Why do they breeding Hybrid strains?

Ah. Was just a comment. I personally wouldn't try to recreate the 5hz as it was made with parents that were kept as clone from original seed, meaning original bloodlines. I suppose you could try to use parents 20 plus generations removed or some inbreeding method. But to get the very best would probably be to use the original blood lines and pick the best of them wich was kind of how it was made. Then the tradition was a cupwinner, and the daughter that won the cup, and again that was used that created another cupwinner. Not a method many use but I see it used in animal breeding and other plant breeding that produce champion lines with pedigree champion bloodlines that can be followed back. I dont see that happening no more. People dont even progeny test for parent material on a large scale no more, they just go through plants to pick the one that looks and smokes the best and cross those, whem they are supposed to progeny test multiple plants keeping backups of all, an pick the ones that produce the most potent seed in high numbers. Lost art nowdays.

Thank you for the “art lesson” brother. Your cordiality is appreciated and I’m sure you are a master in your field.
Hello all.

I am always seeing indica/sativa dominance on strain infos. I made a deep look on internet and look for difference they say. Indicas makes you more sleepy, sativas makes you more uplifting etc.

Now i have Northern Lights and Gorilla Glue to smoke (both auto). In last two days i tried Northern and today Glue. I see no difference actually. Northern was with thin leaves and tall. Glue was with wide leaves, short and bushy. Both of them gave me same effects. Dizzy feeling, dry mouth, red tiny eyes, a bit giggly and relaxed. So i see no difference at all. If i compare informations on internet it's kind of mixed high from sativa and indica.

They say 60/40 indica-sativa or vice versa. But hybrids (indica dom and sativa dom) makes me feel same actually. If so why do breeders using this terms?

Because informations on internet says that if you grow indica dominant strain you will get relaxed, couchlock etc. But i also get uplitfing, giggly sometimes very focusing on indica dominant strain.

So, if hybrid does mean mixed high from both why do they use percentage?

Or, if i get relaxed, couchlock, stoned feeling only from indica dominant why i am feeling sativa effects?

Anyway this entry written under indica high. I know you know what i mean lol.
well i have gorila x amnezia(sativa dominant plant) and buba x og kush(indika overload) and the 2 plants dont give me the same high. after indica my body is dead i cant sit because my hand is soo heavy its pulling my shoulder down and its causing me pain. my brain is not having any ideas its basicly flatlined. when i smoke sativa. i get dehidration my eyes stick to my eyelids my lips stick to my teeth. my brain is going milion miles a second i want to do everything i have soo much ideas but i allways want to do something else.

allsoo indica and sativa leaf in hybrids differ in the middle of the leaf if the leaf is the same thickness all the lenght its a sativa. if it gets fatter in the middle then ends its an indica

they use % just to tell you genetic history of the plant and what are the chances that the plant evolved to be a sativa or indica.i curently have 2 indicas from the same pack one is full purple leafs buds everything other has traces of purple in buds. 2 sativas one has purple traces in leafs one is full green, again same seed.
There are new types coming out every day. There are thousands and thousands now. Not many that are special and really stand out like some that have stood the test of time. Look at the true nl#5 x haze, made in the late 80s - 93/94 and still every so often plants from those original seed batches still keep popping up and winning cups, being renamed and again wining cups. Heck even its daughters have been hitting hattrick wins over and over. Not many breeders building things like that. Its just crossing for the sake of it or to take advantage of this flashy name being crossed with that new lattest fad. No plan and method and genetic techniques in place that might give them better than the parents plants. Creating new shouldn't be the goal, it should be to create better than the rest.
I remember, that and also haze x Thai x NL#5 Sensi seed bank was the big breeder back then before the embargo stopping seed importing…. Well, it didn’t stop, but you were taking a risk ordering back then. Customs, lost or stolen package… had quite a few back then in the younger days… now all gone, wish I had some of those seeds… I mean the originals, not what they have now…
Tolerance is the biggest issue when cannabis or any thing else.
The same bud that gave you dry eyes and mouth and had you running around like a chicken with its head cut off, can make the next man say meh when the substance is incapable of reaching the accustomed level of tolerance.
Once tolerance of any substance is met, the body will initiate a series of stress response.
Dry mouth, runny nose, itchy eyes sound more like succumbing to smoke inhalation than getting high. As the the brain becomes oxygen depleted, it will initiate even more responses. Such as rapid heart beat, blurred vision, and decreased motor function. Fish out of water responses so to speak. You can call it dehydration if you prefer. That why they tell cannabis smokers to stay hydrated.
Any away the question then becomes, how much of a substance did you have to intake to illicit such a negative response? We’re you already smoking? Had you had any caffeine or any other diuretic in the last 24 hours? Most Coffee, chocolate, or sodas contain huge amounts of caffeine. The sympathetic responses of intaking caffeine, cannabis, and cigarettes, can have a synergistic effect on the body thus produces a more negative and longer lasting stress response.
I know people who have been smoking bud for over 20 years and still can’t tell the difference in a cannabis high and a cigarette high.
I did an experiment on a guy to prove this theory. In front of a witness, I rolled a blunt that was filled with cigarette tobacco. I placed just enough cannabis on the ends to simulate an actual blunt.
When the guy had but they blunt out, I asked him how was it. He was like “awe man, it was good. Smoother than usual, but good.”
At that time, my witness speaks up and tell the guy that he was smoking cigarettes tobacco.
I felt bad for embarrassing my friend. He was always talking about all the good strains that he had smoked back in the day. Therefore I wanted to test him. Try it for yourself on one of your buddies who come smoke with you.
See for yourself just how many there are who can’t tell the difference between smoking a cannabis joint and smoking a cigarette. You would think, they should know the difference in just a few hits.
I personally think the mention of percentages (80% sativa, 20% indica for example) is purely anecdotal and "observational".

There isn't a 23-&-Me for weed to determine that, i mean you could get a plant DNA tested and it may show that a plant contains Mexican, Thai or whatever lineage but it still won't say at what percentages. You just kinda have to deduce that on your own by observing how the plant grows, how the flower smokes and affects you, etc.
Tolerance is the biggest issue when cannabis or any thing else.
The same bud that gave you dry eyes and mouth and had you running around like a chicken with its head cut off, can make the next man say meh when the substance is incapable of reaching the accustomed level of tolerance.
Once tolerance of any substance is met, the body will initiate a series of stress response.
Dry mouth, runny nose, itchy eyes sound more like succumbing to smoke inhalation than getting high. As the the brain becomes oxygen depleted, it will initiate even more responses. Such as rapid heart beat, blurred vision, and decreased motor function. Fish out of water responses so to speak. You can call it dehydration if you prefer. That why they tell cannabis smokers to stay hydrated.
Any away the question then becomes, how much of a substance did you have to intake to illicit such a negative response? We’re you already smoking? Had you had any caffeine or any other diuretic in the last 24 hours? Most Coffee, chocolate, or sodas contain huge amounts of caffeine. The sympathetic responses of intaking caffeine, cannabis, and cigarettes, can have a synergistic effect on the body thus produces a more negative and longer lasting stress response.

i get all those symptoms from vaping. it causes an allergic reaction and i have to take an antihistamine sometimes. i just keep choking on drainage.

if the pollen or mold levels are high, that also makes vaping suck.

if you ever get thc in your eyes....wow, that takes the cake. people or at least some people are allergic to weed.

