle or the can with the widget??? the widget one is pretty damn close to a true guinness out of a tap
Can with the whiigiie damn I do love me a Guinness tho. Beer just makes JJ tired. So me no drinkie. Got too much shit to do. Plus then I won't wake up to go fishing. I usually buy a bunch because I make beer butt chicken with it.
IF I drink a beer, it's likely a Guinness, Landshark lager, Waterloo dark, or tyskie.
Legal state with a License?

Although I am in a legal state, if you choose to grow in an illegal state, putting a watering pump on a timer isn't the thing that will make you get caught.

Plus, you don't have to remember to water that way, which is a stoners best friend lol