i'm closing shop


Well-Known Member
i gotta tell you, im working at the park and its a lovely job. Ride the trails on a gator, go fishing early in the morning. Feed the snakes and the hawks, not to mention my favorite the owl. Its not a bad job to look into if you dont mind being outdoors all day.
what kind of park? also, those things sound nice, but what does the actual work entail?


Well-Known Member
its not a national or state park, its just the one here in the town i live in. Its got about 10 miles of trails and 2 lakes with a big ass dam. They have a building where they house the snakes and turtles and a spot outback where they keep the birds...turkey vultues, red tail hawks, and a couple of owls. The work is easy, if theres some trash on the ground then pick it up, im supposed to be on the lookout for kids smoking pot in the woods haha. They have summer programs where they bring kids from local daycares out and we play kickball and shit like that with them. They have a small ampitheatre with some concerts in the summer but its just small local bands. Theres campground areas for RV's and tents with showers and bathrooms. They rent out cannoes and paddle boats, its a good job all in all.
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Well-Known Member
it's not the market it's all the assholes. shit talking bullshitters. i'm really bored with it all. total waste of my time. :roll::blsmoke:
Well, for what it's worth...if I was in the US at the moment, I would have the bucks to buy a lb or two at least from you. I doubt it'd get through the mail to here though :?:mrgreen:.


Well-Known Member
Give it away for free... you should avoid your weed becoming another capitalist weapon, like it allready has judgeing by the prices you guys pay.

Anyhow, I should be off to go water my gorilla grow.


other states aren't as flooded...

a few hours drive can make ya a few grand...

you're just gonna have to watch yourself a bit more if ya take that road


Well-Known Member
you could change light bulbs on cell towers ive heard you get paid by the foot.(climb a foot get a dollar. i dont know what they pay exactly) you should try writing if youre not too concerned about income. it helps pass the time and is alot more rewarding when someone isnt breathing down your neck and waiting to crush that sense of accomplishment you get when you finish writing something, with a C-, for grammatical errors. not that you have bad grammar or anything, just saying


Well-Known Member
At least you can say that you have been there and done that. You were very successful obviously. You did a LOT for the community. It is just like the other thread saying that if it is legal you need a job.

Times are changing. 10 years ago when the med card was new, it was great for everyone that was growing undergrond up untill that point. They already knew what was up. It was going off for them. Finally they could grow and if be legal. on top of that there were places to sell to that needed a huge stock.

Well, like I said, times changes, now everyone is growing, and there is the supply. People are growing for themselves. Everyone is now. so they grow for themselves, then they don't buy anymore, they give it to their close friends and fam, then they don't buy anymore, then they sell to the club, and that makes YOUR bud worth less.

It sucks for you but is good for people like me that are just now getting the luxuary of being able to smoke BOMB nuggets all day.


Well-Known Member

can you not still grow your huge gardens, not sell it, and still get a day job?

Do what you love to do man!! Grow your pot and let that shit accumulate so that when your too old to grow it you got a basement full of weed. Kinda like stocking up food for the winter ... but with weed ... :eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

i dunno . . . thats the part of me that wants to someday see jungles of giant multicolored marijuana trees growing in your garden speaking.


Well-Known Member

can you not still grow your huge gardens, not sell it, and still get a day job?

Do what you love to do man!! Grow your pot and let that shit accumulate so that when your too old to grow it you got a basement full of weed. Kinda like stocking up food for the winter ... but with weed ... :eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

i dunno . . . thats the part of me that wants to someday see jungles of giant multicolored marijuana trees growing in your garden speaking.
i need a really nice post hole digger. wink, wink. :mrgreen::mrgreen:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I hear ya.All drugs are like that anymore.Used to be able to hang out with your friends, have some good conversations,good times, now it's all about money and getting on top....and none of it really means anything in the long run.Take up painting, start a band, play on weekends at dive bars.Do what makes you happy before you die.:peace:
started last year with the 10k loss/burn. hasn't stopped. gets worse everyday. everyone's a friggin' pot star. and every single one of them is full of shit. i've had 100 promises made to me in the past 4 months and none came thru. it's all bullshit. they all say stuff like "i can go to the city and get 3 grand". ok go. they never do. "oh, they get 5 in LA." go, prove it. they can't. i go to the club to vend, he says "come back in 20 mins". i do. he says "sorry, we're done", then snickers.

all everybody is in it for is themselves. all i hear is "how much money?" "i want money." "what gets the most money?" that and every clown and his sister thinks they are better than the next guy. you can't just sit back and get stoooooned with anyone anymore. it's turned too competitive. hell they even ruined the cannabis cup. it all bullsh*t. :roll: :mrgreen:

i started out doing this for fun. it's becoming more stressful then it is fun. i'm done. i'll throw a few outside next summer for myself. maybe plant veggies in half my garden. i can grow a little for myself and the money i save not buyijng it will be more than what i need. i think i'd be a lot happy this way. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
I hear ya.All drugs are like that anymore.Used to be able to hang out with your friends, have some good conversations,good times, now it's all about money and getting on top....and none of it really means anything in the long run.Take up painting, start a band, play on weekends at dive bars.Do what makes you happy before you die.:peace:
can't sit around and get high without your weed being analyzed and then god forbid i let them see my grow. then it's all about "you gotta do this and you gotta do that". :evil:


Well-Known Member
its not a national or state park, its just the one here in the town i live in. Its got about 10 miles of trails and 2 lakes with a big ass dam. They have a building where they house the snakes and turtles and a spot outback where they keep the birds...turkey vultues, red tail hawks, and a couple of owls. The work is easy, if theres some trash on the ground then pick it up, im supposed to be on the lookout for kids smoking pot in the woods haha. They have summer programs where they bring kids from local daycares out and we play kickball and shit like that with them. They have a small ampitheatre with some concerts in the summer but its just small local bands. Theres campground areas for RV's and tents with showers and bathrooms. They rent out cannoes and paddle boats, its a good job all in all.
dude.. that sounds like a really cool job... you know... for a job I guess...

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
:( fdd your mking me sad man. Is it all become greed and politics? My dream is to move somewhere and do legal grow. I wanna be the guy I've always wanted to be too!...a guy in a really big garden of weed that is chill. say it aint so.. say there's still room to make a living on the chron and not lose your spiritual center (or your hair) while doing it!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I know.Fdd, I myself am a hermit IRL.I can't stand to be around people anymore.This ite is the only social interaction I get, lol.Folks have just...become dumbasses.No manners, or respect,think they know everything.Now, I'm sure not everyone is like this, but there are so many out there, it makes life tedious.I can't keep my damn mouth shut when someone pisses me off, so I just decided to lay low from life.
can't sit around and get high without your weed being analyzed and then god forbid i let them see my grow. then it's all about "you gotta do this and you gotta do that". :evil: