I've been wondering these past 5 or 6 years, or longer, why there's no dems or dem presidents
impeached, or arrested, or investigated, or charged, or their staff and cabinets charged, and
arrested. What is it the dems are doing that the GOPs aren't? I just wonder. Is it
that the dems create and falsify charges against the poor stupid republicans who aren't capable
of fighting off all of these fake charges? Or don't the republicans mount an investigative campaign
against the democrats? Or even, can't the repubs falsify fake charges against the dems, aren't they
smart enough to do that? Or, could it be that by nature the GOP is just a felonious party?

Bubba's really the only one, really. The repub allies, the moral majority, christian coalition, they even
get busted all the time for doing what they say they hate, pedophilia and drugs. Where are all the
dems doing this? Why aren't they charged, arrested, jailed? This goes back to Reagan, the Bush
cartel, and of course the orange demon. This world is INSANE when things turn out the way they have.
What? Were you asleep for pizzagate?
trump has to be nice and not make any provocative statements 6 months? :lol: I give him 6 days before he gets his first ass chewing, and maybe three weeks before he gets in serious shit with his mouth.
There is no fucking way he can shut the fuck up for even a few days, much less months.
Maybe we should run a pool on a thread with a poll. How long can Trump STFU and avoid jail? When will his first ass chewing be? How many will he get before he gets jailed?

The heat will soon be turned up to white hot soon as other indictments drop, there is talk of Georgia in a month and Jack is winding things up on the docs case. The imprtant thing is he will have multiple indictments before his first trial date, and they won't drop the charges if he is found innocent on this one as some feared. Indictments have been made before a judge and unless Garland wants to do a Bill Barr for Trump and try to withdraw them, they will go to trial. Once indictments are made he becomes the custody of the judge and I dunno how they handle things if Trump is in the custody of two different state judges and a federal judge, I guess the federal one takes it for custody restrictions.

Donald is posing some interesting and delightful questions, who gets his ass and avoiding a legal squabble about things, they will need a special coordinating organization with staff! :lol: Maybe AI for scheduling and they will print him out a Calander of appearances like a high school class chart on the inside of a kid's locker, with his various restrictions printed on the back! :lol:
He couldn't have done it without Congressional authorization from Associate Butchers of Bagdhad like Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden.
Trump couldn't have done J6 without conspirators in congress and Jack will have Mark Meadows by the balls and Mark knows everybody who asked for a pardon and knows where all the bodies are buried with receipts.

Jack doesn't need Mark to put Donald away for life over the docs and obstruction and that will happen long before the J6 stuff, the more republican congressional heads Mark can deliver the lighter his sentence. When they make a deal with Jack they have to confess to ALL their crimes, even those not charged, and they must tell of any crimes by others that they have knowledge of. Remember they are republicans, grifters and crooks are common among them, so the rats will be squealing and dealing when Jack gets rolling, most of these assholes would sell out their own fucking mothers for a buck.

The Gospel of Mark will save America! :lol:
Cannabineer, you drive me crazy with your assignments. But i'll give it the ol' college try.
when you look since 2017, what happens to that roughly even ratio?
W/o going into detail, it's still about even, amazingly enough. Is it, could it be
just liberal media making more of it than it is? NAH!

But hey, here's what wiki shows:

2009–2017 (Barack Obama presidency)
Executive, Legislative, Judicial
2017–2021 (Donald Trump presidency)
Executive, Legislative, Judicial
Both admins combined show by my hand count like 6 dems and 13 GOPs:

But my search hasn't been really well done. I looked at the following sites w/no substantial results:
And I reviewed some other sources. I'm just not that good at googleing.
Maybe we should run a pool on a thread with a poll. How long can Trump STFU and avoid jail? When will his first ass chewing be? How many will he get before he gets jailed?

The heat will soon be turned up to white hot soon as other indictments drop, there is talk of Georgia in a month and Jack is winding things up on the docs case. The imprtant thing is he will have multiple indictments before his first trial date, and they won't drop the charges if he is found innocent on this one as some feared. Indictments have been made before a judge and unless Garland wants to do a Bill Barr for Trump and try to withdraw them, they will go to trial. Once indictments are made he becomes the custody of the judge and I dunno how they handle things if Trump is in the custody of two different state judges and a federal judge, I guess the federal one takes it for custody restrictions.

Donald is posing some interesting and delightful questions, who gets his ass and avoiding a legal squabble about things, they will need a special coordinating organization with staff! :lol: Maybe AI for scheduling and they will print him out a Calander of appearances like a high school class chart on the inside of a kid's locker, with his various restrictions printed on the back! :lol:
I'm just wishing for him to have a debilitating stroke, which would be true justice in my opinion. Silence him and let him watch his empire crumble, his kids have to get jobs, ending his life in a cheap retirement center, mute till the day he drops dead.
Cannabineer, you drive me crazy with your assignments. But i'll give it the ol' college try.W/o going into detail, it's still about even, amazingly enough. Is it, could it be
just liberal media making more of it than it is? NAH!

But hey, here's what wiki shows:

2009–2017 (Barack Obama presidency)
Executive, Legislative, Judicial
2017–2021 (Donald Trump presidency)
Executive, Legislative, Judicial
Both admins combined show by my hand count like 6 dems and 13 GOPs:

But my search hasn't been really well done. I looked at the following sites w/no substantial results:
And I reviewed some other sources. I'm just not that good at googleing.
Cannabineer, you drive me crazy with your assignments. But i'll give it the ol' college try.W/o going into detail, it's still about even, amazingly enough. Is it, could it be
just liberal media making more of it than it is? NAH!

But hey, here's what wiki shows:

2009–2017 (Barack Obama presidency)
Executive, Legislative, Judicial
2017–2021 (Donald Trump presidency)
Executive, Legislative, Judicial
Both admins combined show by my hand count like 6 dems and 13 GOPs:

But my search hasn't been really well done. I looked at the following sites w/no substantial results:
And I reviewed some other sources. I'm just not that good at googleing.
I just poked around, and I agree that the info appears quite fragmented.

Scanning this, which is restricted to state legislators, 40 of 90 were Democrats. That’s close enough to corroborate your findings of pretty even.

So, three possibilities.
1) Lately a heavy preponderance of Republicans are making the news for criminal misconduct.
2) The center and center-left sources I favor are biasing their reporting (least likely imo).
3) I’m engaging in confirmation bias regarding what I notice and remember.

I think it is a mix, proportions uncertain, of 1 and 3.
I just poked around, and I agree that the info appears quite fragmented.

Scanning this, which is restricted to state legislators, 40 of 90 were Democrats. That’s close enough to corroborate your findings of pretty even.

So, three possibilities.
1) Lately a heavy preponderance of Republicans are making the news for criminal misconduct.
2) The center and center-left sources I favor are biasing their reporting (least likely imo).
3) I’m engaging in confirmation bias regarding what I notice and remember.

I think it is a mix, proportions uncertain, of 1 and 3.
is the discussion centered around sexual offenses? i must have missed that...
Well, wtg, Roger, you found what I was looking for. Here's the headlines from your first and last, respectively:

There have been 317 criminal indictments under three recent Republican presidents and only three indictments under three recent Democratic presidents.
The dailykos article charts the following stats:
Years in







Barack ObamaDemocratic8000
George W. BushRepublican816169
Bill ClintonDemocratic8211
George H. W. BushRepublican4111
Ronald ReaganRepublican826168
Jimmy CarterDemocratic4100
Gerald FordRepublican2.4111
Richard NixonRepublican5.6765515

Republican Presidencies Have 91X the Convictions Rate of Democratic Presidencies
I'd just like to know how the partisans of the right can justify this. It's all just
"liberal media, fake news"? Or it's just liberal judicial appointees? I mean if
i was a GOP voter, I couldn't with any semblance of conscience justify my
continued support of what are basically, criminals. I cannot justify USA
interventions in countries from Vietnam forward, not to mention CIA interventions
prior to that in what became to be known as the (Dole) "Banana Republics" in
Central America. SHIT MAN! Fair is fair. And so the right would have us to believe
that might makes right? I can't do it. It's not fair, not right! PERIOD!
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