Happy St. Patrick's Day, Join us to find free gift


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Rollitup Advertiser
Happy St. Patrick's Day, May all your wishes come true today!
We are ready for some gifts for you. But you will need to find a "hidden treasure" in the product's comments on our website, then contact us to get your free gift! The first 5 treasure hunters get free gifts. Good luck to everyone!

Tip: It is a word about St. Patrick's Day.

Finding hidden treasure on our website:
USA: www.spider-farmer.com
CA: www.spiderfarmer.ca
EU: www.spiderfarmer.eu
UK: www.spiderfarmer.co.uk
AU: www.spiderfarmer.com.au

Was poking around a bit, didn't find it, but started to feel a little greedy. You all already gave me a most awesome light with the SE1000W, so I'm going to back out and let others carry on with the hunt.


and a most gracious "Thank You" to @Spiderfarmerled for my light and the opportunity!
Thank you all for your active participation. Please check the DM and offer the shipping information.
We will ship you the random gift.
excited to see what my free gift is :) thanks for the excitement SF! I'll be sure to come brag about it when I get it