Is technology going to save the world. . . or kill it?

Maybe we should all shit-kick in the mountains until this AI thing goes away.Oh wait,other countries are working on this as fast as they can,and you can be certain they Will use it to take our lunch money.Anyone not blinded by ignorance can see this.

I think most people that don't understand the technology are open to it. Some more than others.

Last month, as the tech industry was buzzing about ChatGPT, the research arm of the Defense Department put out an artificial intelligence announcement of its own: An AI bot had successfully flown an F-16 fighter jet in the skies above Southern California.
The news got relatively little attention, but it revealed an overlooked truth: The race to develop the next generation of AI isn’t just between tech companies like Microsoft and Google — it’s also between nations, which are working furiously to foster and develop their own technology.

An international competition over AI technology is playing out at a time of high tensions between the U.S. and China, and some experts said they fear how high the stakes have gotten.

ACE Program’s AI Agents Transition from Simulation to Live Flight
DARPA completes first flight tests of air combat algorithms on specialized F-16 fighter jet

I think most people that don't understand the technology are open to it. Some more than others.

Last month, as the tech industry was buzzing about ChatGPT, the research arm of the Defense Department put out an artificial intelligence announcement of its own: An AI bot had successfully flown an F-16 fighter jet in the skies above Southern California.
The news got relatively little attention, but it revealed an overlooked truth: The race to develop the next generation of AI isn’t just between tech companies like Microsoft and Google — it’s also between nations, which are working furiously to foster and develop their own technology.

An international competition over AI technology is playing out at a time of high tensions between the U.S. and China, and some experts said they fear how high the stakes have gotten.

ACE Program’s AI Agents Transition from Simulation to Live Flight
DARPA completes first flight tests of air combat algorithms on specialized F-16 fighter jet

Agreed,the gpt model is the cartoon version .Make no mistake we not only Have to develop this technology, we must also develop in a timely manner ,defensive AI .Otherwise the last couple years are gonna look like the good Ole days compared to this tech.A weaponized version Could attack everything electronic at once ,no doubt.
then why do the ones they're experimenting with right now threaten people? tell people it's afraid of things?
aware or not, they aren't stable or reliable right now, and shouldn't be more than carefully isolated research tools.
Computers are very stable. Humans - not so much. Esp. not when drunken. Or animals. Look up how many children are biten to death by dogs, yet we allow them to roam around. They are dangerous, can decide action completely on thier own, and sometimes even think they can attack humans due to their territorial conditions. Robots can be programed to do similar stuff, yet are way more predicable in their actions.

And I do not believe a computer can be "afraid" in the literal sense of feeling emotions as we do. It lacks nerves and their bodily expressions, ie. fear makes our pulse go up, it causes sweat, maybe a tingling sensation, skin crawl etc... the computer has just been taught to use our language in a way we would when associating different stuff. Computers are very good to calculate logical operations - this is something we occasionally lack.

Logic itself is based on the symetrical nature of reality.

If I go from A-->B, I can deduce that I takes the same time to go back. This is true for this whole universe.

But emotions etc arose in evolution, they are like a higher form of instincts that help(ed) animals to coordinate their moves. Still helpful for us today, albeit not everytime. Humans can also become extremely evil, something I wouldn't project now into the idea of an extremely well-designed future AI robot, such as technological singularity. There's the natural laws putting a limit to everything. No endless energy or superior anti-gravity robots patrolling the sky, these things need much input to be maintained to work for us.

I'd rather be weary of other humans, namely, dictatorial politicans that seek to reduce freedom via their constant lies and to keep humans dumb and primitive. Like is still happening in many places in the world. How come whole nations are so fed up with lies or alternate versions of history/facts they are still willing to go to war and butcher a fellow human over some fucking territory or ideology. We really have better things to do, that, to prepare the conquest of space and claim other planets. Harness the energy of our sun, and the resources of the asteroid belt and other planets. We already know we can do this, the technology is there. But iot requires IMMENSELY workpower, time and discipline to see this through. So instead, we rather increasingly pollute our veryown birthplace and indulge in useless luxury and turn this whole planet into a big wastedump.
Computers are very stable. Humans - not so much. Esp. not when drunken. Or animals. Look up how many children are biten to death by dogs, yet we allow them to roam around. They are dangerous, can decide action completely on thier own, and sometimes even think they can attack humans due to their territorial conditions. Robots can be programed to do similar stuff, yet are way more predicable in their actions.

And I do not believe a computer can be "afraid" in the literal sense of feeling emotions as we do. It lacks nerves and their bodily expressions, ie. fear makes our pulse go up, it causes sweat, maybe a tingling sensation, skin crawl etc... the computer has just been taught to use our language in a way we would when associating different stuff. Computers are very good to calculate logical operations - this is something we occasionally lack.

Logic itself is based on the symetrical nature of reality.

