how to fix acidic soil?


Well-Known Member
yeah it's called dehydrated lime. Norm, just keep being normal norm, now plus rep!:peace:


Well-Known Member
I understood the hydrated lime part but you lost me afte that.
It's something friends and I say when people ask dumb shit, so we tell them to keep being normal (like everyone else:dunce:)..... or norm for short!


Well-Known Member
i read on a gardening site..
you can maintain & level a pH with egg shells..
it also does something else.. but, i forgot..
has something to do with the calcium in the shells..

i tried it though, without a pH problem & haven't had a pH problem..
but, they said you wash/rinse the egg shells..
get a bowl of water (you know the water deal)
crush the egg shells & throw them in the bowl of water..
then let it sit for about 24-30 hours..
take out the egg shells after that..
& water your plant with the egg shelled water..

easy & cheap.. since we eat the eggs anyway.. lol
good luck man :D


Well-Known Member
why would you put lime in acidic soil
:dunce: I have no idea why you would put lime in acidic soil........ Not, lime is alkaline which means (for the special people) it's ph up! Lime also removes salts, that have build up from over feeding and time.:peace: hope this helps, and good luck with the rest of your grow!


Well-Known Member
:dunce: I have no idea why you would put lime in acidic soil........ Not, lime is alkaline which means (for the special people) it's ph up! Lime also removes salts, that have build up from over feeding and time.:peace: hope this helps, and good luck with the rest of your grow!


lollllll man that was nerdy im sorry to say


Well-Known Member
Don't care, I know my stuff and don't have to ask around for help though.
Why are u such a douche bag? Why do you even come in here and post if you dont wanna answer questions? Is that all you do all day is go into peoples threads and make retarded fuckin comments that no one cares about? Go fkin do something productive with your time. Cuz u seem to have alot of extra free time to come into threads and just post random dumb shit.

You say you know your stuff, I bet you were born with knowing everything and never asked a single question in your life, right... lol ... I dont know everything, thats why I'm on this site, to learn more about something I have limited knowledge on... not to sit here and read pointless fucking comments from a kid who mommy and daddy neglected as a child, and is now being a douche bag. Why are you on this site if you "know everything" ? Are you on here to show your pot plants to people in hopes of getting some online friends because you have none in real life? Seriously man, go do something, your comments are useless and a waste of everyones time to read, so just dont post.

Lets face the facts, your an ass to people online because people are probably an ass to you in real life all the time, and you cant do anything about it, so you take your frustrations out over a computer where theres no chance of a fist coming through your screen to knock you out.

Get a life.


Well-Known Member
Why are u such a douche bag? Why do you even come in here and post if you dont wanna answer questions? Is that all you do all day is go into peoples threads and make retarded fuckin comments that no one cares about? Go fkin do something productive with your time. Cuz u seem to have alot of extra free time to come into threads and just post random dumb shit.

You say you know your stuff, I bet you were born with knowing everything and never asked a single question in your life, right... lol ... I dont know everything, thats why I'm on this site, to learn more about something I have limited knowledge on... not to sit here and read pointless fucking comments from a kid who mommy and daddy neglected as a child, and is now being a douche bag. Why are you on this site if you "know everything" ? Are you on here to show your pot plants to people in hopes of getting some online friends because you have none in real life? Seriously man, go do something, your comments are useless and a waste of everyones time to read, so just dont post.

Lets face the facts, your an ass to people online because people are probably an ass to you in real life all the time, and you cant do anything about it, so you take your frustrations out over a computer where theres no chance of a fist coming through your screen to knock you out.

Get a life.
Wow you have me so figured out! boo woo. like everyone every said before me go do research, you could have found that out in the faq, or online. :idea:


Well-Known Member
Why are u such a douche bag? Why do you even come in here and post if you dont wanna answer questions? Is that all you do all day is go into peoples threads and make retarded fuckin comments that no one cares about? Go fkin do something productive with your time. Cuz u seem to have alot of extra free time to come into threads and just post random dumb shit.

You say you know your stuff, I bet you were born with knowing everything and never asked a single question in your life, right... lol ... I dont know everything, thats why I'm on this site, to learn more about something I have limited knowledge on... not to sit here and read pointless fucking comments from a kid who mommy and daddy neglected as a child, and is now being a douche bag. Why are you on this site if you "know everything" ? Are you on here to show your pot plants to people in hopes of getting some online friends because you have none in real life? Seriously man, go do something, your comments are useless and a waste of everyones time to read, so just dont post.

Lets face the facts, your an ass to people online because people are probably an ass to you in real life all the time, and you cant do anything about it, so you take your frustrations out over a computer where theres no chance of a fist coming through your screen to knock you out.

Get a life.
You asked a question, he answered it, then you talk shit cause you're too bitchy to appreciate help.

Oh, and I thought you knew all the facts about growing. But you can't successfully grow a plant.

That's lame man. Appreciate some advise and do research.


Well-Known Member
You asked a question, he answered it, then you talk shit cause you're too bitchy to appreciate help.

Oh, and I thought you knew all the facts about growing. But you can't successfully grow a plant.

That's lame man. Appreciate some advise and do research.
lol ya cuz i know everything.
I've been doing research for months now. I've watched my friends and family successfuly grow for a long time. But I cant seem to do it myself.
Why would you come in here and bring up the fact that im having trouble growing? are you ignorant? I've posted it all over these forums that im having trouble with it, so do you really think coming in here and saying that was gonna like hurt my feelings or something? lol...

u need a life as much as token does.
Hey maybe u two can hook up and be eachothers first friends! thatd be soooo cool...........not
right token... .....not

(just for the record, im only doin that gay ..not shit cuz of token doing it earlier in the thread, I am not gay, or a nerd)


Well-Known Member
Just wondering, is there a good way to fix soil that has a really low ph? what can you do?
yeah it's called dehydrated lime. Norm, just keep being normal norm, now plus rep!:peace:
Guys/Girls just be adults, its the internet, smoke a bowl and make friends for our sake. This was pulled off Wiki,

Calcium hydroxide
, traditionally called slaked lime, hydrated lime, or pickling lime, is a chemical compound with the chemical formula Ca(OH)2
Because of its strong basic properties, calcium hydroxide has many and varied uses:

The acidity in lime has nothing to do with calcium hydroxide, and because it has basic properties (and not acidic), it normalizes the soil. Token hit it on the head. Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
Guys/Girls just be adults, its the internet, smoke a bowl and make friends for our sake. This was pulled off Wiki,

Calcium hydroxide
, traditionally called slaked lime, hydrated lime, or pickling lime, is a chemical compound with the chemical formula Ca(OH)2
Because of its strong basic properties, calcium hydroxide has many and varied uses:

The acidity in lime has nothing to do with calcium hydroxide, and because it has basic properties (and not acidic), it normalizes the soil. Token hit it on the head. Problem solved.
thank you, finally some USEFUL information and not a bunch of kids talking stupid. +REP