way back, when i hung out with the hippies in my college town there would always be some guy that put tobacco in a j to make it look like he was contributing...i never once was confused past a half toke. even in the shwag days. sounds like you hang with very inexperienced nose blind children if they can't tell the difference. one smells/tastes distinctly like tobacco, like the old people used to smoke...the other tastes like black pepper and pine ...sometimes mangoes, lemons, perfume, puke, etc., but not in shwag.
Tolerance is the biggest issue when cannabis or any thing else.
The same bud that gave you dry eyes and mouth and had you running around like a chicken with its head cut off, can make the next man say meh when the substance is incapable of reaching the accustomed level of tolerance.
Once tolerance of any substance is met, the body will initiate a series of stress response.
Dry mouth, runny nose, itchy eyes sound more like succumbing to smoke inhalation than getting high. As the the brain becomes oxygen depleted, it will initiate even more responses. Such as rapid heart beat, blurred vision, and decreased motor function. Fish out of water responses so to speak. You can call it dehydration if you prefer. That why they tell cannabis smokers to stay hydrated.
Any away the question then becomes, how much of a substance did you have to intake to illicit such a negative response? We’re you already smoking? Had you had any caffeine or any other diuretic in the last 24 hours? Most Coffee, chocolate, or sodas contain huge amounts of caffeine. The sympathetic responses of intaking caffeine, cannabis, and cigarettes, can have a synergistic effect on the body thus produces a more negative and longer lasting stress response.
I know people who have been smoking bud for over 20 years and still can’t tell the difference in a cannabis high and a cigarette high.
I did an experiment on a guy to prove this theory. In front of a witness, I rolled a blunt that was filled with cigarette tobacco. I placed just enough cannabis on the ends to simulate an actual blunt.
When the guy had but they blunt out, I asked him how was it. He was like “awe man, it was good. Smoother than usual, but good.”
At that time, my witness speaks up and tell the guy that he was smoking cigarettes tobacco.
I felt bad for embarrassing my friend. He was always talking about all the good strains that he had smoked back in the day. Therefore I wanted to test him. Try it for yourself on one of your buddies who come smoke with you.
See for yourself just how many there are who can’t tell the difference between smoking a cannabis joint and smoking a cigarette. You would think, they should know the difference in just a few hits.

I seen something similar once. It was cruel and not something I condone. Some guys put dried horse poo in a joint with tobbaco in and gave it someone. The someone smoked the joint and after said good sh*t , lol. He actually thought he was buzzing.
1. Your plants aren't GG or NL, they're polyhybrids bred with rhuderalis to create autos with characteristics of either strain if the breeder gave a shit, but its likely they're just results of pollen chucking.

2. Because they're polyhybrids, much like the bulk of commercial marijuana, they don't have the unique effects of either sativa or indica.

If it's named after a major strain and you're not buying it from someone who you know has those genetics, its probably bullshit.
Tolerance is the biggest issue when cannabis or any thing else.
The same bud that gave you dry eyes and mouth and had you running around like a chicken with its head cut off, can make the next man say meh when the substance is incapable of reaching the accustomed level of tolerance.
Once tolerance of any substance is met, the body will initiate a series of stress response.
Dry mouth, runny nose, itchy eyes sound more like succumbing to smoke inhalation than getting high. As the the brain becomes oxygen depleted, it will initiate even more responses. Such as rapid heart beat, blurred vision, and decreased motor function. Fish out of water responses so to speak. You can call it dehydration if you prefer. That why they tell cannabis smokers to stay hydrated.
Any away the question then becomes, how much of a substance did you have to intake to illicit such a negative response? We’re you already smoking? Had you had any caffeine or any other diuretic in the last 24 hours? Most Coffee, chocolate, or sodas contain huge amounts of caffeine. The sympathetic responses of intaking caffeine, cannabis, and cigarettes, can have a synergistic effect on the body thus produces a more negative and longer lasting stress response.
I know people who have been smoking bud for over 20 years and still can’t tell the difference in a cannabis high and a cigarette high.
I did an experiment on a guy to prove this theory. In front of a witness, I rolled a blunt that was filled with cigarette tobacco. I placed just enough cannabis on the ends to simulate an actual blunt.
When the guy had but they blunt out, I asked him how was it. He was like “awe man, it was good. Smoother than usual, but good.”
At that time, my witness speaks up and tell the guy that he was smoking cigarettes tobacco.
I felt bad for embarrassing my friend. He was always talking about all the good strains that he had smoked back in the day. Therefore I wanted to test him. Try it for yourself on one of your buddies who come smoke with you.
See for yourself just how many there are who can’t tell the difference between smoking a cannabis joint and smoking a cigarette. You would think, they should know the difference in just a few hits.
if you smoke tobbacoo mixed with grass nobody will notice.i had a guy smoking a huge blunt of tobacoo and looking at me sad until i told him it was tobbacoo.then he tells me i keep smoking but nothing is happening hahaha.
In front of a witness, I rolled a blunt that was filled with cigarette tobacco. I placed just enough cannabis on the ends to simulate an actual blunt.
This sounds like most of the blunts people would pass to me back in the day. It's like put some weed in there, you cheapskates. I'm trying to get high, not smoke the world's thinnest cigar.