★ Atomic Squat ★

@Aeroknow whats up my brother. I grow up in the Deep South and in the late ‘70’s heavy metal was hard to come by but I had that one friend that knew what was up he had lots metal on vinyl. The early’80’s got a little better but it was still spotty at best by the late’80’s metal finally came to town… Pantrea opened for Driving and Crying for 17.50 a ticket, my poor neck hasn’t been right since.
@Aeroknow whats up my brother. I grow up in the Deep South and in the late ‘70’s heavy metal was hard to come by but I had that one friend that knew what was up he had lots metal on vinyl. The early’80’s got a little better but it was still spotty at best by the late’80’s metal finally came to town… Pantrea opened for Driving and Crying for 17.50 a ticket, my poor neck hasn’t been right since.
There’s my Metal best buddy! How you been bro?
That’s actually pretty cool bro. I’ll have to listen to more of their stuff but my inital thought when watching that video was Layne Staley
A bigger buffer version,lol. Alice In Chains is on earth of munchies all time favorites. My ex and I went to all kinds of crazy punk and rock shows and when he played "Would" one time the crowd went nuts and everyone pushed everyone forward and people almost got trampled. We would always get there early and be in the front. My ex freaked out and had the crowd crowd surf her to the from which was only like 10 feet away. I was like WTF this is a good song, :lol:

Dude 2023 has sucked for me. It started in 22 the Friday before Christmas the motor in my Denali took a shit and then the next day my wife has to have emergency dental surgery ( 15,000$ ) . And it’s been a cascade of bullshit every since , I mean things could be worse and I’m damn glad their not but I’m ready for a break. I almost have my motor back running I just have a few things to do but hopefully no more parts to buy.
Are you a granddad yet and if so how is that going? I hope it is good.
Dude 2023 has sucked for me. It started in 22 the Friday before Christmas the motor in my Denali took a shit and then the next day my wife has to have emergency dental surgery ( 15,000$ ) . And it’s been a cascade of bullshit every since , I mean things could be worse and I’m damn glad their not but I’m ready for a break. I almost have my motor back running I just have a few things to do but hopefully no more parts to buy.
Are you a granddad yet and if so how is that going? I hope it is good.
Oh yeah my bro.
My kid is so pregnant. #2 is due very soon
Strawberry liquor, Modelo, some ABV in pills, and Peepshow on the agenda tonight.
My nephew invented a game today combining chinese checkers, chess, Cribbage, dice, and scrabble and Stratego and it's very complicated. Kids a 12 year old genius. Hanging with Nephews and nieces all day. Can't wait to lock myself in my little house with my dog and vape myself silly soon. I love being alone.

weed is a tool for my creativity. Been writing a sci fi book for years now and i swear i only get inspiration and plot ideas for it when i'm lit as fuck.

Hope you guys are having a nice evening