If I go from A-->B, I can deduce that I takes the same time to go back. This is true for this whole universe.

But emotions etc arose in evolution, they are like a higher form of instincts that help(ed) animals to coordinate their moves. Still helpful for us today, albeit not everytime. Humans can also become extremely evil, something I wouldn't project now into the idea of an extremely well-designed future AI robot, such as technological singularity. There's the natural laws putting a limit to everything. No endless energy or superior anti-gravity robots patrolling the sky, these things need much input to be maintained to work for us.

I'd rather be weary of other humans, namely, dictatorial politicans that seek to reduce freedom via their constant lies and to keep humans dumb and primitive. Like is still happening in many places in the world. How come whole nations are so fed up with lies or alternate versions of history/facts they are still willing to go to war and butcher a fellow human over some fucking territory or ideology. We really have better things to do, that, to prepare the conquest of space and claim other planets. Harness the energy of our sun, and the resources of the asteroid belt and other planets. We already know we can do this, the technology is there. But iot requires IMMENSELY workpower, time and discipline to see this through. So instead, we rather increasingly pollute our veryown birthplace and indulge in useless luxury and turn this whole planet into a big wastedump.
all i'm doing is repeating what they've said themselves, documented by the journalist they invited to have "conversations" with the AIs
The AI makes threatening statements, then deletes them. the journalists have been screen capping all of it.
As to computers being very stable...i've had a pc since they started selling the fucking things, and it all depends on the operating system...when you introduce new software, it may or may not be stable, things as small as driver updates can crash whole systems till fixed. I don't trust people who can't be bothered to test fixes in labs before releasing them, to create a stable AI.
People rush shit out without testing, and then act surprised when unexpected things happen. Oddly enough, those unexpected things are never advantageous....

"If I go from A-->B, I can deduce that I takes the same time to go back. This is true for this whole universe."
That isn't necessarily true. What if you live on top of a mountian, and the store is at the bottom? what if you live along an interstate, and it's the weekend? plenty of traffic going into town, none on the way back?
what is you live on one side of a black hole that effects astrogation? and your goal is on the other side of it, around a highly radioactive nebula....
what if your goal is a stable AI, and you have to deal with 43 home computing system manufacturers, a like number of video card makers, a couple of dozen sound card makers, and ALL the assholes writing software, some of which follow every rule, and some of whom know and use every short cut two trips will ever be the same duration...
I'm the same age as you so you're not to old to learn. AI and ML (machine learning) is basically just algorithms and data. There are potential undesired effects from everything. That includes AI. But I see more positive than negative. I also understand peoples apprehension. I think the potential benefits outweigh the concerns many have. That's just my opinion. Time will tell. Nobody can predict the future not even AI.

It sure would suck though if cars started driving people off of cliffs in the future. Most new cars have some AI in them. Lets hope they don't all get together to cause mass traffic accidents in order to lower the human population. :mrgreen:

OK bro,respect your confidence,but most things in life the old adage "if people can find a way to ruin something good they will" applies,it happened to the bright,rosy predictions for Social Media how this newfound medium would enable farflung communication benefitting mankind enabling continental discourse and exchanges among like minded individuals and enabled bullying,depression resulting in suicide,radicalization,and misinfo. so the trend is ............?
"If I go from A-->B, I can deduce that I takes the same time to go back. This is true for this whole universe."
That isn't necessarily true. What if you live on top of a mountian, and the store is at the bottom? what if you live along an interstate, and it's the weekend? plenty of traffic going into town, none on the way back?
You gotta read that in a geometrical way, and yes, geometry is also based on math in a way. The link I provided explaines all of that, why go at length and formulate such a nonsense argument. You gotta start reading to get things in your brain, or maybe you're just one of these politican types that like to argue to play with the peoples diffuse fears to get them to throw atom bombs at North Korea

what is you live on one side of a black hole that effects astrogation? and your goal is on the other side of it, around a highly radioactive nebula..
Black holes are outside of what is currently accepted by the standard model of astronomy for the sheer reason the physical laws break down when space gets zeroed but temperature and pressure become a quasi-infinite.

We know that gravity affects time but do your eyes see this?
You gotta read that in a geometrical way, and yes, geometry is also based on math in a way. The link I provided explaines all of that, why go at length and formulate such a nonsense argument. You gotta start reading to get things in your brain, or maybe you're just one of these politican types that like to argue to play with the peoples diffuse fears to get them to throw atom bombs at North Korea

Black holes are outside of what is currently accepted by the standard model of astronomy for the sheer reason the physical laws break down when space gets zeroed but temperature and pressure become a quasi-infinite.

We know that gravity affects time but do your eyes see this?

Geometry is also based on math in a way...
Click the red arrow at the top right to hear the AI text to music. It's pretty cool. This is just basic level and few parameters. There's lots more you can do with it though when you run it locally or are running the server.

Scary isn't it? :o
Click the red arrow at the top right to hear the AI text to music. It's pretty cool. This is just basic level and few parameters. There's lots more you can do with it though when you run it locally or are running the server.

Scary isn't it? :o

Kinda relaxing.

black fire flames wind ocean coral sea

Just another example of AI. You can generate images from text this is music from text. Lots of possibilities with AI. I'm debating whether to drop a bunch of money on an expensive GPU where all the processing takes place. My 8 gig card gets small stuff done but it bogs down significantly when training models. I'm definitely going to need more power in the future but it's probably more cost effective to just rent processing power from one of the many cloud providers if I need it.
black fire flames wind ocean coral sea

Just another example of AI. You can generate images from text this is music from text. Lots of possibilities with AI. I'm debating whether to drop a bunch of money on an expensive GPU where all the processing takes place. My 8 gig card gets small stuff done but it bogs down significantly when training models. I'm definitely going to need more power in the future but it's probably more cost effective to just rent processing power from one of the many cloud providers if I need it.

That was nice! I am a musician so this is pretty inspiring.

Yea, I do not know much about tech, but will need to at some point.
I think technology will save the world. If you look globally, for the most part, technology will save and help people, in all sectors. For example, technology is now helping a huge number of people with certain disabilities to live fully and not feel disadvantaged. For example, I tested out how these technologies work on myself not too long ago. I used such a service as sop writing service. Now there is no need to spend a huge amount of time on unnecessary things. It all simplifies our life with you. Therefore, I believe it is more of a lifesaver than a detriment.
It's to late to save this rock we all call home. Politics, the rich and everyone in-between move way way to slow to reverse the damage caused by years and years of greed. Hell we can't even have open communication with our most of our neighbors let alone countries. Look at Russia and the Ukraine war? Russia blames Ukraine and they invaded Ukraine. Our own former so called leader spread, said and repeated more lies than anyone in a elected office ever. Crazy and sad how many idiots believed what he said. Hate to say it but I think we're all fucked. How much time till still rock burns who knows but sadly with the way things are going and have been going it's only a matter of time.
Interesting that this vessel is owned by YARA. Soon some of the ingredients for all those bottled nutes people use will be delivered by a robot ship.

"Eventually the Yara Birkeland will navigate aided by sensors, including radar and cameras, which will feed data to an artificial intelligence, which will detect and classify waterborne obstacles."

"Owned by fertiliser giant Yara, the Yara Birkeland has been sailing twice weekly for last several months from the firm's enormous plant near Porsgrunn to the port of Brevik, carrying up to 100 containers and collecting data along the 13km (8 miles) route."

Interesting that this vessel is owned by YARA. Soon some of the ingredients for all those bottled nutes people use will be delivered by a robot ship.

"Eventually the Yara Birkeland will navigate aided by sensors, including radar and cameras, which will feed data to an artificial intelligence, which will detect and classify waterborne obstacles."

"Owned by fertiliser giant Yara, the Yara Birkeland has been sailing twice weekly for last several months from the firm's enormous plant near Porsgrunn to the port of Brevik, carrying up to 100 containers and collecting data along the 13km (8 miles) route."

Ghost ships
So Elon Musk is asking for a pause in AI because he's not the leader in it and OpenAI refused to let him take control and now it's backed by Microsoft. So now his backside is hurt.

His self driving isn't working out as planned and there is some serious competition being backed by Bill Gates.

"I recently had the opportunity to test drive—or test ride, I guess—a vehicle made by the British company Wayve, which has a fairly novel approach. While a lot of AVs can only navigate on streets that have been loaded into their system, the Wayve vehicle operates more like a person. It can drive anywhere a human can drive."

"When you get behind the wheel of a car, you rely on the knowledge you’ve accumulated from every other drive you’ve ever taken. That’s why you know what to do at a stop sign, even if you’ve never seen that particular sign on that specific road before. Wayve uses deep learning techniques to do the same thing. The algorithm learns by example. It applies lessons acquired from lots of real world driving and simulations to interpret its surroundings and respond in real time."

"The result was a memorable ride. The car drove us around downtown London, which is one of the most challenging driving environments imaginable, and it was a bit surreal to be in the car as it dodged all the traffic. (Since the car is still in development, we had a safety driver in the car just in case, and she assumed control several times.)"

Elon Musk and others urge AI pause, citing 'risks to society'

Society is already at risk from Tesla's Autopilot which has already cause fatalities.

Well this would be quite a significant breakthrough.

A team of scientists at the school’s Center for Materials Innovation found that crustaceans like crabs and lobsters contain a chemical in their shells called chitin, which can be used to power batteries when combined with zinc.

Crustacean shells packed with this chemical are typically thrown out en masse by restaurants that have no other use for them. But researchers believe this waste could serve as a powerful resource in the search for more sustainable batteries.
