What Breeder would you label "The Saint of Cannabis" today?

Scott Blakey aka Shantibaba created the white line. White widow, White Rhino etc... elaborating it from landrace variety. In addition to other strains developed from Nevil's lines, see Mango haze, Critical Mass, and others... Many breeders have started breeding from seeds or cuttings given by Shanti, for example Soma with the Hawaiian male... not to mention talk about the initial Spanish scene that was born practically by feminizing its lines. Besides the fact that Nevil deemed her the only one worthy of preserving and continuing the work with her genetics. In more recent times he has focused more on the medical side, and was one of the first to work with cbd, with the CBD Crew. He still keeps the old school in regular version, and if you want you can buy them at a very cheap price on his auction site. And these lines are a real gold box especially for those who want to breed. To conclude, he seems to me to be one of the few breeders on the European scene who seems to have always been guided by a passion for the plant more than anything else... I also see many American breeders, even semi-amateur ones, who are very passionate and do good work. I also like Bodhi, even though much of what he does is more like pollen chucking.
No ones perfect dont put humans on pedestals.
Indeed, this site has opened my eyes over the last few years. Too many people more than willing to spend big bucks on really old seeds where (insert hyped 'breeder' here) just did a pollen chuck with a couple cut-only varieties or hyped strains.
That being said, there are people out there offering really high-quality beans (that all pop with minimal effort) that give great results. When these people are also willing to show on the forums or other social media (IG ...etc.) their work, that's a cherry on top.
Well...per the original question. I think that Arjan guy from Denmark is probably "THE" guy who will go down in history as the biggest marijuana breeder or conservator. I've never bought anything from them, but they go to great lengths to travel around and collect plants on their Strain Hunters show.
Well...per the original question. I think that Arjan guy from Denmark is probably "THE" guy who will go down in history as the biggest marijuana breeder or conservator. I've never bought anything from them, but they go to great lengths to travel around and collect plants on their Strain Hunters show.
I don't know much about it but I think there's a bit of controversy or people think he's a jerk. I've watched I think most of the Strain Hunters shows and I got the impression that most places they went to search for "landraces" they found their own gear being grown by farmers - but I guess they did stuff to create awareness of the changing global attitudes towards cannabis and helped communities with farming and whatnot. I've never run any Greenhouse seeds stuff. Fem seeds yawn
Well...per the original question. I think that Arjan guy from Denmark is probably "THE" guy who will go down in history as the biggest marijuana breeder or conservator. I've never bought anything from them, but they go to great lengths to travel around and collect plants on their Strain Hunters show.
I think Arjan was the front man and Franco was the real breeder.. He just might be The guy!
I don't know much about it but I think there's a bit of controversy or people think he's a jerk. I've watched I think most of the Strain Hunters shows and I got the impression that most places they went to search for "landraces" they found their own gear being grown by farmers - but I guess they did stuff to create awareness of the changing global attitudes towards cannabis and helped communities with farming and whatnot. I've never run any Greenhouse seeds stuff. Fem seeds yawn
Nah they wrecked places they went with genetic pollution by leaving there fem seeds at naturalised sources of cannabis to anyone who actually cares about the plant there the anti christ i aint saying they dont have some ok stuff ive ran plenty of there gear over the years also arjans a businessman not a breeder franco kinda helped as he liked the plant god knows whos doing there breeding now hes gone imo there are no saints my fave breeder was nevil and that guy was far from perfect ffs lol closest to it ig would be kc brains hes sold his seeds dirt cheap forever on the principle of anti capitalism and im sure even he aint perfect there is alot of good folks in the scene who care about the plant thats best we gonna get we all human after all
Greenhouse/Arjan gets your vote if you want to see landrace strains monopolized by a greedy S. African/Dutchman who only thinks of himself and his profits. How many beautiful landraces has he destroyed with giving rural breeders feminized crap? Their seeds run out and what is left is polluted with his indica seeds or landrace indica are polluted with Godzilla x. Bambi crap.

Responsible growers stay away from his nefarious deeds.
There are good breeders out there but not all. Now a days the growers are the "Saints" because we practically give these guys cash for a lot of untested seeds. No descriptions, pictures or grow reports from most breeders even the good ones. Us fourm members are the Saints for doing the work growing plants & giving feedback. Just my take on things, I rather give props to people here than breeders I don't know or interact with.

Guys like Ace & Archive have my respect though. Breeders who actually grown their gear & have information for their customers
Don't paint halos around Ace. I have heard stories about one of their 'breeders' from a former roommate of the breeder.
Charlie garcia gave ace alot of its starting stock too from all i hear so aint like they started with coal then made diamonds alone there good yes but flawless nah nobody is and i like ace seeds just yeah i aint saying they perfect is all ig
firstly i think people seem to forget that bodhi has 3 kids and one of them is disabled and 2 kids plus one with special needs can be alot of money and be glade hes able to keep doing what he loves, the extra cash from cookies im sure is very helpful for his family.
Ya man , we all love our kids and we probably dote on our special kids abit more. Kids with challenges can get expensive but we love them all the same.