Well-Known Member
I could't find Pro-mix HP in my area but Walmart sells basic Pro-mix in the red bales for 13$. I tried to compare the two and it appeared the HP has more perlite for better drainage. I sent Pro-mix an email asking about it and this was their reply:
Case# 00174258 - What is the difference between promix hp and promix in the red bales? Can I add some extra perlite and gypsum and be about the same? Pro-mix hp is just not available in our area.
Wed 10/12/2022 5:57 AM
Hi Laddyd,
Between the promix hp and red bales the difference is the drainage, as a high porosity mix the hp will have better drainage than the red bale but the nutrient components are roughly the same. Yes addditionnal perlite and gypsum can be added without any issues.
Case# 00174258 - What is the difference between promix hp and promix in the red bales? Can I add some extra perlite and gypsum and be about the same? Pro-mix hp is just not available in our area.
Wed 10/12/2022 5:57 AM
Hi Laddyd,
Between the promix hp and red bales the difference is the drainage, as a high porosity mix the hp will have better drainage than the red bale but the nutrient components are roughly the same. Yes addditionnal perlite and gypsum can be added without any issues.